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We've gotten more couples for the polls, which is great. Remember submissions end tomorrow, so get yours in by noon PST if you haven't already!

I just wanted to thank one of you, who wishes to remain anonymous, so I shall call them Bob. Bob knows who they are.

This saint amongst us submitted the following:

"A while back you had another poll about pairs, and included Kei and Yuri, the Dirty Pair. It got no votes if I remember right."

Alas, you are correct Bob. It made me a very sad Stigy indeed. Bob continues:

"You do so much for us (Loved the bonus Mako-chan btw!) I want to thank you by nominating Kei and Yuri for another go-round!"

Bob, I think you for that. it was very kind. Therefore, you are my inaugural...


I tip my helmet to you, kind soul! 



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