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Hello all -- just dropping a quick update about progress, etc....

I'm rendering away on the Scarlett Poll Reward video; it's going to be a GOOD one. It's going a little slower than usual because I've elected to render with a light set that takes much longer to render, but looks MUCH better than my standard pics. Also, I'm waiting for some custom audio being recorded specifically for this one by our newest voice actress...you'll love her take on Big Red. More on this video soon...

I'm also cutting together Part II of the CyberEVE audiobook (for the 4th time arrgh) but I'm using a different computer so maybe this one won't crash. 

The next couple of weeks are VERY big for my day job and I'm working 12-14 hr days everyday, in addition to the family finally moving my mother into a senior home, so the stress and demands on my time have made getting new material made tough. Sorry about the progress that has been too slow for my liking -- I'll see what I can do to step it up a notch as we get closer to the new year.

In the meantime....here's another tasty tidbit from that wonderous wordsmith Martin Kane. In this one, an athlete is recruited for her big screen debut...and she brings the goods as her legend is born! 





Ryan D

Looking forward to the new updates. I'm sorry to hear about the next couple of weeks for you. Especially about your mother. Just take it one day at a time and focus on you first. We will all be here when you get back.


All good, man. Your creations are worth the wait.


Best of luck with whatever your personal life is bringing. We're rooting for you.