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Synopsis: In the future, a young man decides to enjoy a family vacation his own way. A private first class cabin is sweet, but even sweeter are the perks that come with it...

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Nathan knew the ship was going to be big. He’d read the brochure, seen some vids, even had a scale holo-model sitting in his bedroom back home. But nothing compared to seeing it in person, with his own eyes.

An interstellar cruiseliner was docked, looming proudly among the spacefaring vessels at the Jameson Spaceport. By far the largest among them and it wasn’t even close. More than a century after mankind mastered space travel and the leviathan hanging hundreds of feet in the air still seemed like an impossibility. And yet there it was, right before Nathan’s eyes.

The ISV Majestic.

Four million tons of advanced steel alloy held up in the air by the power of anti-gravity - and a drive core worth more than a million premium tickets. And it was only a commercial vessel! Nathan could only imagine the tech that a military ship housed within.

The teenager felt the rush of boyish excitement buzz through his body, his nerves dancing just beneath his skin. It was a sensation he hadn’t felt in quite a few years, with his bright childhood shifting quickly into a cynical youth. Today was different. Today was special.

Nathan didn’t just have a ticket on board. For this voyage, Nathan Smith would enjoy the luxury of premium first class.

“She’s a beauty, ain’t she?” Nathan nearly jumped as his father’s large hand clapped him on the shoulder. He stood beside his son, craning his neck to view the ship in question floating above their heads. “Damn near a mile long. Can you believe that?”

David Smith had the same dark brown hair as his Nathan, though cut shorter and graying at the temples. A husky man in his mid-fifties, Nathan’s dad looked ready for vacation in the way only a man his age could - dressed in a tropical-themes shirt and board shorts, he was already prepped for the artificial beaches housed within the cruise liner. A garish outfit it was, and certainly any other time Nathan might have felt embarrassed to be seen in proximity. But not today. Nathan was in too good a mood.

“It’s not just the size. Her drive core is worth more than a colony world’s GDP.” Nathan was grinning ear to ear as he spoke, shaking his head. Even as the words left his lips, he could hardly believe it. But at the same time, his eyes could see the truth floating right in front of him.

Mr. Smith gave a low whistle.

“Can you imagine how much it costs just to fire it up for a one-way trip? No wonder the tickets were so damn expensive.”

Nathan gave a silent nod.

“Thanks for taking us on this trip, dad.” He said, softly punching the older man on the arm. “Saving up couldn’t have been easy.”

He knew well how much his family had splurged on this vacation - and he knew even better how much he himself had dolled out for his own personal cabin upgrade.

Every cent of his allowance savings and job paychecks since he was thirteen. Five years of discipline, setting aside cash and not touching it, because he knew it would be worth it. He’d always been a smart kid, watching all of his friends and classmates blow their money on meaningless short-term delights. Nathan knew that the real joys in life came with a fat price tag. It only made sense to start saving early. Just like his parents who’d been planning this cruise for years.

“None of that.” His dad waved a hand dismissively. “The family deserves it. We’ve all been working hard. Your mother and I both know how well you’ve been performing in school. You and your sister. And my recent promotion definitely didn’t hurt. Consider this a celebration.”

Nathan grinned. God willing, he was going to celebrate for the whole damn cruise. Over his dad’s shoulder, Nathan spotted his mom and sister approaching, each carrying a small shopping bag - no doubt filled with trinkets from the spaceport gift shop. Mr. Smith noticed them soon after, snorting when he noticed the bags himself.

He turned back to Nathan, wearing a more thoughtful expression then.

“So… are you sure about bunking separately for the trip? Your mom is still a little disappointed…”

“Yeah, I’m sure.” Nathan exhaled, averting his dad’s eyes for a moment. He chewed on his tongue, before quickly following up. “It’s not that I’m embarrassed to be with you guys or anything.”

“Of course not.” His dad gave a small laugh, throwing a hairy arm around the teenager’s shoulders. “You’re a young man. You need some space. I get it, Nate. Your mother might not like it… but I get it.”

Nathan let out another breath. The older man’s words were a monumental relief to hear.

“Thanks, dad.” He said, sincerely.

He loved his family. But he could only truly enjoy the perks of first class alone.

Even back at the ripe age of thirteen, Nathan knew exactly what he wanted. He’d read the brochures cover to cover, digested every bit of info he could find. But nothing stuck with him more than the images of the cruise liner stewardesses. The very reason he’d upgraded in the first place.

Lovely, stunning ladies, each and every one of them. And how could anyone not notice, what with their uniforms designed to evoke their feminine charm? Short skirts flattering their thighs and legs, brief tops that left their taut bellies bare and cupped their breasts high and tight. The cute little hats, making them appear even more demure and delicate. All in a soft shade of light blue.

The cruise would no doubt be nice. But it was the stewardesses that would make that time fun. Oh so very fun.

This vacation will be one to remember…

Nathan’s eyes flickered as he shook himself from his daze. For a moment, he’d been positively beaming. Even worse, he turned to see his dad wearing what might have been a very knowing smile. The older man leaned closer, murmuring just as Nathan’s mom and sister drew close.

“Just warning you, though… any charges you rack up during the trip are your problem.”

Nathan nodded quickly.

“I’ll be careful.”

“Your wallet will thank you.” His dad shot back, a humorous glint in his eyes.

His mom and sister, Maria and Jessica Smith, finally drew up beside the father and son. Both women looked up at the cruise liner, just as star-struck as the two men had been.

“Wow.” Nathan’s mother started, shaking her head. “I’m never going to get used to how big that thing is.”

A moment passed. Then she slapped her husband on the arm.

“Wipe that look off your face, David. You know what I meant.”

“I didn’t say anything.” His dad answered, his hands held up in surrender. But all could see clearly the laughter behind his eyes.

“Ew.” Nathan saw his sister Jess give a short, exaggerated shudder. The elder sibling gave a huff and crossed her arms. “Are they boarding passengers yet?”

“We’re still waiting for the go-ahead.” Nathan gestured to the very obviously closed boarding elevators.

Jess either didn’t notice the jab or didn’t care. She gave another huff, flipping her reddish-brown hair over her shoulder. She shifted on her feet, frowning.

“Well, they’d better give the go-ahead soon. My feet are killing me.”

“Don’t wear heels to the departure terminal next time.” Nathan answered flatly.

“We’re going on vacation, Nate. I have to look my best.

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It would be another hour or so before the passengers were herded onto The Majestic. By that point even Nathan was parroting his sister’s complaints, feeling a soreness in his feet and legs from standing around for so long.

But those complaints died on his lips the moment he stepped on board. His sour mood vanished instantly, excitement flooding back to take its place. The Majestic was exactly that, with just the boarding lobby giving off an aura of wealth and fine luxury.

It was like stepping into a whole new world, swallowed up by an atmosphere that could only be born from gilded arches of gold and platinum, the scent of crisp champagne, and the buzz that made Nathan feel like royalty.

That was just the lobby. Imagine how the cabin is going to be!

And Nathan indeed imagined, his mind running wild as he walked briskly through the halls. His eyes danced from door to door, reading the room numbers, his eagerness building and building as he drew closer and closer to his own cabin… and the first class delights that waited for him inside.

Nathan picked up the pace, not caring how sore his legs were. He was close now, reading the numbers off under his breath as he passed them.

“1124… 1125… 1126… 1127.

Nathan couldn’t open the door fast enough. He swiped his passenger wristband against the mag-lock and entered.

A private first class cabin. Premium service. His very own little slice of heaven for the next two and a half weeks.

Well worth what the money he had shelled out for it, Nathan decided. And he hadn’t even laid eyes on some of the other perks yet.

A large bed, set with lovely silk sheets of warm blue. Straight across on the far wall was a large holo-screen. A vaguely tropical design covered the walls, evoking images of rolling waves and lush palm trees. Nathan spotted a sitting area in the far corner, a small pit centered around a circular table with a light in the middle giving off a warm glow. So too was there a desk, installed with a holo terminal to access the extranet - a “study” for those who enjoyed reading. And off to one side, a door that no doubt led to his private bathroom - which included a shower stall and a bathtub that could turn into a jacuzzi.

All held within the spacious cabin. Cozy. Welcoming. Luxurious.

Nathan took a moment to drink it all in. His dad's words rang true in his head - he did deserve this. He’d worked hard not just in school, but in all the odd jobs he’d done - fry cook, cashier, even cleaning up the yard for his neighbors. Nathan had earned every scent.

“Woah.” The teenager said to himself. He tossed his luggage onto the bed, unable to keep the smile off his face. “Nice digs.”

He reached out to draw his hand over the silk sheets. So soft.

“Pretty unbelievable, right?” Came a sweet, lovely, feminine voice.

Nathan shot up straight, turning to face the source. His heart hammered, his whole body coming alive. Stunned the young man was, even if he already knew exactly who she was and why she was there.

The stewardess had entered just behind him and somehow Nathan hadn’t heard her. It would have been frightening to think about… if Nathan cared at all.

The holos just didn’t do justice to the real thing. Nathan couldn’t even speak. She wasn’t a hologram, or an android, or a figment of some boyish fantasy. She was flesh and blood. And she was gorgeous.

The woman stepped closer, the cabin door closing shut behind her, the mag-lock clicking audibly as if to drive it home. She clasped her hands behind her back, standing attentively before Nathan, looking upon her passenger with bright eyes and a cute smile.

Nathan still didn’t speak, drawing his eyes over the stewardess. Every inch of her was lovely. Long legs, so shapely and deliciously smooth. Wide hips wrapped snug in that tight, short skirt. Her flat, delicate belly left bare, the softness casting a unique allure that entranced Nathan’s young mind. Her bosom, paradoxically hidden away and revealed by her brief uniform top. The gentle curves of milky cleavage offered up to his eyes, teasing the teenager with more sweetness to uncover. Her uniform was clearly designed to allure, accentuating her body, her curves, in a way that pleased those who had a taste for women. A taste that Nathan had acquired early on.

The teenager admired, enjoying that pale figure wrapped up in scanty cuts of delicate blue. The young man swallowed, his heart racing as his gaze finally reached her face. She possessed gentle eyes, blue almost like sapphires. Rosy cheeks gave her face a girlish touch, coupled with her small, cute nose. Her lips were full, plump, but not quite bee-stung. And they were curled into a knowing smile.

“I take it this is your first time traveling in premium first class?” She offered, her voice remaining so soft and sweet.

Nathan breathed in, realizing he’d been caught. Because of course he had, openly ogling the way he was. He thought he might say something, anything, but the words just wouldn’t come.

Thankfully, the stewardess - his stewardess - was gracious enough to save the teenager from himself.

“I suppose that’s a yes.” She giggled.

Nathan’s heart felt like it clenched, hearing that lovely sound. He’d flirted with girls before, but those were girls his own age, girls from his school, girls he knew. The stewardess was a woman. More than that, she was a woman who - for the next two and a half weeks - would attend to his needs with undivided attention.

He’d been saving up for years in order to claim that exact prize. And now she was standing right in front of him. Even so, it still hadn’t sunken in yet.

“Hi.” Nathan began - quite lamely, too. For a moment he averted his eyes, as if he found something on the wall more interesting than the stunning woman before him. He forced himself to put his eyes back to meet hers. “Uh… So, you’re-”

“My name is Zora.” She answered, that knowing smile remaining, joined now by subtle delight in her dazzling eyes. She gave a small bow - Nathan didn’t know if that was customary for the staff of The Majestic, or if she was just doing that to tease him. “I’ll be your personal attendant for the duration of this voyage. You shelled out a lot of extra cash for this cabin. I’m one of the perks!”

She did a cute little spin then, her face bright and cheery as she presented herself. The gesture gave Nathan an even better view of her legs… and her backside. He thought the skirt was snug before, but seeing the way it clung to her buttocks… If this was one of those old-timey cartoons, Nathan would have howled like a wolf with steam shooting from his ears.

Her eyes glimmered brilliantly as she faced him again, delighting in the young man’s clear desire. There was no doubt in Nathan’s mind then - she had to have known why he went ahead for his own private cabin.

What teenage boy didn’t want a pretty lady doting on him?

Nathan couldn’t help but give a dopey smile. Money that was hard earned was now money well spent.

Zora clasped her hands behind her back again, standing up straight. Crips, professional… but also deliberate. Her chest pushed out, her soft, ample bosom now straining against the blue fabric of her top. Her cleavage seemed like it wished to pour through the opening, pale globes desperate to grace the young man’s eyes. A promise for what was to come.

“Welcome aboard The Majestic, Mister Smith.” Zora formally greeted him, her words coming warm and sweet. Her smile grew, her eyes glittering bright and eager. “What do you want to do first?”



Good start to a new series. Looking forward to more.