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I had so many images that I liked from this shoot.  I don't know why.  When I was shooting I didn't think it was going that well. Lilith had never shot underwater, and she had a lot of ideas in her mind about what shooting in water was like, and what we could achieve under the circumstances that were not very realistic, and she (like all models i have worked with underwater) was discovering just how challenging it was to try and actually model underwater.  We still had a good day and made the best of the conditions, but I left thinking that I had let her down somewhat (and maybe she still feels that way - she is pretty cagey and I have never gotten much feedback from her about the images compared to the response I get from most people I shoot underwater), but after going through the images a few times over the last year, developing some interesting treatments and paring away unnecessary images, i came to really like the remaining photos, as imperfect as many of them are.

This is a small sampling, but for the $5 and $10 tiers I am uploading folders of 30 images each because I couldn't pare down what I wanted to share to any less than that (And the $15 BTS patrons will also be getting a few more even alongside the behind the scenes images and video). i don't know why, but this shoot really grew on me.



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