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Going through the stuff i was planning to post in this week, it seems like I was drawn to shoots with models with certain....assets.  I guess i don't shoot a lot of busty women, and they present their specific challenges and rewards, but mostly I this string of choices made me think about the draw to the human bosom.  Maybe this is clinical and not interesting to some to break down the appeal of big boobs, but I ramble on my Patreon... 

We are basically the only mammal that has evolved to have excess fat around the mammaries (not just swollen from milk, but extra fat) amongst females.  I had always had this assumption that males were drawn to breasts because it reminded us subconsciously of our earliest memories, of breastfeeding (Is this related to my suspicion that the safety and freedom people often feel being naked in water reminds us subconsciously of our time in the womb?).  At some point though i read that the evolution of enlarged breasts in female humans had more to do with adapting to walking upright.  Whereas before when we walked on four legs, the female butt was at eye level for our ancestor species, and the view of the butt attracted males to intercourse, once we walked upright, that view was taken from constant site and instead the early homo species only looked directly at one another's head from front or back.  The theory posited that enlarged breasts developed as a means of attracting mates, and actually served as a reminder of the butt, the view we would have just before sex (like previous species, proto-human species still likely had sex "doggy style"). So bigger boobs developed in females of homo erectus to remind men of their asses?? (lets try not to graft this onto our modern way of life - copious mating would have been necessary for survival of species as those species were not the dominant one in their environment the way humans are today).   Anyhow - I always thought that theory was at once ridiculous and also made sense on a certain level.  Obviously we don't have a way to know if its true, but its a curious anatomical thing to think about.

Lots more images from these shots coming out in the next week or so (the shoot above was just posted today with up to 60 hi-res images and 2 videos, depending on which tier you have paid for.  Consider joining for access to well over 100 patron only posts!




PS Cacia has some of the best breasts I've ever seen.

Dan Kitchens

No argument with you on that point about Cacia, Matt. 😋