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You know you've made it when people are stealing your stories and posting them as their own. I feel pretty flattered tbh. 


On the plus side, I've found a new site to post my work. Might help broaden my readership some more!




Not gonna lie thats legit how I found you profile n eventually the patreon😅 figured he talked to you for permission 🙇🏾🙏🏾


At least I found a new site to post my stuff. More exposure, more patrons!


I was promised chapters ... a lot of them before the month ends ... where are they Ryswell ... you dont lie to a crackhead...


I did promise chapters, but I don't believe I promised them before the end of March. I did promise that would dedicate the rest of this month and the next to writing them, however. But I have a good feeling I'll have something for you guys on the 31st.