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Kei resumed his attack upon Reika’s breasts filling his mouth with soft, milky flesh. As before, he alternated between them, sucking on one tit then the other. He paid close attention to her nipples, lashing his tongue desperately against them both. All the while Reika cradled his head, her slender fingers running through his dark hair while she moaned sweetly and softly.

“Your tits are fucking fantastic, Reika!” Kei praised the idol beauty as he pulled his lips from her succulent bosom. Still he cradled her prominent bust in his hands, pushing the two globes together, playing with them. “So big and juicy…”

“Do whatever you want with them!” Reika cried, trembling under Kei’s looming mass. The young clone knew her offer was genuine, as she held her hands together above her head then, leaving her breasts vulnerable to whatever lustful, depraved acts that Kei had in store for them.

A devious look fell upon Kei’s face. There was indeed one very specific idea on the young hero’s mind. One that was so especially lewd and tawdry, the very thought of it being done to a celebrity like Reika had Kei’s manhood swelling almost painfully within his boxers.

“Anything I want, huh?” Kei asked, smirking. He rose up then so that he straddled Reika’s torso, his groin brushing against the underswells of the young beauty’s ample teats.

Reika looked up at him with wide, glimmering eyes and rosy, flushed cheeks. With deep breaths, breaths that made her lovely tits rise and fall so wonderfully, the young idol singer awaited her lover’s next move.

It came swiftly. Kei reached to the waistline of his boxers and tugged them down sharply. His cock, so long and swollen and throbbing with lust, sprang forward into the air. It swung down like a heavy, pale hammer, loudly slapping down upon the valley between Reika’s mountainous breasts.

Kei gave a grunt of satisfaction at being freed, bucking his hips some as his cock laid upon Reika’s tits. Reika herself gasped when the beastly thing came out. Kei could see why, looking down at the most pleasing sight of his prick resting between Reika’s breasts. His manhood looked especially angry jutting out from between his legs. It was long, thick, and throbbing red from his pent up lust. The same lust he was about to unleash upon Reika.

“Oh, wow…” Reika whispered, looking upon Kei’s manhood with a mixture of worry and astonishment. One of her hands drew downward from above her head to slowly, softly run her fingers along the top of the shaft. Her fingers followed the snake-like pattern of the protruding veins along his length, traveling down, down, down until they brushed against the swollen, bulbous cockhead. “You’re really big, Kei. Bigger than I thought.”

“I’ll take the compliment.” Kei snorted, enduring maddening aches as the woman’s soft touch graced his cock. Her fingers ran back up his shaft, towards his groin, but stopped just short of his balls. Her hand pulled away and returned to rest above her head. Kei huffed, somewhat frustrated. “You spent a lot of time thinking about my cock, did you?”

“I knew you weren’t small.” Reika admitted, shifting underneath him. The move caused the valley between her breasts to close around Kei’s dick for a brief moment, stroking him between the swells of her bosom. The young man grunted, bucking his hips again, but otherwise maintained his composure. Reika continued on, “The GANTZ suits are pretty tight, you know. I just didn’t expect you to be so huge.”

“Do you think you can handle it?” Kei pressed her, looking down with hard, intense eyes. It was both a genuine question… and a challenge.

“For you? I’ll handle anything.” Reika responded fiercely. “If you want to use my tits, Kei, then use them.

Kei felt a stirring deep within. Deep in his bones. In his very soul. A primal hunger that needed to be sated. He rolled his hips slowly, gliding his cock between Reika’s breasts. He reached down and cupped those massive mounds from the sides and pushed them together, closing the deep valley between Reika’s tits around his thick length. The clone breathed out a low and heavy sound of pleasure. But still he hungered for more.

“You’re a very generous host, Reika.” Kei drawled, thrusting sharply into the tight warmth he had created using the idol singer’s ample bust. His waist collided with the soft, pliant flesh of Reika’s breasts, making them quake and wobble so deliciously in his hands. Reika gasped at his defilement of her body, scandalized but still all too willing to endure the young man’s lust. Kei gave her a wolfish smile. “Honestly? You’re the best.”

God, look at those fucking tits. They’re fucking perfect.

Reika said nothing, only nodding at the young man’s words. Her pretty, porcelain face was now flushed a rosy red. It might have been arousal. It might have been from feelings of embarrassment. Kei didn’t care either way. The pleasures of the young lady’s breasts wrapped around his prick held the focus of his mind.

It was the loveliest of sensations that thrummed along his length, a rolling ecstasy that danced through his nerves, his veins, deep into his guts and into his balls. It was a man’s satisfaction, the base gratification of using a woman’s femininity for his pleasure.

The young clone took what had been offered to him and he took it greedily. Grunting like some savage, he thrusted between Reika’s tits, piercing the tight crevice he created with his prodigious cock. Every stroke brought forth brutish delight, his waist slapping against the lady’s teats so lewdly that Kei feared he would spend at just the sound of his conquest.

With his blood singing, Kei slowed his pace just enough to lean down and release a thick wad of spit onto his shaft. It would make the taking of Reika’s breasts that much more pleasing.

Kei’s saliva wetted his cock as well as the valley between Reika’s tits, making for a more slick and slippery split through which he could glide his manhood. Quicker thrusts came, and pleasure was derived all the more intensely. Reika moaned weakly beneath him as every punch forward sent her tits quaking in his hands. And every thrust sent his cockhead striking her upon the lips and chin.

“Oh, God…” Kei groaned, almost doubling over as ecstasy gripped his body. “Fuck, Reika, your tits feel so good!”

Faster thrusts followed, savage strikes of flesh on flesh. Carnal and base the act was, making Kei feel closer to a beast than to a man. The sound of skin slapping wetly against skin filled Reika’s bedroom. Kei pushed her lush breasts tighter together, the young clone snarling through clenched teeth. He thrust forth wildly, madly, a man overcome with lust and desire.

“Oh my God!” Reika cried underneath him, trapped under his weight and the wrathful fucking of her milky tits. Kei thrust his cock deep then, groaning as his balls came to settle against the underside of Reika’s breasts. He huffed through his nose, thumbing her hardened nipples insistently, drawing a pitiful whine from the woman sprawled beneath him.

Positioned as they were, the swollen head of Kei’s cock laid just so across Reika’s soft lips. Daring as she was, even when made into a sexual plaything, the idol singer had enough nerve to press a soft kiss to the ugly, red thing nestled between her tits. Kei looked down upon Reika and his swollen cock twitching needily against her pursed lips. He savored the sight.

“Use your mouth.” He urged her, rolling his hips slowly, pushing the angry cockhead just a little further upon her waiting lips. The pale beauty complied, laying more flower petal kisses onto the thick, throbbing prick being pushed into her face. “Use your tongue. You like the taste? You love it, don’t you?”

His words drew another round of soft moans from the idol singer, the beautiful young lady continuing on with her debasement. She pressed more soft and gentle kisses to the big, swollen cockhead but also snaked her tongue out to lash lovingly against the tip. More lashes came, gentle laps like she was tasting from an ice cream cone or a lollipop. Finally, Reika craned her head down, took the head of Kei’s big cock into her mouth, and began to suck.

Oh, fuck yeah…

The young and horny clone let loose a deep groan. His hands fell away from Reika’s poor, abused breasts, letting those proud globes sway apart. The valley of her bosom was still glossy from Kei’s spit and her nipples remained hard and pointed. They begged for Kei’s attention, for his hungry mouth. But Kei’s focus was set on the pleasures of Reika’s sweet mouth.

He pushed his hips forward, slowly but still insistent. His cock pressed just that much further past her soft lips, the woman moaning at the intrusion. Her hands finally came down from above her head to rest upon his thighs, but ultimately she did nothing to push him away.

Kei could feel the hot wetness of her mouth around his cockhead, as well as the heat of her nose breathing out onto his shaft. The leisurely pleasure was almost enough to drive him mad. He may have been young and a clone but even he had enough sense to know that he should return the lady’s favor.

He reached back with one hand, twisting his body slightly, his fingers seeking the sweetness that Reika held between her legs. He found that trove quick enough, his long, dextrous fingers running teasingly along the soft, slick folds of Reika’s tight, warm pussy. The heat that he could feel between her legs was telling. But the wetness he found dripping from her told even more. Kei couldn't help but smile.

“God, your so fucking wet…” Kei grunted. He chuckled then, running two fingers between her pink lips. “This gets you off, doesn’t it? Having my fat cock in your mouth gets you hot.”

Reika whined under his assault upon her womanhood, the vibrations from her throat sending pleasing tremors through her mouth and onto his cock as she still held it in her mouth. She spat out his cockhead a moment later, moaning loudly.

“I want you to cum, Kei!” She cried out, her hands coming up together to stroke his slick cock as if to prove her words true. She stared up at him with wide eyes, blazing with the heat of desire. Kei’s assertion had been right on the money: Reika loved this as much as he did. She stroked his cock hard and fast, milking him with both hands. “Right in my mouth! Shoot your cum all over my face! Shoot it all over my tits! Just let it out, Kei! Do it!

The idol beauty continued to jack him off. She took his cockhead back into her eager, willing mouth. With soft lips and lashing tongue, Reika brought Kei to the peak of pleasure. There was nothing the young man could do other than what the lovely lady told him to do.

Kei threw his head back and moaned, finding sweet release under the soft, skillful touch of his new woman. He did as she said to, letting himself shoot off into her waiting mouth, spilling hot seed onto her lashing tongue. Reika took in his first spurts with a pleased moan, sucking them down greedily. But after a moment she popped his cock out of her mouth in time for him to spill the remainder of his offering onto the swells of her proud breasts.

“Holy shit. Oh, fuck…” Kei snarled, grunting all beast-like as Reika firmly stroked his manhood over her tits. Dutifully, she wringed out every last drop of cum from his cock, milking the clone for all he was worth. She kept her eyes on him all the while, even as she feathered more gentle kisses upon his length as it softened in her hands. Kei sighed, coming down from his high. “Fuck, that was good. I don’t think I’ve ever cum that hard.”

For the first time that night, Reika smiled. It was a small, sweet smile, happiness at being praised. But in her eyes, Kei could see a measure of womanly pride as well.

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. I do aim to please.” Reika reminded him, speaking softly. She held a bashful yet kittenish look about her angelic face. She drew her fingers across her bosom, collecting a dollop of the seed Kei had left there. “Wow. You made a pretty big mess, Kei.”

Reika took those same fingers into her mouth, sucking them clean. Then she reached to the side and grabbed some tissues from her nightstand, wiping the rest of the cum from her bust.

The clone felt a heat spread across his cheeks. Now that he had found release, he regained some clarity… And a keen awareness of his behavior. Nodding, he rolled off of Reika to lay beside her on the bed. The flush across his cheeks deepened upon the realization that Reika had swallowed. He looked upon the woman beside him with a sense of awe - At both her and his own luck.

“Well… This is a fresh new body.” Kei said after a sheepish pause. “The original was the one who was getting laid. I probably have a lot of cum build-up or something. That’s a thing, right?”

Reika giggled, demure and girlish despite her nudity and the depravity of what they had just done together. She grabbed a water bottle from her nightstand and took a swig. Then her eyes were on him again. She stared for a moment, saying nothing as she regarded the clone in silence. Then she climbed into his lap and kissed him.

It was sudden but not at all unwelcome. The warmth of her soft body in his arms and the feeling of her ass smothering his dick made Kei not want to let her go.

The kiss went on for a moment, deepening. And just when Kei felt like he was out of breath, Reika pulled away. She was panting as he was and wearing a bright smile. She reached down between them to cup his balls in her hand, massaging them softly.

“Cum build-up, huh?” The pale, busty beauty giggled again. She nuzzled her nose to his. “Then I guess it’s going to be my job to keep your balls empty.”

Maybe this whole clone life won’t be so bad after all…


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