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Wow! Thank you so much for taking this weird, crazy journey! Welcome aboard and enjoy your stay! You are stepping up and making your voice heard! The Spice will flow!
Each week, you'll receive
  • The Main Image on Monday
  • 7-to-10 Variant Images on Wednesday
  • "In Progress" images from NEXT WEEK'S SERIES also on Wednesday.
  • The sexy, spicy SPICE images on Friday
  • A vote in the monthly poll post
  • The ability to submit ideas for future monthly themes. Just drop me a message here on Patreon or over email (stigysartbook@gmail.com)
  • Entry into the Random Patron Shoutout. Each month, on the final Monday of the month, I'll add a special thank you to the post, calling out a specific Patron and heaping praise upon them. (and maybe a special something else, depending).
Please feel free to tell me what you think of what you receive - what you love and what needs work. Feedback is even more valuable than patronage.
Added: 2024-01