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It's been a tough week and demands on my "real life" schedule are at an all-time high, but the good news is that it should be settled soon and I can turn back to spending more time creating content for you subscribers -- thanks so much for your patience; my goal is to come roaring back with lots of fun, sexy MK action. 

I was able to sneak in some time to render a few frames of the upcoming Scarlett poll results animation....aaaaand, you guessed it: Big Red is the MK version of the old Jekyll & Hyde/Hulk trope. This is the first proper FMG/transformation I've done that didn't involve a simple crossfading between two entirely different figures, and while it was a lot of work, seeing little Helen explode up and out into the mega-sassy Scarlett looks REALLY cool. Can't wait for you guys to see the finished product. I'm going to aim to get as much material uploaded by the end of the month as I can.  

Did I just let it slip that Scarlett will be the Mankiller FMG character? I think I did! The question is....how big can she get? Hmmmm? Why would 6 feet be the limit? 

Wait, did I just let a giantess hint slip, too?!?!?!  :)




😂😂😂 well it would be Beyond easier to kill everything if she was a giantess 😂😈


Nice can't wait! :D


Sweet! Just make sure you remedy the canon. We already know her as normal height from previous videos. Perhaps she can control her height?


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I see it as Scarlet''s always there, willing to bust out, and Helen only lets her out when she has to. And Scarlett's in full control once sh'es cut loose....including her upcoming ability to GET BIG. Muhaha. More soon!


giantess very much want 10 feet tall


that's fine


hows the progress on the giantess


It's coming along. I just got a big new batch of video-specific dialogue, so now I get to render that for the video...lots of work, but it sounds GREAT.