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This set of 23 hi-res images is now in the "Archive" folder - subscribe at the $25 Archive Tier for access to this and more than 150 other sets!!!

With Halloween coming I was reminded that I never got around to posting this complete shoot with Lexi (I posted a small set last year around this time). Its not actually a very spooky shoot but the skeleton lace dress she wore that day will always remind me of the holiday. 

I am posting the rest of the shoot (after we ditched the dress swim around and to focus on sinking in bubbles) for my $10 and $15 patrons, but I included a few images in this $5 set as well. I have to say I was kind of surprised at how well each series with her turned out!  You never know who is going to end up naturally looking 'good' in the underwater environment.

Also - Lexi is the first and only model that her mom along with her to the shoot!   

Palos Verdes, CA. August 2015.



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