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Deadline to submit is Wednesday.rants. Come on folks! I know you can do better. Hit me! What two characters would you like to see as the last pic of January?

Deadline to submit is Wedensay.

((Original message))

Hey guys, I'm just a bit behind this week, sorry.

I'm also at a loss as to what to do for the January art poll, so I'm going to throw the subject over to you! :)

The question before us is: "What pair of characters do you want to see, and what are they doing?" Next Wednesday, I'll post a poll with EVERY answer I received. It doesn't matter if I just drew them, or if they're from impossibly different universes. Anything goes!

I'm opening the suggestion box for one week, please reply via message or email (stigysartbook@gmail.com). I'll recycle the answers for the Goal art series I mentioned in my last post, so two bites at the apple.

Looking forward to seeing who you all nominate! :)



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