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AN: Two chapters left including the epilogue. And after that there's going to be an Omake featuring Zatanna that the commissioner wanted lined up. It looks like the first half of April will be all Twisted Dominion.

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Mark returned to the bedroom with a glass of water and nothing else. With not a stitch of clothing on his lean body, the thief felt free. Indomitable even. Rather than feel exposed and vulnerable as he might have some weeks back, Mark Messner felt like he was king of the world.

His body bare and his burgeoning cock batting against his thighs with every step, Mark knew what awaited him in his bedroom. And it pleased him greatly.

He could hear the ladies well before he could see them, listening to his lover and their guest enjoying each other’s company as they waited for his return. Diana in particular was voicing her immense pleasure, moaning so loudly and wantonly that she could have woken a cemetery. Dinah’s voice, on the other hand, was muffled. As if her mouth was full - or otherwise occupied. A most pleasing sound.

Then came Diana’s breathless voice, heated with lust and delectable need.

“Do you like being on your knees?” Mark heard his lover ask.

Dinah responded with a lewd whine, again sounding smothered. Diana gasped, her words petering out into low, desperate whispers.

Mark felt his cock swell with hot blood, throbbing angrily between his legs. He passed through the bedroom doorway and saw them.

And what a sight it was to behold.

Diana was on their bed, standing on her knees. Gone was the blue dress as well as any other threads she had been wearing when Mark departed. She was naked as Mark was, the perfection of her body on full display. As he drew his eyes up her thick, spread thighs, the delicious curve of her hips and waist, her immaculately toned belly, and her full, ripe bosom, Mark knew he would never tire of Diana’s divine beauty.

Mark drew his eyes further up and found an even more exquisite sight. Diana’s face was twisted in bliss and pleasure, her full, sensuous lips parted as she breathed hotly, sucking in tiny gasps of ecstasy. Her blues eyes, normally so intense and full of purpose, were glazed over, clouded with pleasure and carnal delight.

But the true gem was lower. Down between Diana’s legs, at the juncture of her spread thighs. That was where Dinah was. Or rather, that was where Diana had forced the blonde’s head. Wearing only panties and heels, Dinah was now the most clothed person in the house. A sensational vision that sent Mark’s prick twitching with need. The place where their bodies joined, where Dinah’s mouth met Diana’s lips. And from what Mark could tell from his lover’s sweet moans, Dinah was devouring.

Watching the Black Canary eat out Wonder Woman’s wonderful cunt was a delight for any man to witness. But even more delightful was seeing Diana’s lasso wrapped around Dinah’s neck. And it was glowing a brilliant gold.

Diana grunted, raking her fingers through Dinah’s blonde locks. Her other hand held onto the lasso. With it she gave a soft tug, pulling Dinah away from her dutiful, desperate licking. Mark could see the blonde’s lips and chin covered with a glistening sheen. No doubt, her efforts had Diana flowing like a gentle stream.

Dinah breathed in and out, sucking in precious air. Her cheeks were flushed pink and her eyes were even more glazed over than Diana’s. Drunk on Amazon slick.

Diana drew her hand from the blonde’s hair, reaching down to gently stroke the other woman’s cheek.

“I asked you a question, dear.” Diana told her in a strong but sweet voice. “Do you like being on your knees?”

“Yes.” Dinah rasped weakly.

“Do you like being made to worship Amazonian cunt?”


“What about my breasts?” Diana asked. She pulled her free hand away from Dinah’s cheek, reaching up to cup herself. She palmed one of her teats, squeezing that glorious mound of milky flesh. “Do you wish to worship them, too?”

Her breasts were soft and pliant, Mark knew well from experience. But seeing them from afar as Diana groped herself, seeing their lush roundness, seeing the tiny quakes and wobbles that let men know that they were indeed real and spectacular… it drove Mark damn near mad.

The lasso around Dinah’s neck glowed gold again. But Dinah didn’t answer with words. She only gave a needy, whorish moan. The sweetest sound to grace Mark’s ears.

“What are you waiting for?” Diana huffed out, giving the blonde a daring smile. Then she gave a most delicious command. “Bury your face in them.

Dinah rose up from between Diana’s legs. There was a brief moment where the two heroines locked eyes. But then Dinah did as she was commanded. The Black Canary buried her pretty face in Wonder Woman’s beautiful tits. Fervently, desperately, the blonde licked and kissed and sucked on the Amazonian’s large, luscious breasts. Focusing on one tit, then the other, then both, her lips and tongue darting between them, like she was trying to suck both into her mouth at the same time. All the while, moaning in naughty delight.

Mark looked on, enchanted, enthralled. His cock felt impossibly hard then, throbbing painfully at the vision before him. He hadn’t even touched himself yet and already he could feel precum dribbling from the fat, swollen cockhead. Watching Dinah maul and devour Diana’s perfect breasts was stoking something within him - as it would have to most any other man. The thief reached down and started to stroke himself, working his hand up and down the length of his thick shaft.

A moment later, Diana turned to face him. Almost like she had been waiting for him to start touching himself. There was a devious glint in her eyes, Mark could see. Then, as she cradled Dinah’s head against her teat, trying to feed more of her sweet flesh into the other woman’s hungry mouth, Diana’s lips spread into a wicked smile. Wordlessly, the Amazon beckoned Mark over.

Mark approached, all too happy to indulge in his lover’s silent demands. As he closed in on the two women, he continued to stroke himself, pumping his hand up and down the length of his fat cock. When he was right beside the bed, Diana took hold of Dinah’s head. With care and a gentle touch, she forced the blonde to look to the side, giving the shorter woman an eyeful of Mark in the buff.

“My beloved Mark has something else for you to worship.” Diana’s words came low and sultry as she spoke directly into Dinah’s ear.

Dinah gave a small gasp as her eyes dropped to the thing that hung between Mark’s legs. Beyond the shock, Mark could see the desire in Dinah’s eyes. The thief couldn’t help but grin. He would never get tired of women’s reactions to his cock.

“Oh my God!

“Afraid not. I’m just a mortal man.” Mark joked, joining the two women on his bed. Like Diana, he stood on his knees. His fat, swollen cock jutted out proudly into the space between Diana and Dinah, commanding their attention.

With a hand on the back of Dinah’s neck, Diana made the blonde lower onto her hands and knees until she was facing Mark’s manhood. Then, with a smile towards her beloved, Diana dropped down beside her. Both of their lovely faces looked up at him, his shaft hanging in the air between them. Another magical, enthralling sight in an evening already full of them.

Diana and Dinah hummed in appreciation as they inspected Mark’s manhood up close, their lovely lips mere inches from touching him. Mark could feel the heat of their breath on his skin. His cock twitched angrily, desperate for a woman's touch.

“He might not be a god, but he is blessed like one.” Diana cooed, gently, faintly running her fingers along her side of his shaft. Mark grimaced, fighting the urge to thrust his hips forth. Diana wore an innocent smile below not-so-innocent eyes. Looking past his cock, she shared a glance with their guest. “Isn’t he, Dinah?”

“Oh… yes!” Dinah answered, letting out a breathless laugh. She gazed upon Mark’s cock with incredulity… and no small amount of lust. “He’s… he’s magnificent!

A throaty, sultry laugh came bubbling from Diana’s lips. The Amazon craned her head over the top of Mark’s shaft to plant a quick kiss on Dinah’s cheek. But Dinah’s eyes remained firmly fixated on the immense stalk of flesh that twitched inches from her lips.

Mark’s blood was boiling hot and pumping hard through his body. He was done being patient.

“And how would you treat a magnificent cock, Dinah?” He growled down at her, reaching down to run his fingers through her silky, blonde hair. Just like Diana had done. He urged his hips forward a little, putting his manhood that much closer to the delight of the women's mouths. His desire could not be mistaken. “Go on and show me.”

The power of the scepter must have been quite potent, Mark noted, as Dinah wasted little time. Her pink tongue stuck out from her plump lips and she dragged it down the side of his shaft. Warm, soft, and wet, it glided over his cock, leaving a glistening sheen in its wake and striking Mark with such primal bliss it ripped a guttural, beastly sound from his lips.

Dinah kept going, traveling down the length of Mark’s swollen cock with her tongue until she came to his balls. But when Mark thought she might stop, the blonde instead tongued them as well, moaning as she drew one of those plump nuts into her hot, needy mouth. Mark hissed, grabbing one of the wooden bed posts to keep himself steady. Pleasure bloomed, rolling from his groin upwards into his gut and chest. But there was more than just ecstasy. There was pride as well. For a man to have one of the world’s premier superheroines sucking on his balls? That was a high like no other.

And even still, Wonder Woman had yet to join in. Opposite of Dinah, Diana watched her friend sate her sexual hunger upon Mark’s sac with an intense and gleeful gaze. But a quick glance shared with Mark told him that he had only a brief moment to prepare himself.

Sure enough, the Amazonian princess joined the Black Canary in her oral attack. Just as Dinah slurped away from Mark’s balls to roll her tongue over his shaft again, Diana replaced her at the base of Mark’s cock. She drew Mark’s scrotum onto her tongue, letting them rest there for a moment, basking in the warmth and softness.

Diana hummed. Dinah moaned. Mark breathed out a curse.

It was like a dream, for a man to have his cock worshiped by two gorgeous superheroines. But for Mark it was his reality. Somehow he had climbed to a peak even higher than having Wonder Woman’s love. And as the young thief groaned, savoring the delectable sensation of their sweet tongues working upon his cock and balls, he couldn’t help but feel a small measure of smug satisfaction.

To have such good fortune should be criminal.

-  -  -

Mark Messner tasted good.

Dinah hated herself for coming to such a realization, hated her tongue for enjoying his flavor, hated her body for being so damn hot. The truth, the oh-so-twisted truth, was that Dinah Lance was turned on. And even worse, it wasn’t even the magical scepter that was doing it. It was all her! And maybe Diana for getting her so worked up. When this was over, Dinah wouldn’t be able to blame magic, or pheromones, or anything else.

Dinah had tasted Diana’s hot, wet pussy. And she loved it.

Now she was sucking this bastard’s fat dick. And she was loving it.

Her nerves were alight, her whole body thrumming with pulsing bliss. A heavenly warmth rolled across her skin, burrowing its sweetness into her flesh, into her bones, blooming from deep inside. Her pussy was so hot and soaking wet. Her panties, the only stitch of clothes left on her lithe body, were soiled through and through. And they were expensive! Money flushed down the drain and Dinah just didn’t give a shit.

How could she when this Messner fellow had such a beautiful, fat cock for her to suck?

“Eager, aren’t you?” Dinah heard the man ask, his smooth voice low and deep. It shouldn’t have turned her on, but it did. “You like the taste?”

He wasn’t taunting her, Dinah could tell. Nor could she discern the usual male chest-pounding bravado from a guy getting his cock worked over by two beautiful women. No, she realized, he was asking her a genuine question.

An odd man, this Mark Messner…

Soon, Dinah felt the pleasurable heat of Diana’s lasso - which was still tied loosely around her neck. She could feel the rope’s effect on her mind, compelling her to tell the truth. The words were bubbling up in her throat. She had to answer him.

Dinah slurped away from Mark’s dick, thin strings of saliva bridging the gap between her lips and his swollen cockhead. She sucked in that sweet, precious air, taking deep breaths. She stared up at the man - god, she couldn’t get over young he looked - meeting his pleased gaze with lidded eyes.

“I love the taste of you.” She confessed, moaning. She couldn’t lie even if she wanted to. The power of the spell over her mind combined with Diana’s lasso left her with no option but the truth. “I love how long and thick your cock is. I wanna choke on it!”

An instant later, Dinah felt a hand take a hold on the back of her head. Not Mark’s hand, as Dinah could see. That only left Diana.

Sure enough, the blonde felt the Amazon’s lips brush teasingly against her neck. The other woman’s voice came as a whisper, pouring into her ear like warm honey.

Allow me to help you with that.

Dinah knew what came next. She’d seen this porn movie many times. In the split second before Diana made her move, Dinah parted her lips just enough to make it easier on herself.

For the Amazon with her Amazonian strength, moving Dinah about was simplicity itself. The Black Canary, for all her training,  may as well have been a toy doll. Diana forced the blonde’s head forward, forcing her friend and comrade to take her beloved’s cock deep into her mouth. Deep into her throat.

Down, down, down, Diana pushed Dinah, forcing the shorter woman to take inch after inch after inch of the man’s fat, veiny meat. There was resistance of course, but more bodily than intentional defiance. Dinah sputtered and gurgled around the enormity that had been forcefully stuffed into her gullet. Choking on the damned thing, really. But that only made Mark groan, rolling his hips reflexively against the lewd pleasure that was bathing his manhood.

Dinah could feel the man throbbing on her tongue, against the tight confines of her throat. Every little twitch and pulse along his dick, she could feel it. And still Diana kept pushing her down. Down, down, down, until Dinah’s nose was smushed up against Mark’s soft pubes. Through the discomfort, Dinah found herself even more turned on than ever.

The Black Canary, proud heroine, forced by Wonder Woman, the icon, the inspiration, the champion of all women, to choke on her villain boyfriend’s fat, swollen, veiny dick. It was so fucked up. And it was so fucking hot.

The flavor of Mark’s manhood, the sheer presence of it felt in her mouth and throat, the scent of his body, and Diana’s firm but loving hold on the back of her head, it was all making Dinah’s head spin. Or maybe that was because she could hardly breathe…

But Dinah didn’t have the chance to dwell on that. Not when Diana was pulling her head back up. Up, up, up, until the entire length of Mark’s cock came gliding from her lips. And dear God, the sound it made… As Mark’s proud manhood slapped wetly against his thighs, Dinah sucked in precious, shuddering breaths.

Then Diana’s lips were at her ear again, naughty whispers from the superheroine sending shivers down Dinah’s back.

I knew the Black Canary could do more than sing with those pretty lips.

Dinah felt her heart flutter a bit. It wasn’t every day that Wonder Woman praised your skills.

The blonde took a moment to enjoy the praise… before the Amazon forced her head back down, burying her beloved’s long, fat cock in the tightness of their guest’s throat once more. But this time, Diana didn’t stop. The instant Dinah’s nose touched against Mark’s waist, the Amazon was pulling her back up the length of his shaft until only the head remained nestled in Dinah’s mouth. Then Diana forced Dinah back down again. She repeated this. Then she did it again. And again. Settling into a rhythm of fucking Dinah’s throat.

Dinah couldn’t fault her for the rough treatment, though. She did say she wanted to choke on it.

In and out, Mark’s cock glided across her tongue, past her tonsils, touching the back of her throat. Fucking the blonde heroine’s pretty face. Or was it Diana using her pretty face to fuck her boyfriend’s cock? Dinah didn’t know. Nor did she care. Her throat was getting pummeled by the biggest dick she had ever taken. And the sounds


No rest. No mercy. No regrets.

Because even as her throat was being brutalized, even as she was being forced through the indignity of servicing some no-name supervillain, Dinah found herself enjoying the depravity. Relishing it, even. Her whole body was burning with lust, her pussy quivering every time Mark’s fat cockhead struck her in the back of the throat. She found herself wanting him to shoot his load. She wanted to drink it all down like some back-alley whore.

God, she hadn’t had this much wild fun in years!



Good stuff. When birds of prey? I demand it xd Joking :)


That's the double blowjob I'd like