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“I can’t… believe… you had to… talk me into this.”

Mark had to give credit where credit was due. A blowhard might have taken credit for the idea to take Black Canary to bed, but not Mark. The thief preferred to shed light on Diana’s excellence. The Amazonian Princess really was something else. By far, head and shoulders above female partners he’d had in the past - in some cases quite literally!

Mark loved his girlfriend - and yes, it still thrilled him to say it. Wonder Woman was his girlfriend. And he loved her. He wasn’t afraid to admit it. It wasn’t like he’d be able to do better. He loved Diana. Just as he loved the sensation of burying his cock in the Black Canary’s slick, silken pussy. It was heavenly, the way her sopping folds tightened around him on every thrust. Working himself into Dinah’s sweet body was like something out of a dream. He loved it.

But he loved the sight of Wonder Woman sitting on the blonde’s face even more. And he had a good view - best in the house, actually! Kneeling between Dinah’s spread legs, holding her by her thick, supple thighs for better leverage, working his cock into her cunt like a machine. All the while, he watched Diana grind her pussy onto Dinah’s mouth. A full view of the Amazon in her nude, lustful state.

It was odd watching her slake her desires on someone other than himself, but since she was doing it with another woman Mark found that he was quite unbothered.

Mark dragged his eyes up her immaculate, tanned body. Her chiseled belly, the muscles sliding hypnotically beneath her flawless skin as she worked her hips against Dinah’s lashing tongue. Mark’s eyes were especially drawn to the way her full, proud breasts quaked and swayed with every little movement of Diana’s torso. Their heft and weight was a delight to witness, making Mark’s mouth water.

Heat pulsed through his body, washing over his skin. His cock was like steel, a metal bar piercing into a molten furnace. He could hear Dinah moaning up into Diana’s cunt, drawing sweet sounds from Diana in turn. Mark himself couldn’t keep the bestial grunts from spilling from his throat. He held firm onto Dinah’s thighs, his fingers sinking into the soft flesh there. He upped the pace, working himself into her cunt harder and faster. And he could feel the blonde’s body respond to him, her womanhood quivering around him, trying to draw him in deeper.

Mark fucked her, rutting into her like an animal. But he paid no attention to the way her trim belly writhed underneath him. Instead, his eyes were fixated on Diana. Her gorgeous, regal face was twisted into an expression of pure bliss. Like there was no other place she’d rather be.

The Amazon opened her eyes, meeting Mark’s gaze. A faint smirk played at the edges of her lovely lips.

“Some men… Oh… Some men need to be pushed to claim what’s theirs.” His girlfriend answered him.

The sultry sweetness in her voice made Mark’s dick throb almost painfully. Diana had divine blood from the Greek gods. She was practically a goddess herself, blessed by the likes of Aphrodite. And she’d never sounded sexier.

“I’m so fucking glad I took my chance with you, babe.” Mark huffed out, beads of sweat dribbling across his brow.

At first Diana only smiled, chuckling softly. Aside from the occasional moan or grunt or whine from the trio of bodies working together on Mark’s bed, the only sound in the room was Mark’s waist colliding with Dinah’s thighs. The slaps of flesh on flesh filled the evening air.

“I’m glad you took your chance, too.” Diana finally answered, sighing. She stared over at Mark through lidded eyes, visibly pleased that he was so thoroughly enjoying Dinah’s body. Her smile widened as she palmed one of her heavy teats, taking a hard nipple between her thumb and fingers. She squeezed it, drawing a soft, low moan from herself. A delightful vision that put Mark right at the edge. And from the glint in Diana’s eyes, that was exactly her intent.

“Now fill the poor girl up, love.” Diana told him, humming as she rolled her hips atop Dinah’s face. She reached forth and flattened her other hand over Dinah’s lower belly, rubbing small circles into the blonde’s pale skin. It was as if she was marking the spot where Mark’s load would go. “Her cunt has been starved for a real man’s seed.”

Mark was the man who called the shots, but he wouldn’t have been much of a master if he ignored his girlfriend’s very good ideas. And shooting a big load of cum right into Dinah’s sweet pussy was as good as good ideas got. So Mark did as Diana bid. He was right at the knife edge and he let himself tip over the side. Falling, falling, falling into that pit of exquisite ecstasy.

The thief could feel it, the boiling hot seed shooting down the length of his prick, straight into Dinah’s tight, squelching cunt. It was perfection. Blissful heat exploded, rolling over him, through him in waves. Every spurt of cum made his whole body shudder. And beneath him, Dinah squirmed and writhed against him, moaning into Diana’s pussy as her own pussy was filled with his seed.

Above her, Diana released a giddy laugh, clearly delighted that their guest had enjoyed the privilege of the evening’s first creampie. Mark groaned as he rode out his orgasm, letting the sweetness of Diana’s voice fill his ears. He looked on as Diana chased her own high, grinding her slick cunt onto Dinah’s lashing tongue. He watched, entranced by the vision of Diana’s heavy, swaying tits.

There was just something about superheroines - Wonder Woman in particular - that drove Mark mad. And sure enough, as he drew his cock from the Black Canary’s well-fucked cunt, he could feel himself swelling to hardness again.

The evening, after all, was far from over.

-  -  -

After the strenuous job of filling Dinah’s pussy with a nice helping of cream, Mark decided to let the girls have some fun with each other.

Sipping on his glass of water, the thief stood by his dresser. His eyes were fixed on his bed, enjoying the show.

The Amazon and the Canary were engaged, a beautiful vision of curves and legs and tits all tangling together, pressing up against each other. There was kissing. Lots of kissing. Kissing of lips, kissing of necks, kissing of tits, licking, sucking, moaning. Enough to set any red-blooded man off. And indeed, Mark could feel his prick burgeoning again, swelling with hot blood and shameless desire.

Dinah was once more devouring Diana’s large, milky tits, sucking them into her needy mouth as the Amazonian Princess ran her fingers through the shorter woman’s golden hair. Mark watched, smiling, as Diana hissed through her teeth, cradling the blonde’s head as she mauled her breasts. Mark knew well enough from experience that Diana loved a little rough play.

But then she pulled Dinah’s head away and shoved her down onto her back. The blonde gave a cry of shock… only to be immediately silenced as Diana set upon her. The bed creaked beneath them as they became a tangle of limbs again, writhing against each other.

Mark’s cock twitched between his legs. He set the glass of water down and began to stroke himself. The vision before him had became that much more beautiful.

Just like before, Diana sat on Dinah’s face, smothering her with her juicy cunt. But this time, Diana did not stop there. The Amazon leaned forward, dipping her head between Dinah’s legs, smothering herself with Dinah’s womanhood. Sweet moans, whimpers, and mewls filled the air as both women feasted, devouring the other with such wanton delight that for a moment Mark mistook his lovers for whores.

Mark dick was swelling almost painfully now, the young man enraptured by the sight of Diana drawing her tongue through Dinah’s well-fucked pussy. Surely, his girlfriend could taste him within their guests' silk, sopping folds. The thought only made him swell even more, his cock throbbing madly back to full hardness.

The Thief pumped his hand up and down his length, moving slowly towards the women entangled on his bed.

Diana may have been the leading lady, but it was clear Dinah was no passive princess. Beneath the Amazon, the street-level heroine writhed and bucked her hips up into Diana’s sucking mouth, demanding more from the taller woman. All the while, she had her hands clamped over the Amazon’s perfect, toned ass. Slender fingers digging into the sweet, softness of that juicy rump, slapping that booty, urging the taller woman to grind her cunt deeper into Dinah’s needy mouth.

“Diana was right.” Mark found himself saying as he drew up beside his bed. He pumped his cock a couple more times, rubbing his thumb into the head. But his eyes were set on the blonde trapped beneath Diana’s chiseled, curvy body. A pleased smile broke out across his face. “You really needed this, Dinah. I can tell.”

Diana drew herself a little forward, lifting her ass off of Dinah’s face. The blonde gasped, sucking in air. Her pretty face was flushed pink, her golden hair now a wild mess. She stared up at Mark, eyes clouded like she was in a daze. For a moment, Mark feared that Diana may have been too rough. But Dinah proved him wrong almost immediately, a smirk playing at her puffy, swollen lips. It was as if she was silently telling him ‘What? You think the Black Canary hasn’t eaten pussy before?

The blonde sighed, slapping a hand onto Diana’s ass. The Amazon gave a pleasant hum, draping herself over Dinah’s lower body. Dinah gave another smile, wider and bigger this time. She craned her head to look at Mark again, licking her glistening lips.

“When Wonder Woman invites you to bed… you don’t turn her down.” She answered him, letting the words hang in the musky air. Then there came a fire in her eyes, desire blazing clearly and without shame. “And you don’t turn down the Black Canary, either. So get your pretty ass back in here, Mr. Messner.”

His maddeningly hard cock told Mark that Dinah’s words were truth. With a grin, the young thief climbed back into bed. It was rude, after all, to keep such lovely ladies waiting.

-  -  -

If Mark had any doubts that he was in paradise, he had them no longer. There were few men on the face of the Earth who could question it if they could see what he was seeing.

Mark sat on the edge of his bed, leaning back, propped up on his elbows. Down before him was his manhood, hard and swollen - trapped so wonderfully between Diana’s ample breasts. His Amazon wore a pleased smile, wicked delight shining in her dazzling eyes. Her hands were clamped over her nipples, pressing her breasts tighter together around his cock.

The lush softness of her flesh engulfed him, smothering him in that delicious sensation. And once more the thief felt a spike of masculine pride, seeing that Wonder Woman’s impressive teats - indeed an appropriate word for those magnificent swells - could not entirely eclipse his shaft. Mark was gifted enough that his cock could occupy the deep valley between Diana’s tits and still have enough length to poke up towards her chin.

“It’s been a while since we did this, huh?” Diana giggled up at him, ghosting a kiss over his angry, red cockhead.

Mark could only give a low grunt, fighting the primal urge to cut loose and fuck her tits. Need twisted in his gut, boiling his blood. The desire was only partially satisfied as Diana lovingly stroked him between her breasts. She lifted herself upwards then back down, allowing his fat cock to slide between her bosom, using her succulent, milky teats to milk him.

Mark groaned as a string of precum came squirting out the tip, landing on Diana’s neck. The Amazonian hummed in delight, drawing her bosom back up the length of his shaft, trying to coax more out of him. But when her prize never came, Diana gave Mark a playful pout. Then she looked past him, at the woman who cradled his head in her lap.

“Quite the man, isn’t he?” Diana spoke only half-jokingly. There was an intensity to her voice, her arousal clear in her words no matter how innocent or casual she tried to make them. She gave a breathless laugh, her hot breath shrouding Mark’s cockhead as it brushed maddeningly against her plump lips. “Sometimes you really have to work him over, Dinah. With a cock like this, you have to commit.”

“I can see that. Hell, I felt that.” Mark heard their guest answer in a breathy voice. He enjoyed the feeling of her fingers running through his hair.

“His second shot of the night.” Diana warned, upping the pace of her divine titfuck. “I promise it’ll be just as big as the first. Come take a look.”

“This I have to see…” Dinah cooed above him, leaning forward to watch the show more intently. This drew her breasts right over Mark’s forehead, their warmth and softness smothering his other head.

On instinct, Mark craned his chin up to kiss them, feathering the blonde’s sweet breasts with his lips. He reached his arm back around Dinah, trying to draw her down further to drape herself over him. There were worse ways for a man to go out than smothered by two beautiful women.

With Diana’s tits wrapped around his cock and Dinah’s tits right in his face, Mark was a man facing a two-front assault. And even with his gifted stamina, a mortal man could only hold out for so long.

The two women - two superheroines, with bodies to match their incredible reputations - would eventually bring their master to another blissful end. It was the sound that did him in, the lewd PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP of Diana’s proud bust slapping against his thighs with every stroke. That and the very idea of it, like a teen boy’s wet dream come to life: Wonder Woman giving him a titfuck, The Black Canary watching with wicked glee.

His second ending came harder. Before, it was like falling into the abyss. But now it was like he was being thrown. He hurtled into the depths of pleasure like a burning meteor. Ecstasy burned away at his body, searing through his flesh, his nerves. White hot.

Miles and miles away, he could hear the ladies laughing and squealing in delight as his fat, swollen manhood erupted right before their eyes. He couldn’t see the show, unfortunately. But with Dinah’s tits quaking and swaying in his face, Mark couldn’t find cause to complain.

Rope after rope after rope of his hot seed shooting up the length of his twitching prick. Mark felt every bit of it, every rush of sticky fluid shooting forth to glaze Diana’s breasts or to decorate Dinah’s face. The pleasure rolled through his body, his gut, his limbs, burrowing deep and through until all he could do was simply breath.

Above him, the girls were giggling, whispering - about him.

“Wow. That was a lot.” Dinah spoke with muted awe. Mark felt her drag her fingers over his shaft, scooping up some of his cum.

“And he has a lot more.” Diana boasted matter-of-factly. Mark groaned weakly as she pressed a lingering kiss to his sensitive cockhead. Then her voice dropped into a daring purr. “Next shot is going in your ass.”

Mark heard Dinah gasp, scandalized. He could tell just from her voice that it wasn’t made in disgust. The blonde wanted it, he knew. She accepted Diana’s invitation into their bed without the influence of the scepter.

Mark, however, had his own reservations.

Round four in the Black Canary’s pretty little ass, the Thief thought dauntingly, enticingly. Could Mark even handle it?

Mark knew he was gifted. But even gifted men needed to rest. Even as Diana and Dinah brought their slender hands to his softening manhood, the thief thought for sure he’d be afforded a break.

That is, until he felt their tongues.


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