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So as I've been teasing throughout August, I've been working on Jessica and Dyna's first set together, in which Dyna comes home from working abroad to discover the changes Jessica has undergone the past few months from receiving some very secretive enhancement serum shots from her doctor on the down-low.

Like Hitome's Unreal Desires set, this is a bit of an intro to set the tone for the rest of the fun Jess & Dyna will get into in the following parts.

Expect the set in this coming week, all renders are finished and now it's time for post processing.

Also, touching again on Hitome's Unreal Desires, the comic version should be available this coming week as well, as I've finished the writing for all the panels and now it's time for layout!



Mr. Juggs

Jessica's proportions are delicious, for sure...but those nipples! So droopy, delicious, and scrumptious looking! And that insane puckering? Wowza.