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AN: All characters involved are 18+.

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It wasn’t her defeat that made Suki feel such embarrassment.

Kyoshi Warriors had never been invincible, contrary to their embellished reputation. In their long and decorated history, her sisters in arms had tasted the bitterness of defeat before. Suki had learned way back that it didn’t matter how much or how intense a woman trained. Sometimes she would just have a bad day. Sometimes she just lost.

Suki had accepted it, the bitter truth that there would be times when her training just wasn’t good enough. Either the enemy was better prepared, better trained, or just plain lucky. That there would be days when the Kyoshi Warriors were forced to retreat.

Except Suki didn’t get the chance to retreat. She hadn’t just been beaten. She had been captured.

Even now, days later, the shame of being roped up and carried off like a stolen maiden bride made her cheeks burn. And she had lost to her of all people. That arrogant fire nation bitch.

The Princess Azula.

That was what burned the most. Suki could handle being beaten in battle. She most likely would have gotten over being captured. But to be defeated by Azula, in all her infuriatingly smug finery… Suki could hardly stand it, hanging her head in shame as she carried off and confined to… wherever she was.

But as the reality of her confinement set in, her feelings of anger and embarrassment were eventually replaced with curiosity. To be put in solitary was a common form of punishment for prisoners, Suki knew well. But the nature of her punishment was… peculiar. Regular visits made by Azula for the purpose of “interrogation" were what Suki had to look forward to. And she didn’t mean that ironically.

Maybe Suki was more messed up in the head than even she herself knew. Because the young warrior couldn’t really consider her situation a “punishment”.

Stripped completely naked, her wrists bound and tied to the ceiling of her dark prison cell, and her bare feet just barely touching the cold, stone floor… for others it would have been torture. But for Suki and her honed and toned body? It was just kinky.

Sure, it ached. Being forced to hang from her wrists for hours, with her body only barely supported by her feet - even a Kyoshi Warrior would feel the burn. But for Suki, the aching was delicious. Only eclipsed by what Azula did to her - whenever the fire nation bitch bothered to show up, at least.

Then came the sound of metal scraping against metal. The sound that Suki had initially feared - but eventually came to look forward to. It was the sound of her cell door unlocking and scraping against the stone floor as it swung open.

Speak of a demon… and she appears…

“You two are dismissed.” Suki heard a familiar voice speak. Sharp, commanding, but also high and smooth. A woman’s voice. One that already had Suki’s heart racing. “Under no circumstances shall this interrogation be interrupted.”

“Yes, Princess.” The two guards uttered at the same time. Suki heard them shuffle off a moment later, leaving her all alone with the visitor… and all of her illicit desires.

Suki gave a small groan, her belly doing flips as her body anticipated what was soon to happen. She lifted her head, looking towards the open door through the damp, dark hair that fell across her eyes.

There Azula stood, exuding regal arrogance and wearing a very pleased smile. The Princess was dressed in a robe of deep red silk, the fabric wrapped tight to her slender curves, and she was holding a glowing lantern. But the robe did not reach the floor. It only extended down to Azula’s knees, showing her bare feet and calves. It was her most daring outfit yet, Suki noted. But it wasn’t as if what occurred down here was a secret. The single and frustrated Princess making regular visits to the naked prisoner? It was like the plot out of a raunchy sex play. Not that Suki was complaining.

The Princess entered the dark room, her lantern filling it with a warm, orange glow. The cell door closed shut behind her. She set the lantern down and the light pushed and waned against the shadows. Then Azula began her approach. Her bare feet padded against the stone floor. The sight of the woman’s very wicked, very pleased smile was enough to stir Suki into speaking.

“Interrogation? You really think they’ll believe that?” The prisoner weakly teased her warden.

“And why wouldn’t they? I am their beloved princess. My word is truth.” Azula’s response was cold, mocking, and drove Suki wild. The young warrior felt the stirring in her belly grow more intense, the heat spreading from her core to her chest and her limbs.

It was crazy the way Azula drove her crazy. But Suki wouldn’t break. She had already lasted days against Azula’s mad lust. And she had held firm against far worse. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy the challenge.

“Beloved?” Suki noted with muted incredulity. She snorted, letting her head hang down. Though she couldn’t see it, she could hear Azula circling around to her back.

“Beloved, feared, either works for me. And it’s not like I’m lying.” Azula hummed. There was a gap of silence then, something Azula liked to do to build tension. Predictable, but cute. Then Suki breathed in as she felt Azula ghost her fingers down her bare back. The Princess spoke again in a low whisper. “Every night I try to break you… among other things.”

Azula kept her hand on Suki’s body as she circled back around to her front, running her fingertips gently, softly over her damp, glistening skin. The trip taken was familiar, but Suki found it pleasing all the same. Across her back, her ribs, over her breasts, down her belly. Azula’s warm touch was as welcome as it had been the day before. And the day before that. And the day before that.

Azula gave a snort as she drew her hand back up to Suki’s breasts. She let her palm rest there, tenderly squeezing one of the soft mounds. Suki breathed in, trying to stay balanced on the balls of her feet. Azula’s voice came again, louder this time.

“And every night, you prove to be so. Damn. Stubborn.

Suki let out a gasp as she felt Azula’s fingers close tight around one of her nipples. The sting was hot, sharp, and delectable. The gasp waned into a low, guttural moan. A tremble rolled through Suki’s body, her nerves coming alive from Azula’s cruel touch, like fire crackling just beneath her skin.

But the heat wasn’t just in her veins. It was in her gut, deep in the pit of her belly. Boiling, frothing, spreading from her core. Her sex ached, yearning for Azula - for her fingers, her tongue, for whatever toy she would use this time. But Suki didn’t need to tell her that. Azula already had a big enough ego. And despite the woman’s arrogant belief that she would break the Kyoshi captive, Suki was actually quite in control of the situation.

The truth was, Suki could have broken out of her cell days ago. She’d already learned how to untie the knot binding her wrists together and leaving her hanging from the ceiling. But by the time she had done so, Azula had visited her cell half a dozen times. And with such exciting interrogation methods to endure, Suki found herself reluctant to escape.

The war wasn’t so dire that Suki was desperately needed on the frontlines. The Avatar and his friends were a capable bunch, after all. So why not enjoy her captivity? Toy with her captor for a while? In a way, Suki was helping. The attention Azula spent on her was attention she wasn’t putting on the Avatar.

“This could be so much more enjoyable, you know?” Azula purred, loosening her pinch just enough so that she could squeeze down again. It drew a hiss from Suki’s lips, her whole body going delightfully tense. But Suki kept the facade that she was cracking. It was bait, of course. A taste of weakness always made Azula that much more intense. “You might even find my company pleasing. Even I know how to be gentle…”

With those words, Azula released Suki’s poor, abused nipple. She cupped the breast, her touch no gentle and soothing. Azula hummed while Suki let out a weak moan. Again, it was embellished. But it fed into Azula’s sadist streak. The very thing that made nights like this so addicting to the young Kyoshi Warrior.

Azula moved in close, almost pressing her body flush against Suki’s. The captive could feel the other woman’s warmth radiating off her body, even through the fabric of her robe. Then Azula whispered, her lips inches away from Suki’s.

“If only you’d talk to me.” She said, her voice taking on a false sweetness, a feigned longing like that of a long, lost lover. “If only you’d tell me what I want to know…”

Another shudder ran down Suki’s back. That one was not played up, but rather genuine. The Princess had no chance of breaking Suki down, but damn if her voice wasn’t the sexiest she’d ever heard.

Suki breathed out, her body toiling with delightful heat as Azula started to gently, gently massage her breasts.

“How… How pleasing are we talking? It’d help… to have a better idea… of what I’m missing.” Suki groaned out through clenched teeth. This time, her teasing was clear.

To Azula it might have seemed like insolence, defiance in the face of her taunting touch. But Suki’s motives were much more simple and base. Suki wanted the Fire Nation bitch to get to work already.

It was to Suki’s inner delight that the Princess finally took the bait.

“I suppose a little taste wouldn’t hurt.”

The sweet words were followed by Azula dipping her head down to Suki’s chest. The Kyoshi Warrior let her head fall backwards as she thrust her breasts forward, offering them up to her captor’s lips and tongue.

Azula focused her wicked affections on the same nipple she had pinched just moments before, the stinging pain replaced now with the sublime warmth and wetness of her mouth. Suki shuddered, moaning as Azula dragged her tongue over the sensitive peak of her breast, sucking it between her soft lips.

Suki felt the urge to drop her hands to Azula’s head, to hold her there and make her lick and suck until Suki was sated. But still her hands were bound above her head and Suki was unwilling to break her cover just yet. She was the captive. She had to play the part. She had to be the helpless prisoner, writhing in pleasure under her captor’s touch.

Azula suckled on Suki’s tits, lips and tongue working their magic. But then Suki gasped as Azula took one of her nipples between her teeth. It was a teasing, gentle nibble, not meant to cause pain like she had done with her fingers. It was over quickly, with Azula immediately bringing her tongue back, swirling.

“Oh…” Suki moaned softly, urging her body closer into Azula’s, seeking out more of her touch, more of her licks and kisses. And Azula was happy to take what was offered, her hands falling to Suki’s hips and drawing her closer. “Oh… that does feel nice…”

Immediately, Azula stopped. She drew herself away, mouth and hands both retreating from Suki’s supple, toned body. The Kyoshi Warrior whined, voicing genuine disappointment. There was some frustration laced in there as well. Suki thought for sure that she had Azula committed. It seemed she would need to try harder.

“It does feel nice, doesn’t it?” Azula stood up straight, eyeing her prisoner with contemptuous eyes. Suki would have been offended if the Princess didn’t look so damn sexy doing it. “Everyone knows the throne of the Fire Nation will pass to me. I can be a benevolent queen, you know. But only if you submit.

Azula started to undo the belt of her robe. And Suki found herself enthralled. The aching of her arms, the frustration of being denied her touch, all forgotten as the red silk parted to reveal great swaths of flawless, pale skin.

The Princess was not nude under her robe, to Suki’s disappointment. But the black undergarments were scant and left much of her lithe body bare. Suki drew her eyes up and down the Princess’ curves, drinking in her creamy thighs, her trim belly, the enticing swells of her bosom.

There was a surprising softness to Azula’s body, considering the woman’s otherwise severe, sadistic nature. But that only made her all the more enthralling. The half naked Princess was a most pleasing sight. Indeed, Suki was entranced. But she was not swayed. A pretty face wasn’t enough to break a Kyoshi Warrior.

But it is enough to endure playing prisoner for a while…

“Sorry, Princess.” Suki said, grinning. “Kyoshi wasn’t the kneeling type. And neither am I.”

Azula didn’t break into a scowl. No, they’d danced this dance enough times that the Fire Nation heiress knew well of her captive’s rebellious streak. No, all Azula did was laugh.

A rich, hearty sound, wondrous to Suki’s ears. Even her laugh could get Suki’s loins stirred up with heat and want. And it seemed Azula knew it, as well. Because the Princess soon closed the distance between them again, pressing her body flush to Suki’s. Slowly, she pressed her bare thigh between her captive’s legs. And Suki could only let out a shuddering moan as her glistening cunt brushed against the warmth and firmness of Azula’s leg.

The pressure on her sex was light, but it was enough to set her blood on fire. Suki let out a rasping breath, rolling her hips against Azula’s pressing thigh, desperate to draw just a little more pleasure from the contact of their bodies. And Azula was giggling, a wicked and wonderful sound. Suki felt the woman’s hands on her face, Azula’s slender fingers ghosting along her jaw. She touched under Suki’s chin, forcing her captive to meet her eyes.

Suki stared into those pools of golden amber, seeing them alight with lust and hunger. Her cunt was aching then, heated like an inferno. Surely, Azula could feel it too.

“I was right. So stubborn.” Azula mocked her prisoner. Suki loved when the Princess got like this. It meant that the best part was coming up soon. “But I suppose I should thank you. Now I have an excuse to use my toys.”

Suki shivered as Azula once more drew her warmth away. But the captive knew the chill wouldn’t last. Now it was time for the real good stuff. The part of the interrogations that Suki lived for.

Azula let the silk robe fall from her shoulders as she circled behind Suki and out of sight. The Kyoshi Warrior steeled her nerves as she heard the sound of clinking metal and scraping wood. She couldn’t see it tied up to face the cell door, but the wall behind her was home to the rack of Azula’s special toys. But which one would she be using tonight? Suki’s mind couldn’t help but race through all the tantalizing possibilities.

Suki heard Azula fiddling with something. Her heart began to race. The Princess had chosen tonight’s tool.

“Do your worst. I can take it.” Suki blurted out. It wasn’t defiance. She was egging Azula on.

“I’m sure you can.” The other woman retorted. Suki could hear the smile in her voice. “But for how long?”

Suki jumped slightly as she felt strips of cold leather brushing over her bare ass. The shock only lasted for a short moment before Suki found herself brimming with quiet excitement. She knew exactly what toy Azula had chosen. It was one of Azula’s favorites. One of Suki’s favorites, too. The strap whip.

The dignified warrior gave a very much undignified yelp as Azula struck her across the ass without warning. The stinging pain was tenfold that of her pinched nipple. But so too was the deliciousness. Suki gave a low, whorish moan, relishing the ache that spread from her cunt to her belly then down to her very toes.

Then Azula was at her back, roughly palming her poor, abused bottom. Suki gave a hiss, shuddering under Azula’s touch. She heard the Princess’ voice again, pouring into her ears.

“Poor thing. For such a tough warrior you are so very sensitive.” Azula taunted, though her words came dripping with sweetness. Then her voice dropped low, a soft whisper. “But that just makes you my favorite.

“Less… talking… more… breaking…”

Suki meant it. She’d been a good girl. Waited all damn day, hanging from the ceiling, for Azula to come and show her guest a good time. She’d played her role. Now it was time for Azula to play hers.

And thankfully, she did. Suki cried out again as another strike from the strap whip connected with her buttocks. Through the stinging pain and the sound of her own desperate whine, Suki could hear Azula clicking her tongue in disappointment.

“You don’t call the shots, prisoner. So many days strung up like meat and you still don’t get it. But don’t worry, love. There’s plenty of time to learn. And I will be your teacher.

Against any other rebel against the Fire Nation, Azula’s words might have been intimidating. But Suki’s years of training gave her unparalleled discipline. She would not break. But she could certainly act like it.

If playing into Azula’s biases got her the fuck of her life, then so be it. Let the Fire Princess think she was the one in charge, Suki argued with her more rational self. She would turn the tables on Azula. Eventually. But first, she would enjoy her punishment.

After all, how many people could say they fucked a princess?



Too many irons in the fire, man.


It means that you are streching yourself so thin, that at this point we can hope like what ... 1 chapter per month max for most of your novels ?


I understand the concern and I have had similar thoughts these last few months. But some bits of good news: this story was only commissioned for 8k words, so it won't be taking up too much of my time. I've also been getting close to finishing a couple of my other stories as well, which will free me up to focus on the stories that haven't been getting as much attention. I've been getting into a better writing groove as of late, becoming more productive. And if you're a fan of my Wonder Woman or Birds of Prey stories, you're in luck as good-sized chapters will be coming out before the end of March.