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Seeing Alice's transformed hands tore at Sadie's perception of reality and filled her with fear, almost instantly coating her mostly bare body in cold, slick sweat.

As if ready to pounce, Alice loomed over her, her lips slowly curling into a bestial sneer, revealing rows of sharpened teeth as her eyes took on an unnatural glow, her hands clenching and unclenching, the syringes jutting out from each of her fingers clinking together as her hands flexed, the sound echoing uncannily accross the dark void surrounding them.

This last bit was too much for Sadie to bear. With surprising speed - albeit massively clumsy, hindered by her swollen breasts - she scrambled to her feet and attempted to bolt, making a run for the darkness, wherever it may lead her. Alice watched her amusedly, lazily raising her left hand and making a rapid, graping gesture with it.

Suddenly, Sadie felt herself freeze mid-step, unable to move. The fear turned to terror as she felt herself paralyzed and being lifted off the ground as if being picked up by an invisible, giant hand. Out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly noticed how her immobile body seemed to respond to Alice's hand's movement.

Alice smiled thinly, making a flicking motion with her hand. As if on cue, Sadie felt herself being flung through the air, slamming against a far wall in the darkened corridor, her breath rushing out of her with a resounding smack.

Soon after, she felt metal restraints clanging into place, leaving her restrained against the wall uncomfortably. Struggle as she may, she couldn't budge the bars splaying her legs upwards against the wall to either side of her while she frantically gripped the bars that appeared against her wrists to keep herself upright, the posture leaving her completely exposed.

Alice chuckled, "No running allowed," she purred huskily as she sauntered over to Sadie, leaning in close. She craned her neck, her glowing eyes drifting from one of Sadie's breast to the other before raising to meet her terrified stare, "specially when you're due for some treatments."

Alice approached her further, and slowly, almost teasingly, raised first one hand to hover near one of Sadie's large breasts, sinking her syringe-fingers' needles into her flesh, then repeated the motion upon her other breast. Sadie's body quaked, her breasts responding almost instantly as they throbbed against the spreading tingling within her, rapidly swelling slightly.

Sadie thought to beg, plead for release, but even that was already too late, her thoughts coming in just seconds before Alice's hands rushed upwards once more, now gripping her breasts and swollen areolae fiercely. She breathed in sharply as Alice gripped her throbbing tits, the harder she squeezed, she more she felt the needles pushing into her flesh, sharp pricks sliding into her aching, throbbing breast flesh. She tried to scream, but found herself suddenly muffled by a ball gag that she never registered being put on her in the first place. And then, the tingling intensified more and more. She could feel the serum from Alice's syringes being pumped into her tits steadily, the sensation rushing through her, adding a haze to her vision while keeping her in the moment all too sharply.

"Oh, but I'm so mean..." Alice cooed wickedly, "You know, all this time and I haven't even thought of your burning needs, my little Sadie!" she laughed softly, her iron grip on Sadie's tits tightening further, the flow of serum unabated, "Such a good submissive deserves her rewards now and then, and I think it's time for yours."

Sadie stared at Alice wide-eyed as she lowered herself out of her vision range, leaving her to stare only at her hands as she continued squeezing and pumping serum into her titflesh. The throbbing within her breasts was becoming maddening, as if the flesh itself twisted and turned inside of her, knotting up, writhing and sweling in ways she had never felt before. And then, a new sensation joined the fray. Sadie gasped, this time with pleasure as she suddenly felt Alice's warm mouth closing in on her exposed pussy.

Slick, almost with a life of its own, Sadie felt Alice's tongue slither against her nethers, tracing unknowable patterns against her clit before darting in and out of her. The motions continued and rapidly intensified, and for a moment Sadie felt herself free from all this madness, allowing herself to surrender to these feelings she had long ago been condition to long and hunger for in her submissive role.

Only seconds (minutes, hours?) passed before she felt herself climaxing, her back arching, causing the needles in her tit flesh to slide in deeper, but at that very moment she didn't seem to care at all, in fact almost welcoming the sudden rush of increased serum flowing into her, as if her insides suddenly didn't just forcefully accept its intrusion, but rather hungered for it. The throbbing inside her breasts intensified to twin, steady drumbeats, and as her orgasm faded slightly she was jerked back to her reality, staring with a nigh-fascinated terror as her breasts expanded and swelled before her very eyes, her areolae quickly following suit as they billowed out and inflated to the point she felt her skin close to bursting, and when that feeling seemed about to overwhelm her, she suddenly felt her nipples quivering and expanding, swelling and transforming.

Sadie's pupils dilated to the point they almost overwhelmed her irises. Caught between pleasure, pain, terror and awe, she could feel her sanity slowly beginning to tear at the edges of her consciousness before blacking out...




What a pose! 😍 Looking forward to the full image set of this in this months rewards!