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Celebrating the coming of Subject Zero, it's time to update the storyline a bit for all Patreons! Read on below and stay tuned for another update before the month is over.

Days and nights had passed her by, but Cali’s mind was no longer in a state where such timekeeping would register on any level of importance. Nigh-constant moans escaped her pouty lips as she lay collapsed, kneeling and propped up against her impossibly massive breasts, her hands and arms struggling against the gargantuan mass of titflesh squishing against her curvaceous body, with the ever present drive to pleasure and satisfy herself, the constant sound of her breasts’ insides gurgling as they spurted incredible mounts of cream, out of her engorged, puckered nipples, and the accompanying splats of the thick, escaping gobs as they joined the ever growing pool of fluids coating the entire floor in the hallway leading to her place’s main entrance being her only company in her otherwise empty house.

In between orgasmic gasps, and the sensations that quaked through her entire body, Cali struggled to find some sort of center, finally finding one by focusing on what had brought her to this state of endless lust…

Her frenzied growth had begun only but a few days ago as she waited desperately for her friends to arrive at her place to help milk her, her already enormous breasts struggling with her tightly stretched bra at that point made her breath come in quick gasps as she felt herself at the edge of exploding in raw emotion, her breasts’ insides shuddering in a way that threatened to turn her thoughts to primal extremes at any second.

Her alarmed state quickly increased over the coming hours as no one came to her door. By now, she could barely look over the three-foot long projection of cleavage bulging from her chest, her slim hands sliding around her ballooning breasts to feel for her bra, yet failing to find it, as it had been thoroughly encased in the swelling folds of her tortured bosom.

Not knowing what else to do, Cali struggled to her feet and started for the door. Going beyond the terror of being out in the open, exposed as she was, she was at a point of no return and knew she needed immediate help. In her rush to the door, and failing to keep her balance with the immense weight of her milk laden tits bearing down on her, she soon stumbled and fell, landing squarely on her inflated breasts with a resounding smack of flesh against her marble floor.

The impact had been the final straw, and although the force of it didn’t truly register in a painful manner on the overburdened redhead, it nonetheless effected such pressure on her bosom to cause her nipples to erupt in twin fountains of gushing milk, the sensations so intense she found her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she spasmed violently on top of her titflesh, the sound of her bra finally ripping and snapping apart barely registering in her mind, as her breasts were freed, so was the carnal urge to manipulate her body, desperately seeking release as she began swelling, more and more…

Her memories quickly were subdued, and her pleasure-obsessed reverie came to an abrupt halt as she finally noticed a loud banging at her door. She was unable to see anything past her gigantic mounds of flesh, and could only muster enough strength to meekly call out, “H-help m…me…”

The banging sounds stopped, soon replaced by her hearing of her door’s lock being manipulated and opened, a gust of wind sliding over her bare, sweat coated mammaries as the door flew open and the sounds of plodding boots splashing against the wet floor signaled the entry of at least three men.

“Shut the door, quickly!” She heard a muffled voice call out, “And call for additional units, we will not be able to move her with just the three of us.”

“Right away, sir.”

After a pause, she heard the men walking around the expanse of her massive tits as she struggled against her flesh to try and get a look at the invaders.

The men came into view. Clad in hazmat suits, they viewed her quizzically, one of them seeming very unsure of himself, perhaps even embarrassed, turning away from Cali as if not knowing what else to do, his gloved hands visibly shaking as the other two men knelt by her, laying down their toolkits.

“God dammit, Roberts. this might be your first mission on the ground, and be on Krieger's good side, but do not fuck this up! Time is of the essence,” one of the kneeling men snapped acidly, turning towards the still standing man, “Prep her for retrieval, we can’t have her conscious when the transport arrives!”

“Y-yes sir…” the standing man uttered softly, quickly kneeling and fumbling through his bag, producing a syringe soon after. “Sorry…” was all he said as he looked at Cali, coming in close to inject her with the sedative.

Cali’s eyes widened, and couldn’t really move to stop these suited men. She felt her eyelids quickly becoming heavy as her vision blurred, her consciousness quickly fading away…


“Access Trial Patient log number 001-43,” Dr. Krieger intoned, his office’s computer responded accordingly.

Trial Patient log number 001-43, Cali A.

The computer chimed in, loading medical records, lab surveillance files, and a filmstrip of collected imagery related to the subject. Dr. Krieger’s impassive features softened slightly as his eyes scanned the information laid out before him, lingering over a specific image taken at the time of repossession of the trial patient.

She must have had absolutely no idea of what she’d gotten herself into 

when she signed up for this trial, yet she has been our most volatile case to 

date outside of the lab, he thought to himself.

As the thought flashed by his mind, he had a fleeting moment of doubt while considering his role in this endeavor. The moment passed quickly however, as a man of science, his resolve in pushing the boundaries of what can and cannot be won out, as it always did.

“Schedule Patient Cali A. for sample harvesting. Allocate samples to Subject Zero R&D for project integration.”

The computer chimed in acknowledgement as Dr. Krieger continued staring at the image of Cali’s capture.

She may never leave this compound again, but her ongoing development and analysis will be key to my continued research…



Mr Xenocide

Redheads in peril? I'm on the case! Quite the story to go with quite the image.


I hope they take her expanding breast DNA to give subject zero huge growing boobs.

Mr. Juggs

Is there a hi-res download for this image? Thanks!


Hi Alan, its cooking as we speak. Slow render though, the scene is a little complex on the lighting side!

Mr Xenocide

For the interested parties, the high res version is now available


I want to see a state of the front