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Since this month's full of spookiness, I thought it would be fun to mix that into our damsel-in-constant-distress' current predicaments.

In the days and weeks after Sadie's latest changes, her quiet condition only worsened to the point she wouldn't speak a single word. Talks of halting the project were plentiful, with Mr. Montgomery's voice being the loudest, for he feared losing his (begrudgingly) most precious of trainees.

However, Alice - as usual - brought up an outlandish idea: the project would continue unabated, all the while with Sadie being administered a very specific (and obviously untested) strain of Nereidyl that puts the subject's consciousness in an altered perception of reality, all the while working towards making the subject more pliable and less apprehensive towards coping with her ever-transforming body.

With Sadie dosed up... draft

Sadie's reality seems to have... shifted, as we can see from the latest story entry.

Is it real, or just fantasy? For now, let's just have fun, shall we?

Alice's concept of trick and treat is somewhat unclear, and she appears to have a whole lot more Nereidyl available than usual! 

What is clear however is that in this realm, changes come swift, and sometimes unpredictable! As such, the top 3 poll entries per poll this month have a chance at being applied to Sadie, in some shape or form.

With so many possible changes going on at once, it seems exertion has ceased to matter in this realm. The downside though is, surgery is wholly unavailable, so only Nereidyl injections (and some other options) are on the menu.

Last of all, some risk does come with it all. This being a nightmare realm, there is a chance Sadie's changes will break her entirely, leading to madness (and the untimely end of her trek through the nightmare realm, jolting her back to reality in a most unpleasant way). Some other changes, however, will actually help her along the path of self-acceptance and - dare we hope - actual excitement to be transformed further (perhaps a different sort of madness, but one much less distasteful!). What each transformation will eventually do, however, is unknown, so as usual it's time to experiment!

Will Sadie manage to endure what this nightmare realm throws at her, or will she crumple into a babbling, mind-warped heap? I suppose it's up to all of you to decide!

With all this in mind, the voting limits are removed for this month, but do try to aim for around 3 votes on the poll so it doesn't get too messy ;) have fun!


Darth Cabbage

God her areola are already pretty big. It would be amazing to see them get some extra projection all of their own!


I'm not sure what's more terrifying: whatever Alice may or may not be planning as a surprise, or the fact that so many people trust her after what happened last month where Sadie lost her constitution, growth factor, implants, and genetic alterations.


But for real, can we vote for something other than BE? I'm normally all for it, and it's primarily why I'm a follower, but I'd also like to see some other stuff have a chance...


Yeah, we can get BE any time. There are some really fun things here.


She must have a good idea to compensate for that :D


Not intending to be rude or pessimistic, but when has Alice EVER had a good idea that didn't mess us up?


Well guys, imo if we don't vote for any neurological upgrade (such as rose-tinted spectacles), I think she'll get crazy and we'll lose Saddie forever :(


I have the same concern. Maybe unsurprising given the circumstances, but she's been progressively more despondent.


Thank you so much for the update!