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So I promised you guys an update on this project earlier this month. I'll take some time while a render cooks to talk about this for a bit.

Truth be told, I've been meaning to talk about this for quite a while now, and every time I try and hold off a few more days in hopes to bring you guys some really cool news.

But to be honest this project has been extremely grueling, and has become a giant pain in the ass. Mainly why I haven't talked about it much at all throughout the year.

Still, I do owe you all who are interested in the physical doll project idea some info, and honestly at this point it's also somewhat cathartic on my end as well.

So since our last note, the first Emi doll prototype had been finished by the manufacturer, and everything seemed to be set to actually start official production. To be honest, the prototype looks really nice.

But that was months ago. Since then, an initial attempt at reproducing the doll have been met with defect after defect on the manufacturer's end. 

Initially, they tried to mask it, presenting a second reproduction of the prototype that had unacceptably saggy breasts, instead of their somewhat heavy-yet-still round shape seen in the original prototype. After many rounds of complaints and back and forth emails (to which they claimed I was wrong on the prototype shape until I finally managed to dig up some past evidence showing the discrepancy, which they ended up begrudgingly accepting), the manufacturer has told me that the very fake and round shape of emi's breasts apparently is too hard to reproduce, or that they're too big, or that we need to redesign the shape enough for the TPE injectors to not have issues filling the breast mold.

These news came to me around 4 months ago (the details I just explained I had to painstakingly dig out of them over the next following weeks). Since then, I have been working at trying to find a shape solution that is satisfactory to the original concept while still being possible to be reliably produced. All throughout incredibly shoddy communication, since the manufacturer takes sometimes days and repeated, almost daily emails, to get a response from them.

And, that's where I currently am at this stage: basically on hold until this issue gets resolved (if possible at all). The idea of cancelling the project altogether has already been floated, but I'm rather stubborn at seeing this through (at least until all avenues to proceed have been exhausted).

So yeah, I'm pretty sure these are not the sort of news you wanted to hear regarding the project, but that's what's going on. It's been thoroughly stressful and frustrating to deal with this manufacturer, and although their end products are of really nice quality, I would never involve them in another project that demands a little bit of production innovation. Who would've thought making big, round, fake looking tits would be this much of a hassle?

For the time being, I'll continue working towards making this project a reality, just know that the ETA is currently back to unknown until these matters are resolved.

So, anyway, back to our regularly scheduled (and much more fun) CGI programming for the time being.

- bd



I’m sorry to say, but physics is not on our side when it comes to giant breasts.


It definitely isn't. And actually the biggest issue isn't exactly the size, but the shape itself. Making a round breast and having it stay round with the least amount of sag possible is the challenge.


Sounds like we need to wait for material science to catch up to our dreams.


Well, not quite. I do think it is possible in emi's case to be produced, if not for the rest of the larger balloondolls. I still think there are procedures this manufacturer still has not attempted that may yield a successful shape. It all comes down to if I can convince them to attempt some ideas or not.


Steel framework, put some zeppelins on that chest!


The dolls actually already have a jointed metal skeleton, my suggestion was to introduce or "implant" some sort of separate spheres with some yield to them to the breasts themselves to mimic the RL approach. However, during creation it's impossible, since TPE gets superheated when poured into the mold, which would destroy any plastic/rubber spheres introduced beforehand in the mold. The other approach would be post-pour, something which the manufacturer is vehemently against since it involves slicing into the TPE and re-sealing it afterwards, increasing manual labor and risks of unrepairable damage to the doll (some doll afficionados have attempted this with their personal dolls from some of the research I have done to more or less decent albeit limited results with different degrees of success on the more complicated resealing aspect of the procedure).


awww i feel sad to hear that. i hope you all got a good souluton and mabye we can see her in some ways in feature. PS: in Germany Berlin is a Brothel where you can rent a doll for less money and i whished they get one of the doll later!