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Sorry guys, I wanted to have the comic layout finished by today, but I've been way down all day from news of someone very close to me being close to passing, and honestly haven't been able to get much work done today. I won't go into more detail because this isn't really the place to talk about sad stuff.

Layout will be done and published tomorrow though, meanwhile I wanted to share the finished renders that will appear in the comic.

- bd

EDIT: Hi everyone just wanted to make a quick update, comic will be done by tomorrow for sure, layout is all set I just need to finish the writing/word balloons, which has been slower since my head's not all there. Really sorry about the delay.



Sorry to hear that. Sometimes you are able to drown yourself in work to forget and sometimes you aren’t able to. Don’t hurt yourself too much if your heart really isn’t in this at the moment.


Thanks Eric, no worries though I'll be back at it tomorrow :) I think I just needed the day today to process some things

Dirk Gently

Take care of yourself - first and always.


Saddened to hear about your bosom buddy nearing the clearing at the end of the path. Hope he/she goes peacefully 🙏


take care man! loving how you simply have them tranfer the serum tit to tit via hoses. brilliantly simple