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Diana was taking a break. Not because she was tired. The very idea of Diana feeling fatigue from some fun between the bedsheets was absurd. She was a daughter of Themyscira, after all. Diana was taking a break because she wanted to watch.

Up on the bed, a delightful show was unfolding before Diana’s eyes. And the Amazon drank it in most eagerly. Diana had told Dinah that Mark’s next load was going in her ass. Mark, Diana’s beloved, was doing his utmost best to make his girlfriend’s promise into reality.

Taking a sip from the glass of water that Mark had brought up from downstairs, Diana let every little detail sink in. Their blonde guest was on her belly, pinned to the bed from above by the lean young man. Diana smiled, her position at the foot of the bed affording her the perfect view of the Black Canary’s… entanglement.

She could see Dinah’s pale, pretty face - now flushed a glowing pink - twisted into a wickedly pleasing mix of pain, discomfort, and shameless desire. She could see the blonde’s slender hands making fists in the bedsheets, clenching her teeth as Mark claimed her backside. And further back, Diana could see her lover’s conquest of Dinah’s ass occurring in satisfying detail.

Experiencing Mark’s kingly endowment for herself was an unequaled delight, Diana felt. But witnessing another woman taking her lover’s big, fat cock? Diana found that it had its own splendid appeal. Dazzling, in this particular case. Diana looked on with barely contained glee as Mark’s enormity sank inch after inch after inch between the pale swells of Dinah’s plump buttocks.

It was thrilling to watch, stoking the flames of desire burning in Diana’s belly. The pleasant warmth was rising, blooming through the Amazon’s perfect body, thrumming through the blood in her veins. Diana loved watching Mark fuck. And she loved that he was claiming another woman so intimately. Defiling her poor ass, claiming her backside for himself and ruining her for any other man. It wasn’t something Wonder Woman should have felt, but the wickedness was too juicy and sweet to deny herself.

The sounds were just as delightful. Dinah’s moans and whimpers and weak little whines, Diana let them flow into her ears. They were the sounds of a woman - a strong woman - experiencing the power and the presence of man. Mark was planting his flag and he was planting it deep, mercilessly setting his claim of dominion over the Black Canary’s body… and her booty.

Dinah released a moan, low and guttural, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the sheets. Her head fell forward, pressing her face against the bed. And beyond, Diana could see the joining of Mark and Dinah clearly. A dirty delight for the Amazon’s eyes, seeing her beloved’s fat, veiny shaft halfway buried in her friend and comrade’s ass. She figured Mark was six or seven inches deep - and still there was cock to spare!

Mark grunted, sinking just a little deeper into Dinah’s tight ass. Dinah squirmed beneath him, whining into the mattress. Diana’s smile widened as she approached the foot of the bed.

Setting the glass of water down on the nearby dresser, Diana felt a thrill coiling within. She couldn’t help but feel good. Mark was enjoying Dinah’s body because of her, proof of her love and devotion to him, proof of her loyalty. And Dinah… the hardest working woman in the Justice League - the only one without any superpowers, in fact - was experiencing what she so truly deserved: A good fuck from a big, fat dick. All because of Diana.

The Amazon knelt at the foot of the bed, bringing herself level with their blonde guest. Her eyes quickly flashed further back, catching sight of Mark sinking just a little deeper between Dinah’s cheeks. Eight inches taken now. And from the muffled squeal coming from Dinah's buried face, Diana could tell that the blonde could barely handle it.

“It looks like you’re having a rough time.” Diana purred, reaching out to run her hand through Dinah’s hair.

She hummed, slowly running her fingers through those messy, golden locks. Then, she firmly - but not roughly - took the woman’s hair in hand and lifted her head up off the bed, putting them face to face.

Dinah seemed to barely register Diana, staring mostly into space through glazed eyes. Her face was still flushed pink, her cheeks full and her lips faintly parted as she took weak breaths. Diana smiled, feeling the wicked delight bubble inside her belly. She’s never seen the Black Canary so undone before. And by a man, no less! A man with a man’s cock! A big cock! Long, fat, and swollen with beastly desire. A real veiny bastard of a dick. The kind made to fuck. Made to ruin women. Made to rule, to dominate.

“He’s… so… big.” Dinah whined, affirming Diana’s thoughts.

Diana gave a sigh, a wonderful shiver rolling through her body. The thoughts racing through her mind were against everything the Amazons held dear. Diana should have found them revolting. Yet they tasted sweet on her lips, as delectable as Mark’s cock on her tongue.

The Amazon brought up her other hand to gently stroke Dinah’s face. The blonde moaned softly at Diana’s loving touch. Or maybe it was because of Mark’s cock continuing to sink into her ass. Either way pleased Diana.

“Do you want him to stop?” Diana asked. But she already knew the answer.


“And why not? Tell me.” Another quick look past Dinah’s face. Nine inches deep now. But still not all the way in.

“Because…” Dinah breathed out, moaning. “I love it!

“You love what?” Diana pressed.

The Amazon urged closer, taking Dinah’s face in both hands, staring into the other woman’s eyes. They were inches apart, so close that Diana could feel the heat of Dinah’s breath on her lips. The blonde gave a tiny squeal, shuddering under Mark’s merciless siege.

“I love… big, fat cocks…” The words spilled from Dinah’s lips, her voice wavering so sweetly. Beyond the glaze over Dinah’s blue eyes, Diana spotted the flames of passion burning bright. Dinah’s answer was the truth. Her truth. And there was no lasso to draw it out of her, Diana noted with a smirk. The blonde had given honesty all on her own. “I love them… up my ass!

Above them, Mark breathed out through his nose, nostrils flaring like he was a bull in rut. Which, considering his blessed manhood, was a very apt comparison. Dinah’s answer clearly pleased him as much as it had pleased Diana. Both his hands were set upon Dinah’s waist, holding her still as he pushed his cock deeper into her tight rear. Beads of sweat had formed on his brow, dripping down onto Dinah’s back. He worked himself deeper inside the blonde’s backside.

Ten inches now, Diana could see. A little more and Mark’s manhood would nestled entirely within the tightness of the Black Canary’s pretty, little ass.

A triumph for the both of them, Diana thought. She beamed at her beloved and their guest both, a smile of sincere happiness spreading across her face.

Then she closed the distance between her and Dinah, stealing a kiss. The other woman’s lips were soft and buttery smooth, a delight for the Amazon to taste. Diana could only imagine how wonderful Dinah’s mouth must have felt around Mark’s cock.

Despite the struggle to endure Mark’s size, Dinah managed to return the kiss with no small amount of enthusiasm. Her tongue snaked out, meeting Diana’s in a pleasurable dance. The blonde moaned into the Amazon’s mouth, Diana swallowing the sweet sounds with glee.

As Mark conquered Dinah’s ass, Diana took dominion over the woman’s mouth - at least in the absence of Mark’s manhood. They kissed for a time, Dinah’s moans becoming louder as Mark valiantly plunged himself as deep as the blonde’s lithe body would allow him. Finally, when it was clear that the poor thing needed some air, Diana broke the kiss, pulling away with a gasp.

Diana took a moment to admire her and Mark’s handiwork, taking in the small, delightful details of Dinah’s face. The hazy eyes of a conquered woman stared back, her beautiful, flushed face clouded with wanton need. This was a woman drunk on cock. Diana couldn’t describe it any other way. It thrilled the Amazonian to see.

Diana cupped Dinah’s chin, bringing their faces closer for a small eskimo kiss. The Princess of Themyscira hummed softly, basking in the success of her twisted endeavor. Mark, her beloved, was getting what he deserved. And Dinah, her dear friend, was getting what she needed.

“You love Mark’s big, fat cock, hmmm?” Diana cooed, giving Dinah a quick peck on the lips. “So do I.

Diana turned her gaze upwards, locking eyes with the man himself. Her heart fluttered as she took in the handsome lines of his face, seeing the tireless vigor radiating off of him. The way his brow was furrowed in determination, the young man visibly fighting back the maddening pleasure of Dinah’s ass wrapped around his prick, it made Diana’s whole body thrum with elation. A mortal man taking on such a herculean task, making it his mission to pleasure two superheroines on the same night.

The Princess gave her master an adoring smile. And with her eyes she gave her dear Mark a silent instruction.

Show her why I fell for you.

Mark understood. After all the time they spent together, he knew what her looks meant. Diana could see it on his face, the way he digested her demands. She could see the wicked spark in his eyes. The appeal of cutting loose on a beauty like the Black Canary could not be denied. Not even by her beloved Mark.

The young man began to draw himself from Dinah’s rear, the immense shaft he had just plunged deep now slowly sliding out from between her sumptuous buttocks. The blonde’s eyes fluttered shut as a weak moan escaped her lips. Diana gave her a kiss on the cheek, offering her gentle support. But still the Amazonian’s eyes were fixated on Dinah’s backside - and the fat dick sliding out of it. It was a sight to behold, stirring Diana’s insides. It was like a magnificent sword being drawn from its sheath, but so agonizingly slowly. The lube that coated Mark’s cock was a small help, but with a man of his size there was only so much that could be done.

Diana had taken him in her ass, all the way to the root in fact! But she was an Amazon and an immortal. Blessed by the Greek gods, her body could handle far more than humanly possible. Dinah Lance may have been metahuman, but her meta abilities didn’t afford her body Amazonian durability. She had to handle Mark all on her own, with no divine assistance.

Mark forced himself back down, sinking his cock deep into Dinah’s ass again. His waist met the swells of Dinah’s buttocks, flattening them with his weight, burying the entirety of his shaft inside the blonde for the second time. The blonde’s mouth opened in a silent gasp, the air forced from her lungs. Her eyes shot open, not quite in shock. From what Diana could tell, it seemed her dear friend was undergoing a religious experience.

Mark said nothing, only giving a low, beastly grunt. Diana could see his arms trembling some, the struggle visible on his body. His handsome face was twisted into a snarl, his teeth bared. But it was not anger that Diana could see. It was Mark’s resolve. He would finish in Dinah’s ass. But not before he had her screaming. An admirable goal. One that Diana had promised her friend.

Diana tried to imagine how it must have felt for Dinah, to have a man like Mark plunder and utterly own her ass. She wondered what it would be like to experience the sensation of Mark splitting her in half. No, it wasn’t concern that Diana felt for Dinah. The Black Canary was a “tough honey”, as so described by Dinah herself. What Diana felt, watching her friend and comrade take Mark’s big dick, was envy. Dinah got to endure her beloved the real way, the human way.

It only made sense, in that case, that Dinah should receive the full experience.

“Do it, my love.” Diana urged Mark, the words coming fierce and lustful. “Fill her ass. Let her know she belongs to you.”

Mark gave a bull’s snort and set himself upon the sweetness of Dinah’s body. Beneath him, Dinah could only give a desperate, pitiful whine. And Diana? She could only brim with glee as she watched Mark start to work his cock in and out of Dinah’s ass.

The thrusts were slow and measured, but each one came easier as Dinah’s body molded to Mark’s manhood, stretching to accommodate him. Each plunge and retreat drew such wonderful sounds from Mark and Dinah both. Grunts and growls and moans and squeals, the lewd noises of shameless lovemaking. Of fucking.

If there was one thing both Themyscira and Man’s World needed more of…

Soon enough, Mark was really going to town on Dinah. Fucking her the way she was meant to be fucked. The pace wasn’t too fast - even in his state of crazed desire, Diana knew Mark had enough sense not to break their lovely guest. But the pace of his thrusts was indeed steady. His body worked like a machine, punching his fat dick deep into Dinah’s bowels. His hips met hers hard enough to make her buttocks quake and wobble so pleasingly from the impact. And certainly hard enough enough to make the poor girl shriek into the mattress.

To put in a more tawdry term coined in Man’s World, Mark Messner was utterly clapping the Black Canary’s cheeks. And it was one of the hottest things Diana Prince had ever seen.

To witness two beautiful people join their bodies together so intimately, so dirtily… to see them enjoy each other without shame and without guilt, it drove Diana to an unequaled sense of joy.

Diana felt like she was floating, the ecstasy of being part of something so perfect dancing on her skin, in her veins, setting her whole body alight. The Amazon felt like she was glowing.

The Princess of Themyscira circled around to the side of the bed, wanting to witness Mark claim Dinah in profile. And even the small pleasure of seeing a new angle was a joy onto itself. The perfection of Mark’s lean body looming over Dinah’s slender form, watching his cock saw in and out between her deliciously plump buttocks… Diana felt like she was at the edge, about to reach her peak without even touching herself.

Mark and Dinah’s bodies collided together for a time. The beautiful sound of his thighs meeting her ass filled the bedroom. So delicious to Diana’s ears that the Amazon couldn’t help but shiver.


But then it slowed to a near-immediate stall as Dinah gave a primal shriek. So loud that for a moment Diana feared Mark forced out Dinah’s dangerous Canary Cry. Dinah cried out, trembling, thrashing on the bed, coming undone around Mark’s pounding cock. The blonde squirmed under Mark, forcing her hips back and up against him, desperate for more, desperate to take him deeper. Diana smiled, knowing the feeling well. It was unmistakable.

Diana beamed with pride, her whole body blooming with heat. She drew a hand over her lower belly, considering finishing herself off as well. But with her eyes set on Mark, she decided to wait. She would have her own turn soon enough.

Then came Mark’s tipping point, Dinah’s ending sending him over the edge. It was a thrill to watch her man’s body grow tense, Diana drinking in how his muscles on his arms, shoulders, and stomach tightened as ecstasy gripped him. The grimace dropped from his face, his eyes going wide as if he’d been slapped.

Fuck.” The word came out with his release, breathless.

Diana looked on, enchanted, enthralled, as Mark planted his seed deep in Dinah’s ass. The way the blonde writhed so pitifully on the bed, the way Mark shuddered, barely supporting himself with his arms, Diana had no doubt as to what was happening. The only pity was that Diana couldn’t see the eruption of cum first hand. Every drop was shooting into the depths of Dinah’s tight derriere.

Lucky girl…

Then it was done. Mark had fucked Dinah’s ass. He’d shot his load deep inside. Just as Diana had promised.

For a moment, no one spoke. There was only the sound of heavy breathing as the reality of the evening began to settle in. Eventually, Mark started to untangle himself from Dinah, drawing himself free.

Inch after inch after inch of cock slid from Dinah’s well-fucked ass. Diana had to hand it to the blonde, she’d taken on such a beastly cock like a champ. In her throat, her cunt, and her ass. But the true miracle came as Mark sat back against the headboard. Diana drew her eyes down his glistening chest, his toned stomach, only to find that his cock was still hard.

“You doing alright, Dinah?” Mark huffed out, his arms falling weakly into his lap. Diana’s eyes were still fixed firmly on his cock. She drew closer to the bed.

The other woman shifted slowly on the bed, twisting her body until she was laying on her side. Mark may have been drained - literally - but Dinah was clearly spent. Even so, she managed to answer him.

Never… better…

Mark gave a tired chuckle. Even Diana gave a pleasant trill as she crawled up onto the bed.

Diana stole a kiss from her beloved. He returned it weakly, groaning as she took his still-swollen prick in hand. He gasped as she began to stroke him slowly, looking at her with incredulous eyes. It was amusing that he didn’t understand: he may have been their master, but Diana would not be denied her turn.

“Are you absolutely sure that you have no divine blood, Mark?” Diana cooed playfully, rubbing circles on his cockhead with her thumb. She pressed soft kisses to his jaw and his neck, humming sweetly as he groaned. “Not even a demigod? Or maybe a Titan? Because you have the stamina of Atlas.”

Diana gave him an innocent look, even as she cupped his balls with her other hand. She felt those weighty bulbs in her palm, smiling because she knew they had a gift for her roiling inside. She continued to stroke her lover, using her deft touch to coax him back to full hardness. Mark hissed through his teeth and Diana delighted in the expression that fell across his face. Like he couldn’t believe his own endurance.

A moment of silence passed. Then Mark gave a short, breathless laugh. Diana giggled with him, sharing in his elation. He leaned back against the headboard again, his body relaxing under her loving touch. She slowed her strokes, massaging the sides of his thick length with her palms. Diana smiled brightly, another giggle bubbling in her throat as she felt him throb in her hands.

Back for another round. As expected, my love.

Mark then glanced from Diana and her hands wrapped around his cock to the other beautiful superheroine laying naked in his bed. Diana figured her man was having a religious experience of his own. The look in his eyes told her the reality of his paradise on Earth was finally settling in.

He offered a content smile then, as content as Diana had ever seen him. And she caught that familiar, devious spark in his eyes.

“I may not be a god, Diana.” He told her, breathing in. “But I sure do feel like one.”


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