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Hi everyone, 

Sorry I've been so quiet around here lately -- I've been dealing with a few "real life" issues, new work duties, and some health issues among them. I'm looking at a couple rounds of "not quite emergency but we should do this soon" surgeries, so it may be hit or miss for a little while, if you're trying to get in touch with me. 

I am still working on material as best I can, though - I'm rendering scenes for a cool new EVE video as we speak, plus work continues on the new growth video and two special requests which the authors have been waiting patiently for. The good news is that even if this health care stuff happens, I should still be able to produce material. 

Just keeping everyone in the loop. I'll be posting some material later today. Thanks for the patience and support as always, everybody.


Ryan D

Good to hear from you, Dusty! Don’t worry about new updates and content if you are unable to do them. Concentrate on yourself first. Your health and well-being should always be your top priority. We will all still be here when you get back. Hope you feel better soon and stay safe!


You guys are the best! Things are a little more tolerable today -- yay! More (hopefully good news) on this soon.