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Hi everyone,

I had some requests for Scarlett's origin story, so here's a take on that story, delivered in PDF format with some tasty exclusive images of our favorite flame-haired superwoman.

I had commissioned this one some time ago from DTM, purveyor of the site AmysConquest. At times he can be a good writer of ubergirl material; I purposefully only provided him with the bare essentials to see where he would take it.

Well, the story itself is more or less "canon," in terms of where she came from, but some of the details are different (but that's okay). He did a good job of imagining Scarlett's overwhelming strength even if he was wildly off the mark in terms of Helen's mindset. (again, that's okay). He did lapse into a trend I've noticed on his own site, of constantly using the word "young" to describe the uberwoman, and he even went as far as to include a schoolgirl uniform and have her pose as someone still in school, which, considering the material and why we make it, is just GROSS to me. So I changed that part. (I've long felt the insistence of consumers of this genre on making the females so young is waaaay creepy. I don't get it, and I'm not having it associated with my material. Nasty. Creepy. You will find only full-grown women in the MKU, thank you very much.) I've turned down many a writing job because the commissioner wanted the ubergirl to be young...in some cases, barely a teenager. Gross. 

So, the only editing I've done to this one is to add apostrophes and try to catch the biggest grammatical offenses, and to change the school uniform to a nun's habit. (Sure, objectionable for other reasons, but at least it's ADULT reasons. Sheesh.) 

Anyway, here's 27 pages of fiction with some tasty pics to go along. More of this later, along with another (more Scarlett-accurate) story, by moi, about a later adventure. Here, Helen Grant creates her alter ego, and engages in some tremendous super beatdowns and often engages in her uber side's more...carnal desires. Warning: Graphic!

More soon!




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