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I remember that this shoot was definitely one of those really good excuses to beat the heat of the Los Angeles summer, and Pris had her own pool, so it was really casual to drop by her place on a weekday afternoon for a swim, but I brought along my whole underwater rig to capture some images while we were at it.  We started with tequila, and me commenting on the sort of nostalgia her t-shirt brought out in me (For males of a certain age, the film "Emmanuelle" was very formative, and even the sight of the logo put me in the right frame of mind to capture images of skinny dipping (you'd have to have seen the movie to get this i guess), but also that led to the topic of her boobs, which are pretty hard to ignore.  I remember asking her how she felt about them, and that a lot of chesty young women have a lot of issues surrounding their breasts, and the attention they attract.  She told me that she understood that stuff, but also that she tried to appreciate them and planned to enjoy them in her youth.  Lucky for us!



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