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It had been a successful hunt.

Thor looked out over his camp, pleased as a captain could be. The air was heavy with the scent of smoke, salt, and roasted boar. So too could the exiled prince catch the scent of cooked fish, baked bread, and even sweet mead. But none pleased him more than the sight before his eyes - his men, his band of warriors, talking, joking, celebrating alongside villagers and Amazons.

Some were dancing. Some beat drums. Some sang - poorly. Some were gathered around in a small circle, playing a game of dice. Some were getting even closer - like Sven and his Amazon friend, the one Thor learned was called Penthiselia. Most were feasting, savoring the juicy, roasted meat of the mighty boar they had slain on their grand hunt. They ate ravenously and washed it down with Varangian mead or local wine.

These were people who were happy to be alive. The ones who carried the brilliant flame of mortality. Thor couldn’t help but admire that.

But the eyes that locked with his own, from the other side of the camp… Thor could see they held an entirely different sort of flame. It was fury that only a god like him could know - but not a fury of rage. It was a fury of need, of desire. Wild pools of crystal sapphire penetrated down to Thor’s very soul. They saw him… and they hungered.

Diana’s tracking skills had indeed been excellent. The Princess had won them their delicious boar… and their friendly wager. More than that, she had won a most coveted prize. The look in her eyes told Thor she fully intended to collect.

Thor excused himself from the festivities a short while later. Patting his loyal second, Bjorn, on the shoulder, leaving him and his other raiders to their feasting and drinking, the Odinson calmly moved through the crowd and the smoke and the crackling fires. Soon enough, he was returned to his personal tent. The tingle down his spine, the deep thrum that livened the blood in his veins, told him he was being followed.


Sure enough, Thor heard the flaps of his tent shuffle behind him. He turned and smiled, seeing beauty. Immaculate grace. A wonder unto herself.

He saw Diana.

“Did you believe you could escape from me, Odinson?” She spoke softly - but Thor couldn’t miss the edge to her voice.

“Never.” He answered, shucking off his cloak. He tossed it aside, away from his bed. “I just thought you might like some privacy.”

She wore a small smile, warm and friendly as she had become these last few days. But still her eyes held a fire in them. Now, in the dim light of his tent, her hunger, her desire was only that much more clear.

The Amazon Princess craved the Odinson. And that pleased him like nothing else had before.

The next moment, she was divesting herself of her clothing. Reaching for her shoulders, she hastily tugged away the pins of her peplos, tossing them aside to join Thor’s cloak. The pale fabric poured down her body like water, flowing into a puddle around her ankles. Naked now, just as she was that first night - and their afternoon together at the pond. But her nudity was more than simply alluring.

Thor favored her body in silence, taking a long moment to admire. Toned legs, smooth calves rising into tender thighs and ample hips. A muscled tummy, firm yet somehow looking deliciously soft and feminine. Large, proud, ripe breasts, bold in their heft and ample enough to fill even Thor’s large hands. Nipples of dark pink, hardened into studs that begged for his touch, his lips, his tongue. Her splendid lips, spread into a devious smile now, joined by brilliant blue eyes. Just as Thor could see her desire, she could see his. And she delighted in his hunger just the same.

Diana stepped forth from the ring of fabric. Her body was sublime, immaculate - and bare but for her sandals. But soon she kicked those away as well. Slowly, she strode upon Thor on bare feet. She was an indomitable beauty, fierce radiance that Thor had so rarely seen in his centuries of life.

A goddess. And every step she took closer was like witnessing a miracle.

“I am willing.” She said to him. Her voice was clear, firm, unwavering like the uru of Thor’s battle-axe. “No shame. No worries. No reason to turn me away.”

“I can see that.” Thor answered. He breathed in through his nose - catching the sweetness of her in the air.

She was so close now. Inches away from him. Thor felt a beast thrashing within his soul, howling, demanding that he sweep this goddess into his arms that very instant. But he was the Odinson. Even in exile, he was a Prince of Asgard. He had control. He was a man, not a beast.

Diana reached out, running her finger tips over his broad chest. She pursed her lips, humming softly as she felt the firm muscle just under his tunic. And Thor in turn felt the warmth of her gentle touch.

“I wagered my body and lost.” She continued. Her eyes flashed up to meet his, wicked with teasing delight. “And so did you. I’m ready to collect my prize, barbarian.”

Her hand descended, trailing her fingertips from his chest, down his stomach, his waist… slowing to a halt just over his groin. Just as they did upon his chest, her fingertips played. Thor allowed it, sighing - feeling his blood churn and boil as touches warm and gentle graced his manhood and his roiling balls. He was already hard as an iron bar then, and her touch only hardened him further.

Diana’s touch grew insistent, needy. Soon enough, she slipped her hand completely under his trousers. She cupped him by the balls, smiling, giggling - like she could feel the seed that churned within. Then she took him by the shaft - barely getting her fingers around him - and began to pump him.

Thor got the message. Quickly - even quicker than Diana - he removed his clothing. Tunic, trousers, boots, all gone, discarded in the span of seconds. Diana only ceased her ministrations to let him disrobe.

Once he was naked as she was, her lovely touch returned to between his legs. Both hands upon his cock now, stroking his shaft. Her skin was soft, maddeningly so, like warm silk wrapping around him. And he touched her in turn, whispering a curse in his old tongue as his hands fell upon her waist.

His thick fingers dug into the small of her back, hovering just above her ass. He drew her closer, desperate to feel her warmth. All the while she continued to stroke him, trying to pump the seed from his aching balls.

She kissed his chest, huffing hot breath onto his skin. Then higher, pressing her lips to his collarbone, to his neck. She let out a soft moan, trembling so deliciously in his arms. There was a desperate need there, in her voice, in her body. But upon her face, Thor saw delight as well. Diana was enjoying her prize.

Her pumping hands brought forth pulses of pleasure along his shaft with every stroke. He throbbed angrily in her palm… and she let out a happy hum in turn.

Their eyes met. A moment of clarity. Understanding of what they both truly wanted.

She kissed him. Catching his lips with her own, laying claim to what belonged to her. Their embrace quickly deepened, Diana letting her body sink into Thor’s arms - just as her tongue sank into his mouth. She devoured, taking all that she craved, all that Thor was willing to give. It was ravenous, turning the shared heat of their bodies into something molten. Their tongues entwined, dueling… so intense it made Thor’s head spin. His blood boiled, frothed in his veins.

When they finally parted, both sucked in precious air. Thor lips ached, feeling slick and puffy. His cock throbbed painfully between his legs, joining alongside the tight knot in his gut and the deep coiling in his balls. Some precum had dribbled from the tip, which Diana had taken to smear along the cockhead and shaft.

“You made me wait days for this. Bastard.” Diana huffed, almost growling.

“I will make it worth the wait.” He told her. Even with her hands working upon him so wonderfully, he kept his voice firm with conviction. He spoke the truth.

His answer seemed to please her. Enough for her to slow her lovely torture. She drew her hands from his manhood, rising to wrap around his thick neck. She nipped playfully at his lips, staring straight into his eyes.

“You better.

This time it was Thor who claimed Diana’s lips. He held her close, his arms coiling tight around her waist like pale serpents. His manhood thrummed with simmering blood, twitching like an angry beast as it brushed against her inner thighs. He groaned into her mouth, his rod swelling even further from the softness of her skin and heat of her body.

He drew them both back, deeper into the space of his tent, towards his cot, towards the dark corner that matched his lustful hunger. All the while, their tongues danced together, teasing and tasting. Diana’s hands were at his back, her fingers digging into the firm muscle.

Thor’s hands played similarly upon her hips… and lower, upon her ass. Chuckling against her lips, his bold nature had him taking handfuls of the plump rear end, enjoying the way her flesh was pliant and soft against his fingers. His blood surged even hotter through his body. It just felt right to hold her, to touch her. It made his blood sing.

Thor broke the kiss, growling. But Diana chased his lips with her own, desperate for more. Her hands rose to his head, her fingers raking through his mane of dark gold. Even as he descended, she kissed at his face and his head until he was out of reach. Thor found new delights in tasting Diana’s sweet neck, kissing and licking and nipping playfully at the sensitive skin there. Deep in his chest, dark delight rumbled, rolling through his body.

Diana cooed and moaned softly as Thor brought his lips even lower. Thor may have been a god, but he had a man’s needs. And he couldn’t be expected to ignore her bosom. So splendid they were, lush in size and splendid in shape. Perfect teardrop globes that enchanted with their natural heft, swelling proudly from an even more immaculate body. Thor had to touch them. He had to feel them. Grope them. Taste them.

Thor dropped to one knee, putting his face level with the Amazon’s ample tits. Diana set her hands on his shoulders… but otherwise did nothing to stop him. He reached forth, taking one in each hand. Warm, just like the rest of her. And so soft.

Each mound was more than enough to fill his hand, slightly spilling over as he lifted each to enjoy the weight, the heft. The nipples as well had their particular appeal, round coins of dark pink, centered with studs that beckoned him, begging to be tasted. Thor was more than mesmerized, he was enchanted. In all his years of living, he had only rarely seen a pair so perfectly shaped.

The exiled prince only spared a moment longer to admire the vision of beauty before him before darting forward to devour. Diana sucked in a gasp, her nails digging into his skin as her hands tightened their hold. Sharp stings that were far, far outweighed by the primal satisfaction he felt as he filled his hungry mouth with Amazonian tit.

His lips encircled a nipple, suckling upon the hard nub. His tongue swirled, lashing at it - the only thing better than the sweetness of Diana’s flesh was the sweetness of the moan that poured from her mouth. Her hands moved to his head, fingers once more running through his hair. She cradled him as he sucked and licked and groped at her chest.

Thor switched between the two tits, his hand groping the breast that wasn’t gracing his mouth. Every slurp, every graze of his teeth, every lash of his tongue, they brought forth more moans, more whimpers, lovely music that could only come from a woman in pleasure. It was greater than the rush of battle, of triumph - a thousand fold!

“You like the taste that much?” Diana spoke with a pinched voice, sucking in a gasp as Thor teased at one of her nipples with his teeth. Her grip tightened in his hair.

“I’ve wanted to bury my face in this bosom since I first saw it.” Thor admitted, almost slurring he was so pleased with his position. With both hands he squished the two mounds together, the soft flesh spilling out over his thick fingers. The round pink nipples stared back at him, so close now that they were but inches apart. He darted forward, trying to suck both into his mouth.

Above him, a lovely sound came spilling from Diana’s lips. Her grip remained firm in his hair. Then he felt her start to push down.

“Go lower, brute.” She demanded, her words desperate and heated. “You might like the taste better between my legs.”

The Odinson agreed with her. The scent of her arousal was unmistakable, heavy in his nostrils. And with his senses more attuned than those of mortal men, the exiled prince knew well the sweetness that awaited him within her womanhood.

Thor slurped away from Diana’s breasts, dropping down to kiss her belly. He took a small moment to enjoy the musculature of her abdomen, admiring up close the perfection of her Amazonian body.

It wasn’t long before he reached the nexus between her thighs. The scent was even stronger now, almost overpowering him, his mind, and turning the God of Thunder into the Beast of Cunt. With his eyes, her arousal was even more obvious. Clear to see, her womanhood was dripping, soaking wet.

It was a vision of beauty before him, feminine pink that glistened through a small tuft of black hair. It set his heart and his blood ablaze - his whole body was flame, burning with desire. Somehow, Thor found the will to keep steady. Instead of diving right in to feast, he reached out to touch her.

Diana cooed, shifting on shaky legs as Thor gently drew his thick fingers over her silken lips. Around them, between them, his digits slid through her velvet folds… and her honeyed glaze. He didn’t go fast or hard, but still his touch had her breath catching in her throat. Tiny gasps that oh so pleased the beast that dwelled deep in his heart.

Finally, Thor reached a point where he could no longer wait. Tired of simply teasing the woman, he moved forward, advancing into the world of womanhood. Her scent filled his nostrils, a sublime musk that made his head spin. Even better was the taste.

Before him Diana’s body seized from the sensation of his tongue parting her, entering her. He felt it as he held steady to her thighs, her waist. Her hands came to his hair again, gripping tight. A long, deep, wavering moan erupted from her throat. It pleased him. And the sweet sounds did not stop - Thor’s insistent, lapping tongue drew even more from the Amazon. Splendid music that consisted of moans, mewls, and sharp gasps. Proof of his skill… and proof of her pleasure.

“Gods!” Diana hissed, using her divine strength to force Thor’s face between her thighs. Thor did not resist, but for the amused grunt - muffled of course by the Princess’ soaking cunt. She stared down at him, her beautiful face twisted in disbelief… and wicked ecstasy. Her eyes flashed bright with primal desire, matching his own. “They teach men well… wherever you come- from!

Thor buried his tongue deep, clapping his palms upon her buttocks as he did. Cupping her body like a bowl. He continued to taste her nectar, drinking down the sweetness with shameless greed.

He pulled back, giving the Princess a moment of respite. He took the opportunity to lick up whatever slick remained upon his lips. Delicious. Above him, Diana remained standing - though he could feel her legs trembling. She sucked in deep breaths… and Thor admired how such played upon her body, watching her bosom rise and fall, as well as the muscles working under the bronzed skin of her flat belly.

Thor chuckled, seeing how his work had nearly made this woman come undone. He planted a gentle kiss to her mons, then another.

“Maybe it’s instinct.” Thor said, sliding his fingers over her womanhood again. “A gift from the gods… to know just how a woman is to be treated…”

Diana huffed, rolling her hips against his touch. The way her dark hair fell over her face, her shoulders, made her look like a woman of the wild. The look in her eyes made his cock surge with hot blood, his tool twitching angrily with his heartbeat. He could feel more precum dribble out from the tip, spilling onto the floor of his tent.

His manhood ached. It demanded a taste of her. Thor could no longer deny the primal need that roiled inside him. He rose to his full height, looking down at the Amazon as he took her by the waist, guiding her back to the heavy furs of his cot.

The look on her face, in her brilliant blue eyes, as she stared back into his… it stirred something in his heart. Something more than base lust. It was a look he hadn’t seen from neither god nor goddess in a long time. Regarding him as if he was worthy.

He put her on her back, pushing her as gently as his passion would allow. Diana did not resist… though the fire in her gaze held much promise of wicked defiance. She spread her thighs, the silken pink calling to him. Thor advanced, his spear at the ready.

It bobbed with each step, swaying some under its own weight and girth. Thor watched as Diana’s gaze settled on his length, yearning in her eyes, brimming right alongside the excitement… and a sliver of apprehension.

Thor would be her first man, if not her first lover. After this, Diana would measure all men against him. He could not disappoint her.

He came up between her legs, looming over her as his cock came to rest upon her belly. Inches and inches of hardened and reddened flesh, swollen to such fatness that his cockhead had sprouted past the foreskin. Diana sucked in a heavy breath - Thor could see the slight worry in her eyes as she compared his length to her own body. He knew the thought going through her head even if she did not speak it aloud. He’d heard it from many lovers before: how will he even fit?

Thor decided to show her.

“I never knew a man could be so blessed.” Diana murmured, taking the opportunity to touch him, stroking her fingers along the top of his shaft. They came to the head, massaging small circles over the tip, smearing her fingertips with more leaking slickness. “All the statues of men back on Themyscira… none of them come close to matching you.”

Thor only grinned. He took his cock by the base and slid himself against her cunt. Her arousal graced his manhood with a nice sheen, and watching Diana roll her head back onto his cot in trembling delight was a prize unto itself. He did this for a short time, teasing her. But even the mighty Odinson had some mercy within him.

With a deep, rumbling grunt, Thor steadied his cock with his hand, aiming it true. Below him, Diana let out a splendid whine, using her fingers to spread herself… and touch at the spot at the peak of her womanhood. Thor grit his teeth and pushed forward. Heat and softness and perfection engulfed his cockhead, then more. Slowly, agonizingly, wonderfully, he sank himself into Diana. Inch after inch after inch - hard, unyielding manhood swallowed up by exquisite femininity.

It was beyond perfect. Thor could hardly contain himself, a curse in the old tongue erupting from his lips in a rasping, shuddering voice. He sounded more beast than man, snarling as more of his cock pierced into Diana’s dripping, molten core. The heat was maddening, almost unbearable… yet Thor craved to go deeper. He needed more.

“Oh, great fucking Hera!”

Diana looked down where their bodies joined, eyes wide with almost innocent wonder as she watched a man take her for the first time. Then came the shock. Thor could see it flash across her features, the spike of pain in her eyes. Diana gasped, huffed, then released a broken cry - like the air in her lungs had been punched out. Her hands scrambled for something, anything, taking hold of Thor’s arms. Her nails dug deep into his skin.

But she didn’t push him away. Didn’t demand that he stop.

Thor urged another inch of his cock into her cunt. Diana hissed, baring her teeth as her face twisted into a snarl. Her eyes had turned hard, wild. Silently, they made a demand of the man above her, inside her.


He obeyed, sinking the rest of the cock into her sex. Right down to the root. His balls slapped lightly against her buttocks, aching as they swelled with seed. Diana’s body was struck tense, her mouth wide open in a silent cry. A storm of senses, Thor could tell. He was feeling much the same. The entirety of his manhood nestled in the tightness, the heat of such a perfect woman. It was due to his godly nature that he didn’t spend right then and there.

“Easy.” Thor assured her, keeping firm hold of her hips even as her nails raked dark pink lines down his arms. Pleasure rolled through his body, pulsing from his groin. The delight of such maddening heat bathed his prick - even better was the feeling of Diana tightening around him, spasms massaging the length of him buried inside. “The pain will cease. You just have to get used to me. I’ll go slow-”

Diana shook her head, setting wild eyes upon his.

“No. Faster.

Thor said nothing at first, looking upon his lover with concern. But Diana dug her nails even deeper into his arm, scowling with desperate need.

“I am an Amazon.” She growled, the hunger in her words feeding into the same hunger that coiled within Thor’s gut. “You will not break me. So fuck me.

Thor found that he didn’t want to argue. There was a surge within him then, the snarling beast of lust taking over for a brief instant. His blood coursed hot through his body, every nerve coming alive. He took Diana by her wrists, pinning them above her head. His body loomed over hers, eclipsing her more slender frame with his muscled bulk. He rolled his hips hard, forcing a gasp from her throat. He adored the sound - and felt a brutish satisfaction in the flash of pleasure in the Princess’ eyes.

He thrust again, grunting. Once more, Diana gasped - half in shock, half in unbridled delight. A growl rumbled in Thor’s chest. His grip around her wrists tightened. He kept her pinned against his bed, trapped. His prize. His woman. His to fuck.

He watched her breasts shift and bounce with every punch of his hips, delighting in the ripples that rolled through the soft flesh. Thor saw and he desired. It surged through him, compelling him to lean down and bury his face in Diana’s bosom. He dipped into that warm valley, his hungry mouth seeking sweetness. His tongue lashed at a nipple as he lips closed around ample Amazon tit. He sucked greedily, teasing with his teeth - breathless as he switched between breasts, desperate to feast upon the most perfect breasts he had yet seen. Beneath, Diana could only take it, whining pitifully as Thor devoured her lush mounds.

Thor pulled his hips back and drove his cock back in. This time Diana tried to stay silent, but a broken moan came bursting from her lips anyway. It brought another swirl of dark joy to the Odinson, but his focus had turned to his own pleasure. The feeling of Amazonian cunt wrapped so tight and warm around his cock brought forth a special sort of triumph - as did the taste of her succulent bosom upon his tongue. He hadn’t just won Diana… she had offered herself.

It was almost as pleasing as the sensation of her sex milking the seed from his balls.

Thor didn’t take much time to reach a fast pace. Such was a credit to Diana’s Amazon durability as much as it was to Thor’s stamina. His hips, his body, worked like a hundred men, punching his length into Diana’s slick folds again and again. Each stroke brought shocks of ecstasy, rolling waves of pleasure that washed over his cock, over his body, right into his core. Warming him, burning him from the inside out.

Diana did not lay idle. She rocked her body up against him, meeting every thrust with her own. The moans and cries told the story loud and clear. She was just as desperate, just as hungry for pleasure as he was. From the wild look in her eyes… she might have been even more ravenous than he.

Thor released her wrists then - and slurped away from her tits - planting his hands on each side of her head. He groaned, finding a rhythm in short, quick, frantic thrusts. Each one piercing deep, his cockhead striking her such that every rock of his hips ripped a wavering cry from her. Her hands found his back, raking red lines there as well. She clutched at him with such frenzy, as if she’d fall into an abyss if she let go. Still, Thor continued to work his body, keeping his pace despite the sensations of blissful heat engulfing his cock with each thrust.

Their bodies collided. They traded curses, grunts, and cries. So loud was their coupling that even the sound of festivities just outside had faded to just mere noise.

Thor felt his balls tighten. His length throbbed against the vise that was Amazon cunt. He could feel his ending coming soon. But Diana’s came sooner.

“Oh, GodsHera, help me!

Diana took Thor by the back of his head, pressing her forehead to his. Her legs locked around his waist, an attempt to pull him deeper. Thor obliged as much as he could. His feet pushed against the floor, driving himself as flush against his lover as their bodies would allow. He drove his cock deep, all the way to the root. Her womanhood gripped him tight, clenching all around, every inch of him swallowed up by those hot, silken folds. Molten honey glazed over him, drowning his prick. Drowning him.

The Princess stared into his eyes as she came, howling wild into his face. Her whole body was hot to the touch, delicious to feel writhing against his. Thor allowed a moment to enjoy the feeling of Diana wrapped around him, of his cock buried so deep in perfect… before allowing himself to fall into that abyss right after her.

Losing himself in her brilliant blue eyes, lovely sapphire stars, Thor Odinson came undone deep in the folds of honeyed velvet. He took her lips with his own, swallowing her screams and sweet moans. His balls churned and roiled and clenched as their tongues dueled again, even now still having the will to fight for dominance. Ecstasy erupted next. Sweat dripped from his brow as he bellowed an old curse, holding his lover close as he emptied his balls of seed, spilling into the depths of her womanhood.

It sloshed forth - hot, thick seed carrying through like a rushing river. It shot down the length of his cock, bringing upon Thor a bliss so impossible, so maddening that he could only speak in savage grunts. Again and again, his offering shot deep into the Amazon’s core. Every clench and tightening of his balls was accompanied by a rage of ecstasy, each rope of seed spilling from his cock feeling more exquisite than the last. And there were many - so many that Thor felt his offering begin to seep past him, dribbling down onto his aching balls.

Even in exile, Thor’s divinity could not be denied. One of his domains was fertility, after all.

As he broke the kiss, Thor let out a deep, heavy sigh. Ecstasy danced through his nerves, pleasant ghostly wisps that nipped at his body. Beneath him, Diana did much the same. Their bodies were slick with sweat, hot to the touch. She ran a lazy hand down his chest, descending to where they joined. Humming, she touched herself… and him.

Mighty Zeus…” Diana muttered, fingers playing at the inches of Thor’s cock that weren’t buried in her cunt. She let out a long breath through pursed lips. Thor wanted to lean down and capture them in another kiss. But then he caught the glint of devious intent in her eyes. “Quite a performance… for a man. That wasn’t all, I hope?”

Of course. A woman like her would never tire so quickly.

Thor let out a slow laugh. He rose, drawing his hard cock from between her legs - some of his seed spilled out with it, dripping from Diana’s tight pink. Thor felt a deep satisfaction at the sight. His manhood hung down, smeared with leftovers from both their endings, twitching against the cool air. But it had not wilted. It remained thick and firm, swollen with hot blood. His cock remained like a rod, a club of pure uru hanging between his legs. Thor saw Diana take note of this, eyeing him with keen and wicked interest.

Swelling with some pride - but mostly arousal - Thor gave himself a few idle strokes. Diana rose to meet him, her ravenous smile helping him return to full hardness. Her hand again fell to his shaft, taking over for him. She pressed in close, seeking a kiss.

“That was only one bout, Princess.” Thor told her between kisses. “The first of many.

Thor was not finished with this woman. The blood of Asgard flowed through his veins. He watched her splendid form writhe deliciously before him, her bronze body begging for his touch again. His balls ached again as they did before, churning with more seed. Ready to be unleashed. Such as how it was to be a god.

It was Diana’s turn to laugh. A sweet giggle rousing the beast in his heart. The taste of woman could only sate it for so long.

“That is a big promise. I will hold you to it.” Diana breathed hotly against his lips. “Show me how mighty you are, Odinson.”


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