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Hi all,

So I'm thinking of posting more often on some more workflow things alongside sneak peeks and pre-finished work. Hell, maybe even a livestream or two, if you guys are into that sort of stuff. Let me know what you think and I'll figure something out!

So on this post, i found an image on tumblr that piqued my interest (see first attachment). I'm generally not into huge lips much, but the shape of these got me curious to try it out myself, so I figured why not give it a test run with Cali ;)

I'm not thinking this will be a permanent thing with her, maybe something that happens when she gets extra aroused or something. Check it out, i did some quick dirty renders just to see what they'd look like a little closer to full production specs :)

- BD

EDIT: whoops, forgot the source image, should be the last attachment now!




Yay for huge puffed lips!


love the huge lips

Darth Cabbage

Well I for one, love the huge lips. I think you did a great job, and would absolutely love to see more like it.


I'll second the huse lip love! Especially when they're so big they touch her nose. There's so little of it out there. I'd love to see me.


LOVE those lips, interesting shape but the importance is that i love them big, thick and puffy! If you make more girls with lips like that as well as make puffy vaginas like the alternative image of Juli then i will be happy to support you further! I have once been confirmed that you like huge insertions and bigger tool for once guys are in the picture so im looking forwerd for more of those, but until then make everything bigger... just make sure we can see the girls behind their huge racks, HAHA!