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Diana's question came without warning.

“How do you feel about blondes?” She asked, breathless.

The Amazonian princess rolled her hips as she sat upon Mark’s lap, moaning sweetly as his manhood stroked against her insides. Mark himself huffed through his nose like an angry bull, his hands taking a firm hold of the warrior woman’s waist. Diana’s cunt, so impossibly tight and impossibly hot, would be the death of him, Mark knew.

With the molten ecstasy that was wrapped around his cock, Mark didn’t immediately register his superhuman lover’s question. It took a moment for Diana’s words to really settle in his mind. But when they did, Mark found himself beyond intrigued.

“I like blondes just fine. But I have a thing for brunettes, to be honest.” Mark smirked, drawing one of his hands across Diana’s trim belly as the woman writhed on top of him.

The Amazon gave a warm, adoring smile then, love burning in her eyes. She dropped down to press a soft, sweet kiss to his lips, her dark, flowing hair falling down like a curtain around their heads.

“For a criminal mastermind, you are incredibly sweet Mark Messner.” Diana murmured against his lips, kissing him again. Mark groaned as he melted in his girlfriend’s embrace. Her sweet mouth upon his own, her soft breasts pressing into his chest, his cock buried in her tight, sopping wet cunt… It was as close to heaven as a living man could get. Diana rose back up, smirking down at her mortal lover. “That’s why I asked you a serious question. You’ve been so good to me, Mark. I think it’s time for us to spice things up.”

Diana of Themyscira giggled then, bright blue eyes full of excitement, love, and wild lust as she planted her hands on Mark’s firm, hairy chest. This caused her arms to press her ample breasts together, her lovely laughter making them sway and quake so deliciously right in front of Mark’s face. It was a tempting sight, truly, almost enough to render his normally keen mind blank. Almost. Fighting the urge to bury his face in Diana’s wonderful tits, Mark kept his eyes locked firmly on hers.

“Is… Uh… Is this related to our conversation last weekend?” Mark asked.

Diana nodded, wearing a wild smile and blazing eyes. She bucked her hips then, drawing a pleasured howl from the man beneath her… And a satisfied moan from herself. The Amazonian warrior shuddered atop her most pleasing mount, tightening around Mark’s length. She sank down onto his lap, taking the man as deep as their bodies would allow. Her thighs met Mark’s waist with a delightful clap.

No, this isn’t heaven, Mark realized then, his head falling back onto the mattress. This is better.

“I found someone who would make a great addition to our weekend fun.” Diana admitted, beaming down at Mark. The thief noticed that there was a measure of pride in her voice. The princess hummed happily, running her fingers across her man’s broad chest. “I think you’ll love having her over, Mark. She’s a lot like me. Beautiful, tough, intense.

Diana bucked her hips again, sucking in a gasp as she drew another spike of pleasure from Mark’s thick cock. Mark hissed, feeling himself being stroked with the tightness of his lover’s sex.

“Is she superhuman? Or a fellow Amazon?” Mark had enough strength to ask. His wandering hands found their way around Diana’s wide hips to that lovely rear-end of hers. Mark gave his wonderful woman a wolfish smile as he took two handfuls of that splendid, juicy derriere.

Diana hummed, pleased at Mark’s barbaric touch. She rocked herself atop his waist again, letting him guide her rolling hips with his hold on her ass. Slow, agonizing strokes milked his iron-rod cock. Mark growled, low and beastly, as Diana’s womanhood took him deep, smothering his cockhead and shaft with the maddening tightness of dripping, molten silk.

“She’s a mortal woman.” Diana gasped sharply, falling upon Mark so that her breasts were once more squished against his chest. Her hands now cradled his head, her slender fingers gently running through his hair as she pressed her forehead to his. She whispered sweetly to him next. “But she can handle the two of us. She’d do it out of pride more than anything else. She works hard and she plays hard. She’ll be the perfect lover for us.”

“I’m sold.” Mark grunted, his cock throbbing deep within Diana’s cunt. He huffed out through flared nostrils again, feeling a tightness in his balls. “So… Who is she, exactly?”

Even with their faces so close together, the sly look in Diana’s eyes was unmistakable.

“She’s the Black Canary.” Diana answered, her smile growing.

Mark hadn’t been expecting an answer like that.

Ever since last weekend, he had a feeling Diana would search for another woman to join them in bed. And it was likely that she would choose someone familiar to her. One of her associates, perhaps. Or maybe even one of her Amazonian sisters. But another superheroine?

The thief couldn’t help but have some reservations. It wasn’t that Mark didn’t like Diana’s choice. In fact, it was the opposite. He’d seen the Black Canary on the news. He’d seen amateur footage of her kicking ass in battle. He’d even seen her dolled up in some tastefully done cover shoots. The woman was a knockout, all wavy blonde hair and tight curves wrapped in fishnets and leather.

The idea of sharing a woman like that with Diana was alluring to say the least. The problem was that she was a do-gooder. Very much the type to bust Mark’s ass if she caught even a whiff of the dubious side to their romance.

“Not that I’m against the idea, babe…” Mark drawled, sinking into the mattress as Diana’s mouth found his neck. “Are you sure you want to invite one of your Justice League friends into our… thing? If she finds out who I really am, then she’s definitely going to have some things to say about it.”

Diana said nothing. Desperate, wet kisses trailed up along his jaw until they reached his lips. Her tongue dipped into his mouth, seeking a battle that he barely had the energy to fight. It was a deep, hungry kiss that sent Mark’s head spinning, his heart racing, and his prick pulsing. When Diana  finally allowed her mortal lover a chance to breathe, he was sure his heart would burst from his chest. Mark groaned then, his arms coiling around his woman’s waist, holding her body flush against his own.

Diana gave a pleased hum, pressing a gentle kiss to Mark’s chest before lifting her upper body off of him. Her large, proud breasts swayed into view as she sat back on his lap, teardrop swells capped with pink, poking nipples. Her impossibly perfect ass molded came to rest on his thighs, those sumptuous swells smothering his balls. Diana gave Mark a loving look, using her finger to trace circles on his chest.

“I didn’t say we were going to invite her, Mark.” Diana clarified. Her smile curled into a naughty smirk. There was a fire in her eyes, different from before. Darker and more devious it was. And it had his cock surging with hot blood. “We’re going to enthrall her the way you enthralled me!”

Diana rolled her hips again, drawing her cunt up the length of Mark’s cock. It was excruciating ecstasy, molten pleasure glazing his shaft and balls. The man almost spilled right then and there but somehow gathered the willpower to keep his seed roiling in his testes.

Fuck.” Mark hissed through clenched teeth. He ran his hands down Diana’s firm, muscled back, feeling the impossible heat of her body, the smoothness of her perfect skin. Even after weeks of making love to this woman, Mark still could not believe in his good fortune. This goddess wanted to help him take another superheroine into his thrall. The prospect had him twitching madly within her silken folds. “You’re not kidding are you? You want me to snatch up the Black Canary, too?”

“It wouldn’t be quite that simple, but yes.” Diana answered, darting down to give Mark a quick peck on the cheek. She playfully swiped her tongue against his skin as she pulled away. The Amazon lifted herself from her lover’s lap, letting Mark’s cock slip from her sex. The thief gave a groan of clear discontent as he felt his length slap wetly against his thigh, watching the woman roll onto her back beside him. Diana then gave him an expectant look, staring at the mortal man with bright, eager eyes. “Well? I want you on top now.”

Mark’s racing heart pumped simmering hot blood down to his aching manhood, making him throb almost painfully between his legs. Diana could be a cruel woman, he had learned. She would sap the strength from his bones, drain him of his seed, and still demand more of him. And every time he would be all too eager to please her.

Mark was as much a slave as she was, the thief had realized. He was beholden to her perfect body and his own primal urges. With the strength that Diana had yet to milk from him, Mark hurled himself upon her waiting, naked body.

His hands fell upon her. His lips and tongue as well. Tasting of her sweet skin, the softness of her flesh. His mouth sought her trim belly, her full breasts, her lovely nipples, then onto her neck. Finally, he took her lips the way she had taken his, hungry and merciless. He swallowed her moans and mewls, his cock brushing against her thighs, throbbing with need as she writhed willfully in his arms.

When Mark finally pulled away, Diana cried out in joyous laughter. It was a game to her, to see how wild she could drive him to be. From Mark’s perspective, it was a game that both of them seemed to be winning.

Mark gave a low, beastly grunt and skewered Diana onto his hard length, sinking his monstrous manhood into her slick folds once more. The sudden move had the princess arching her back, letting out a banshee cry as her hands - and nails - found a solid hold on his back and shoulders. His cock dipped deep into that delicious honey, sliding in until his balls came to rest against the swells of her ass. The man muttered a curse, planting a kiss onto one of her breasts.

“By the gods…” Diana gasped. Her body radiated heat, her cunt tightening around him, enveloping his cock in her pleasure. It ran over him like warm syrup. She breathed hotly against his ear, her words coming urgent, desperate, and sweet. “If you can make an Amazon feel this way… I can only imagine what this cock of yours can do to a mortal woman.”

“Don’t sell yourself short, Diana.” Mark huffed, slowly working himself between her legs. The thief groaned, letting the warm delights of a willing woman engulf his cock all the way to the root. Using both arms to support himself, he took in the vision of naked beauty that lay beneath him, watching every little quake and wobble of her breasts as he thrust into her dripping cunt. “I can barely handle you on your own. Another woman might be the death of me. Even a mortal one.”

The sweet, musical sound of Diana’s gentle laughter filled the air. She tittered softly, her hands moving to the back of Mark’s head. She looked up at her lover with adoring eyes, burning with Amazonian passion. But there was something else in her eyes, too. A glimmer of daring and her willful spirit.

“That just makes it a challenge, no?” Diana purred, running her fingers through Mark’s hair. He drew back and sank into her again, the heat of her sex bathing his cock in blazing delight. His balls tightened as he picked up the pace, and in turn Diana took a firm hold of him. Mark knew he was nearing his peak. Every thrust brought him nearer and nearer to eruption.

Mark’s hips rose and fell in rapid pace, his prick skewering, splitting Diana’s slick, pink cunt. His manhood was a lance - no, a battering ram. It struck deep, it struck hard, and it struck true.

From the moans, gasps, and wild howls that came from Diana’s mouth, Mark had little doubt in his lover’s enjoyment. If there was one thing he learned in these last few weeks, it was that Wonder Woman loved getting fucked.

She was the symbol of women’s power, an icon to millions around the world. Impossibly strong, impossibly gorgeous, yet she was a living, breathing defiance of the impossible. She was a warrior. She was royalty. She was a goddess. She was in his fucking bed, taking his fat cock as deep as it could go. And the fiery look in her eyes told him her lust was nowhere near sated.

“More! Harder!” She demanded. And so Mark obeyed, driving himself to slake the Amazon’s thirst of carnal pleasures. His body worked like a machine, merciless and unwavering. Mark didn’t know where this sudden resolve came from, didn’t know how he was now able to perform so tirelessly. Maybe it was his pride. Or maybe it was Diana herself, the simple fact that a beauty like her was in his bed driving him mad. Maybe it was her beauty, her grace spurring him on to prove his worth, to show his princess the strength of mortal men.

Their bodies collided together, joining to become one flesh. A carnal connection of pure bliss, white hot fire that burned everything else away. Everything except for the two of them.

Mark thrust deep, feeling a coiling deep in his gut, a trembling in his bones. His hips slapped against Diana’s thighs, sending a tremor through her body that had her breasts quaking so beautifully upon her chest. The Amazonian warrior gasped, her hands falling to Mark’s shoulders, her nails digging into his flesh. He bucked his hips hard, desperate to strike a little deeper into her sweet cunt. That earned him a delightful moan so sweet from Diana’s lips, and the sting of her nails raking over his skin. He didn’t worry about her drawing blood. The spell over her mind meant she couldn’t truly hurt him.

“Oh! Oooh!” Diana wailed, her head flying back onto the pillows. She writhed in Mark’s arms, her cunt quivering around his cock, her hands gripping tight to his back. Mark could say nothing, too consumed with lust to form words.

Sweat dripped from Mark’s brow. He drove his cock into Diana’s cunt, his body working into a desperate frenzy. Within him was a blazing inferno. His blood burned hot, frothing in his veins. He was more beast than man in that moment, with no sense and no mind but to climb towards the highest peak of ecstasy.

Diana clung to him, her thighs wrapping around his waist. The superheroine let out a shriek, her whole body going tense in his arms. Her sex gripped his cock tight and Mark quickly felt his manhood drenched in Diana’s ending. It was too much for him. An instant later, Mark reached his own end and erupted deep inside his lover’s quivering cunt.

It was a lava flow, a wonderful heat that poured over his body - and out of it, as well. White hot bliss shot down the length of his cock, painting Diana’s innermost walls with his seed. Mark bellowed, letting out low grunts like an animal, as his cock twitched with every release. It went on for a time.

As they shared in their euphoria, Mark found an extra measure of satisfaction in the lovely moans that each rope of shooting cum brought from Diana’s lips.

When every last drop of ecstasy had been wrung from his body, Mark let the strength flee from his arms and fell upon Diana. He laid a soft kiss to each of her breasts, finding just enough strength to roll to the side. His half-hard prick lolled lazily against his bare thigh, smearing with the offerings from both of their bodies. The fat bastard that hung between Mark’s legs was as worn and exhausted as its owner was.

Mark stared at the ceiling of his bedroom, his mind blank and his balls empty. The only sound was that of their breathing. After the trial of the flesh he had just endured, Mark found that he could give voice to but a single, coherent thought.

Fuck.” He said, sighing.

“Aphrodite’s cunt.” Diana whispered in turn, breathless and with an unmistakable air of reverence. Mark didn’t know if it was directed towards him or to the famed goddess herself.

Next he felt his superheroine lover stir on the bed, twisting her body to face him. One of her hands fell upon his chest, her fingers again running softly through his chest hair.

“So…” She began, sliding closer to him and pressing a small kiss to his shoulder. “Let’s talk about Black Canary.”


“Wait. You think being bound to me will actually be good for her?” Mark looked upon Diana with shock… And perhaps a sliver of excitement. Such were the minds of men.

The princess only smiled at her lover’s incredulity, wiggling comfortably into her seat on the sofa. They both had gotten cleaned up and dressed - partially dressed, anyway. She wore panties and one of his button-up dress shirts while he wore a simple pair of sweatpants.

They were in his living room, with the television flipped to a sports channel and playing on low volume. As Diana told Mark of her decision to induct Black Canary into… Whatever it was they had going, the man had started to pace back and forth in front of the TV. It was cute to watch.

“Why not?” Diana pressed. She gave Mark a devilish smirk. “It was good for me.

That stopped Mark in his tracks. He stared at her for a long moment.

“Really?” He asked. He didn’t quite sound elated, but there was a heartening tone in his voice. Hopeful, Diana realized.

Diana gave her lover a look. Then promptly broke into a fit of giggles. Who knew that playing and flirting with mortal men could be so fun?

Not my sisters, Diana thought. Their loss, I suppose. And my gain.

“Dinah is a friend of mine, Mark. And as much as she tries to deny it, she’s hurting emotionally. It has always pained me to see my sisters in womanhood suffering in silence. This is no different.” Diana said. She drew her long, bare legs onto the sofa, curling them both underneath her. “She’s had her heart broken by a man who never deserved her in the first place. It would be better for her to find pleasure with the two of us than to waste any more of her time fuming over an unfaithful lover.”

“And you’re sure about this?” Mark frowned, looking pensive.

“I’m positive.” Diana assured him. “Call it a woman’s intuition.”

That got the man to grin. Mark gave her a small nod then, taking a seat on the recliner next to the sofa. Diana noted that her lover looked quite pleased with his lot in life. She couldn’t really blame him for it. How many men had a superheroine girlfriend offering up her beautiful comrades on a silver platter?

“Sounds like a plan.” Mark said. “Only question is: How are we going to ensnare her the same way I got you? My powers of suggestion are limited, remember?”

“We’ll use the same spell that Aresia used on me.” Diana answered. When it looked like Mark was going to reply in the negative, she held up a hand to silence him. “Before you interrupt, let me say that I am aware that we need more than the activation phrase to enthrall a new target.”

“Yeah, I was about to say…” Mark rubbed the back of his neck, leaning forward in his recliner. “My stunt at the gala only worked because Aresia had already put the enchantment on you and never removed it. The spoken spell is only part of the process. I guess that brings us to the real issue: How did Aresia get you the first time around?”

“I’m glad you asked, love.” Diana tucked some of her hair behind her ear, smiling at the mortal who held dominion over her mind, her soul… And her heart. “When Aresia first put me under her thrall, she used a special artifact. A golden scepter forged by the gods. The Greek gods, specifically. It was kept safe on Themyscira until Aresia managed to steal it.”

Mark’s eyes widened as realization fell across his handsome, youthful face. Diana loved watching the subtle changes in his expressions whenever he went into ‘thinking mode’. It was a reminder that despite his criminal mold, Mark Messner was not some mindless brute. He was a thoughtful, reflective man. Although Diana was more than fond of his barbaric nature between the sheets, it was a comfort to know that her love was more than his baser desires.

“Yeah…” Mark started, his lips curling into a small grin. “I remember reading something about a scepter in Luthor’s files. And Luthor was the one who had Aresia assassinated. So…”

“If anybody is going to have the scepter now, it would be Lex Luthor.” Diana finished for him. She wiggled back into the sofa, very pleased with how their twisted little plan was coming together. “It seems that we both have our assignments for this week. I’ll test the waters with Dinah, get her interested in meeting you.”

Mark’s face took on a roguish expression then, his green eyes shining with sly intent. Diana felt a delightful thrumming in her skin, a pleasant warmth that spread through her body. The Amazon could only imagine the wonderful, naughty things the man was formulating in his head. All of the lewd, dirty things they would do together, Diana knew that dear Dinah would soon be joining them.

“And it looks like I’ll be making another trip to Luthor’s archives.” Mark said, his voice low and eager. He continued on, wearing a wolfish, hungry smile. “Call it a man’s gut feeling, babe… But I think the three of us are going to have a lot of fun together.”



If I had a penny for every time that Black Canary came under the sexual thrall of a younger man, I’d have two pennies. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.


The guy who requested WW:TD wanted Black Canary. And tbh the guy's got good taste lol