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This one is 43 minutes long....a bit experimental. And pretty emotional...I hope you all enjoy🙈





Fucking bravo!!!! Standing ovation! That was incredible


Very well done. I like that you’re doing different ideas than the typical stuff!

Nicholas Chamberlain

So when are you going to start auditioning for movies and tv shows? Because DAMN, Brooke! You just get better with every one of these. :D <3


Very experimental but I liked it! You're always so creative.


I love the depths of realism you give into your character, it's pretty hard to come across this much creativity in this subject matter. It legitimately made me wonder if you have any theater or acting experience.


Thank you for that compliment!! I performed in show choir and pop groups all throughout middle and high school. Acted in plays in middle school. I would love to get back into it in community theatre or something!


Your acting is truly incredible I appreciated this experimental video


This video game me an idea for another RP. You are someone who is subservient, like a maid or something. Your boss shrinks but you still obey them. They make you pamper them, bring them food, give them a massage, etc. Then after they make too many outlandish demands you realize that YOU'RE big and YOU shouldn't have to take this crap. I know it's too similar to this one, but maybe someday something similar


Omg this was everything loved it I got a lot of Harley Quinn vibes man and the way you killed everyone in creative ways loved when you ate them like a chicken wing and the foot kill hell yes but I just love the acting and hard work you put into all these videos loved the final part of this one that up close shot of getting eaten was amazing as fuck !