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That's it, I'm done. It's over, no more.

...Kidding. April fool's, albeit a lame one :P definitely not going anywhere.

However, that sentence does have some truth to it, as far as some practices with lighting I've been looking to rid myself of, as usual, with interior lighting.

Rendering took a pretty heavy hit with Sadie's production this month. I decided to make it extra special since you guys voted on a cameo and, lo and behold, Cali is the cameo! She will be assisting Sadie in some expansive manner, I won't spoil it completely since there's still a few frames pending as usual, but the full comic should be out before mid-april.

Speaking of rendering, I actually managed to crash the hell out of my station a few times throughout the month, which I haven't surprisingly run into in the last couple of months (even with the Becky scene for Sadie a bit ago), so I'm looking into how to optimize things a little better so things go by a little smoother until I can hit another hardware update (hopefully in the next few months).

Continuing with the rendering topic, we of course come to Hitome's final scene for HUD3. While spending a lot of time on some morphs you'll be seeing in the final images of the set, lighting still seemed a little off for my taste (also in the Sadie set), so that needed a little extra work. I do think I found a good solution by introducing some HDRI based lighting into the mix, as you can see in the production preview image I put together.

I think I may go a little farther with that idea as well. May require a little more compositing in photoshop, but that's something I'll be testing early on in the month before I rush into rendering, since I have a feeling it'll improve overall work by a good margin, fingers crossed.

Speaking of sets, I haven't forgotten about the poll for the new set after HUD3, that's coming up next week.

On other news, I've been learning on how to setup the discord, tentative launch date for it is around mid-april. It might be a little bare bones at first, but hey, we'll at least have each other...right? ;)

On a final note, I think there's finally some concrete progress on the Emi doll production. I don't want to get anyone too hyped up, but the proof of concept build to test the breast motion while keeping a nice, super round shape, seems to actually work. Again, fingers crossed, feeling a bit more positive about actually completing this project than I did a few months back.

And with that, it's time for me to get some sleep. I'll definitely need a day-long crash, this coming month is gonna be pretty wild ;)

- bd

EDIT: Ah, almost forgot. You might be wondering why Dani looks a little different in this re-introduction of the character. Well, I rebuilt her with the new genesis 8 body base, gotta say it's pretty nice (and she's pretty cute herself, wonder what Mr. Montgomery will do to her? Hmmm ;P). Will probably be upgrading the girls over time to the new body base for better details and whatnot, similar to what i did from v4 to gen3 quite a bit ago already!



The new Dani definitely looks promising, if a bit skinny compared to the original.

Mr. Phoenyxx

Lots of cool stuff going on!


Any update as to when the Sadie comic will be ready and the new poll posted?