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The two scientists stood in front of the

brightly lit, human sized tank, the fluid within it and the adjacent tanks giving off an eerie luminescence, their illumination the only one to be found save for the myriad of computer screens laid out across the room. An assistant lab tech scurried across the

laboratory, his footsteps almost drowned out by the ever present hum of

assorted pumps and irrigation systems.


The lead scientist looks intently into the

contents of the tank, finally looking down, pulling out a small tablet

computer, “What is the subject’s status, Roberts?” Dr. Krieger asks, switching the tablet on, its screen instantly bringing up biological schematics

and DNA records.


Edward Roberts, Dr. Krieger’s main

assistant, stared on at the tank, barely registering Dr. Krieger’s voice, “Yes,

sir?” he replied absent-mindedly.


Krieger suddenly stopped his analysis of the

tablet in his hands, turning a curt eye towards Roberts, his gaze impassive

behind his protective mask, “Am I supposed to remind you once more that the

muscle relaxants are NOT for personal use, Roberts, and should only be

administered to the patients?” he snapped.


Roberts knew that tone well, and it shook

him out of his stupor in an instant, “Oh, no, no sir! I have not used any…”


Krieger laughs acidly at Edward’s reaction,

waving his excuse away, “No need to explain, was merely a joke on my part,

Roberts. I am aware this specific subject can be rather enthralling, especially

for young blood such as yourself. Now, status?”


Roberts' cheeks immediately became flushed

behind his breathing mask, nodding furiously, “Uh, yes, sir, apologies, sir…”

he stammered out, quickly flipping through the printouts attached to his clipboard,

“Subject Zero’s mitochondrial functions are through the roof, but we have

finally managed to stabilize her…”


“It.” Krieger interjected.


Roberts stopped and blinked, then nodded,

“Uh, yes sir, its…” Edward silently cursed himself for referring to a subject in

Krieger’s presence by gender, knowing full well about the Lead Scientist’s

standing orders for utter detachment towards FabPharma-appropriated biological

organisms used for research and development, “Sorry sir, its been a long day…

as I was saying, we have finally managed to stabilize its cellular structure

with the latest round of chemical instructions to maintain aesthetic elements

of initial trial patients Calliope and

Rebecca as per specifications… although from an earlier test it would

appear the subject’s cellular makeup would allow it to completely alter its

shape and function, either fully or partially... with the proper conditioning.”


“Good, subject is proceeding its

development via Serum X infusion as initially planned, Roberts. I believe Mr.

Montgomery will certainly be pleased his… requests, have been carried out with

due diligence and rigor, you should be proud of the work you and our entire

team has striven for these past two years, a commendation should be in short

order once all testing is finalized.”

Roberts nodded, “Thank you, sir, your

leadership and direction have been the catalyst for it, after all…" he paused, his eyes looking troubled behind the breathing apparatus, glancing momentarily back to the tank holding Subject Zero, "but... I must

interject for a moment, as there are still a few bullet points I need to point out to you. I

am aware that my role is that of your assistant, but I was hoping you could

explain some of these anomalies I keep encountering in my tests…” Edward

breathed in deeply, dreading to be so bold, then exhaled slowly, “… I mean,

when we were assigned to this project, our brief just mentioned stem cell and

DNA research, but after all this time we’ve wound up creating this woma… I

mean, this subject… that lies dormant in this tank…”


Dr. Krieger switched off his tablet,

slipping it into his coat, “You need not list the subject’s attributes to me,

Roberts, I know them well enough.” He said, “Complete absence of pain nerve

receptors, replaced by the exponential propagation of pleasure receptors, increased capacity

for dopamine production. Complete absence of non-neural organs to be found

within the subject, minus its rather prominent assets… which I am assuming you

were about to refer to in such a mundane manner as hollow…” Krieger raises an

eyebrow, to which Roberts responds only with a flustered look, “… secretion of Serum-X-like compounds through over-stimulation of its neural centers.

Evolved life-sustaining functions, streamlined protein absorption for sustenance.

And, as you yourself already mentioned, shape altering and rapid healing

capabilities. Does that cover your list, Roberts?”


Edward found himself without a way to reply

intelligently, completely dumbfounded by Dr. Krieger’s assessment, finally

nodding slowly.


Krieger narrowed his eyes, “Right. Listen,

Roberts, you are very smart for your age, and you can certainly have a

successful future ahead of you within this corporation. But know this, and take

it as advice from someone who has been in your shoes, or as an order, if you

wish: Do not ask these kinds of questions to ANYONE, nor be foolish enough to

repeat your findings to third parties without the proper clearance.” His

demeanor softens a bit, and he places his right hand on Roberts’ shoulder,

almost father-like, “What Nicholas Montgomery requests, we must provide. As the

head of FabPharma and all its subsidiaries, his mandate is absolute within the

corporation, and playing the role of investigator to his motives will only lead

to an unsavory path.”


Edward Roberts lowered his head and nodded

once more, “Understood, Dr. Krieger. Pardon my inquisitive nature, I have no

wish to jeopardize our work, nor my position…” he said halfheartedly.

Krieger’s words had fallen heavily upon him, and only stirred more questions in

his mind. Everyone in the research department knew of the initial public disaster of

the FabPharma implant trials, and how all patients were being recalled,

one by one, only to never be seen again, secreted away into maximum security

compounds for gods know what purposes. And as Krieger’s assistant, he had seen

firsthand the treatment patient Rebecca had received, her slow transformation, and

frequent releases from the research wing for ‘status visits’ to Montgomery’s

offices and private quarters… was this incredibly powerful man just wielding

the strength of this entire organization for the creation of toys for his own

amusement, or something much more sinister?


Dr. Krieger stared intently at Roberts, and

finally broke his reverie, “Whatever has you thinking, keep it to yourself. As

your superior in this department, it would be normal routine to report this

behavior to the appropriate sectors within the company, and have you removed

from the project immediately. However, I do value your skill and loyalty enough

to just make a mental note and forgo such proceedings for this time only. Now, make the final preparations for Subject Zero’s release from its gestation

chamber, and standby for additional directions.”


Edward swallowed hard, the sudden lump in

his throat all too real after Krieger’s threat. He was thankful, however, for the

chief scientist’s brilliant mind was often rumored to be devoid of emotion, to

the point some within the research staff joked behind his back, calling him

Cold-Steel Krieger.


“Thank you, Dr. Krieger... I am very grateful

you can spare such lenience, I promise it will not happen again… I will make the preparations immediately and

notify you as soon as we are ready to proceed with Subject Zero’s release, and first

examination outside of containment.”


Krieger nodded dismissively, walking away

without another word. As he exited the laboratory, he stopped by a duo of

armored guards, masked in similar bio-containment gear, he turned

to one of them, coldly fixing his attention on him, “Monitor all of Dr. Roberts‘

 use of comm channels, detain him at the first

sign of an info breach. Should everything proceed smoothly, escort him to a

bio-containment cell in sector HPC after he has finished his work and sent word for me,” the Chief

Scientist paused for a second, thoughtful, before turning to

the second guard, “Use of force is permitted, but ensure his life is not

terminated. We do not waste assets in FabPharma.”


Both guards stood at attention, “For

Tomorrow is our Today,” they chimed in unison, repeating the corporation’s



Krieger sneered slightly behind his mask,

“For Tomorrow is our Today,” he echoed back before turning his back to them,

walking away.


“And for Nicholas’ twisted enjoyment, I’d

add...” he muttered to himself.

Look out for Subject Zero at the beginning of this coming month!




So her looks have already been decided or will we vote to make her grow?


Actually, Subject Zero has never been intended as an appearance-by-vote model, that's only been done with Becky quite a while ago. Of course, if there's enough interest, I can look into creating such a model on the side. For now, however, everyone is welcome to post and express what (or who) they'd like to see more often!

Mr Xenocide

Even if we don't get a say in the scientific engineering on this one, something tells me we probably won't be disappointed.


Sweet, looking forward to this getting started for real! But please, don't neglect the Emi blog! :)


Oh, definitely not neglecting it. Expect a big update this week, Emi's getting her shoot's photos back from her photographer, and I gotta say her new assets are quite the sight!