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Whoah - this month has been busy between actual work and holidays - I have found no time to post!  I do however have a lot of content I owe you all ASAP!  i am well aware that I need to keep up the content that I have promised, so I will be posting as many posts as I can this week to catch up. I do want all my patrons to get lots of content this month.  

To start, I wanted to point out the Memory Vault additions for my $20 patrons for this month.  The first set is a monthly Cacia set that includes 46 images and also a hilarious and even sexy little video (she is even singing throughout most of it) from this one time my friends took us to pick berries on Sauvie Island outside Portland, OR.  Cacia being Cacia, she quickly ended up with her tits bared and stealing handfuls of berries straight off the trees at a U-Pick Farm and stuffing them in her mouth (apologies to any families who caught sight of us goofing around). VERY good times with Cacia, as always.

The second set of 48 images documents the first time I ever swam with my friend Daniella.  She ended up being one of my dearest friends, and a lover for a short time.  She is an all around upstanding human being, though admittedly its hard to describe her personality. That sounds mysterious perhaps, but its just that she is alternating so awkward, and so understanding and zen-like.  She comes off sometimes as a bit ditzy, but she is overflowing with real wisdom.  She is burdened by less ego than most anyone i ever met.  Ishot these images as i feel in love with her on a sadly overcast day (nothing ruins my underwater photo style more than no direct sun). She may not be great at "modeling", but she looked great in the pool anyway. 

If you are one of my $20 Archive tier patrons, you can find these sets in the password protected Archive folder you have the link to. If you have never subscribed at the $20 level you are missing out - the Archive folder now has almost 50 exclusive sets and over 100 archived sets from past $5 and $10 tier posts.



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