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I noticed an uncharacteristic and BIG drop in Patreon supporters, so I did some digging, and...you guessed it. Somebody has started posting the newer animations to a file sharing board. 3 of them, right in a row. Thanks a lot, "Rumbly." 

Great. Just great. Way to kill the thing you love, there, bro. You already have the damn clip. Posting it somewhere does NOTHING except getting you a "thanks" post from a stranger, and takes what little funds this page creates from my pocket. 


And, honestly, it's not even about the money (the page hasn't been a huge money maker, anyway). It's just the jerkiness of it. It's literally stealing. From me, and from all you guys, who do it right. Not to mention, it's just stupid -- niche material like this isn't easy to come by, and when you find it, you're supposed to support it, not steal it. Nothing will make it disappear faster and then everybody loses. I think we all can count the content providers (like Wicked City) who made great stuff but shut down because piracy made it pointless to create anything. This stuff isn't cheap to make; a batch of voice work alone is several hundred dollars, and a short story/audiobook is well over a thousand dollars.  And that live action video I want to do will cost many THOUSANDS to produce. If people are just going to post it to sharing sites, I just won't make it. And then everybody loses. 

*double sigh*


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