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  Howdy all, it's been a hot minute. It's been a bloody rollercoaster since I last posted  Had to replace my CPU which bottlenecked my graphics card, leaving my options as a) replace my graphics card with an outdated model (basically impossible, thanks crytpo scalpers) or b) replaces my motherboard and get an up to date graphics card (equalling impossible and double the cost)

  What has this meant in terms of my work flow? Daz (and every fullscreen application) has become very unstable, frequently crashing for upwards of ten minutes before closing and losing me progress on scenes. Rendering once a scene is ready has been doable but getting anything to that point has been a struggle. I may have to fall back on SFM for a while as it is inexplicably more stable.

  In lighter news I have moved house (yay) where I was then unable to have broadband connected for two months (boo), I have also kept my 9-5 for steady income despite the company I work for making huge layoffs (yay), but it's a shit job and I am losing a lot of my free time I could spend working on content to it (boo).

  So I'm returning to posting as much as I am able to, but I am hoping to engage in other ventures to keep content coming, long term ideally game development, but I hope to publish some written pieces too. Additionally I will soon return to producing commissioned work, however I'm going to reanalyse my pricing structure as it it no longer reflects the time required to produce content since I moved to Daz. For reference my current pricing earns me roughly half my national minimum wage per hour, making it hard to justify favouring it as a source of income over my day job. I will publicly announce changes and availability as they come up, however please note that I am prioritising clients I had engaged with prior to my sudden disappearance


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