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Some images to help readers see what I'm going for when it comes to character appearances.

General Zod and Faora are certainly inspired somewhat by their appearances in Man of Steel - although in Zod's case, he looks more like his comic counterpart than he does to Michael Shannon. He's a talented actor, sure, but I can't imagine him when I'm writing lewd scenes.

Ra's al Ghul - again taking more inspiration from the comics than any live action appearances. I described him as having darker complexion in the chapter and I will keep to that. Ra's is of Arab descent and he will be described as such. The image above is certainly more fair-skinned than he is described but it was the best picture I could find that fit with how I imagined him.

Aquaman looks similar to the picture provided, though with some of Jason Momoa's looks thrown in. I actually enjoyed how Aquaman was portrayed in the live action films, so his appearance in this story will take some elements from them.

As for our main male lead, Lor-Zod. As mentioned in the prologue chapter, he's the spitting image of his father, just clean shaven and with a more youthful face. I couldn't find any good images of Lor that weren't from his lame appearance in Young Justice, so you guys are just going to have to take my word on it.

Thanks for reading!



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