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Welcome to the all-new State of the Boob Union, exactly the same as before except with a more story themed name! You may now get incredibly hyped ;)

So for August things got pretty hectic on the production end. I'm pretty excited with how Sadie's project (and Sadie herself) is developing, but I do have to say the project's dynamic is definitely something that takes some getting used to for updating and creating on the fly!

Still, I think the pieces and developing stories speak for themselves, and I'm hoping you all have been voting, following along, and of course most of all enjoying the second running month of the Sadie project so far.

Now, when it comes to pieces. I did get a little sidetracked this month while working on Emi's inflatables set, I really wasn't planning on putting out that long of a sequence in one shot, but the progression felt like it needed it, and I kind of fell down the creation rabbit hole working on this specific scene.

Speaking of rabbit holes and other time and reality-distorting vortices, I did trip onto a rather annoying hiccup this month. It seems the advanced skin material I'm currently working has been giving me a few problems on the rendering end, so I've spent some extra time messing with it. There's a few samples of my tests attached.

The biggest challenge I keep running into is tweaking the procedurals. Even working with tiny values it can quickly range from hitting the right notes that really yell out "Skin!" to the eye, and quickly devolve into either too-smooth, solid-ish plastic or going over the top with how rough it gets.

But, I think I've got some values cooking up that should hopefully fix most issues, so fingers crossed!

Now as to what else to look forward to now that we're going to be starting off September:

- Polls, polls, polls. I want to get your guys/gals feedback on a couple things. And of course, Sadie polls too.

- More Unreal Desires 3, with some revamping on the production end. Right now while I'm liking how it's coming out, there's a few things I'm planning to change. We'll see how I can juggle that into the story, perhaps a twist? ;)

- Sadie! Because of course.

- A new voting dynamic I want to introduce. More on that pretty soon.

- Some more Emi, we'll see how much I'll fit in.

- Some other randomness with the cast as usual.

Meanwhile, I hope you've had fun throughout August and enjoy the finished pieces, here's to September!

- bd




I love Dollys new look :)


Great progress on the skin maestro!


Thanks! It's funny though, the closer I get to something realistic the harder it seems to push it any further. I do think I may be close to hitting something of a hard cap I won't be able to breach without tapping into ultra high poly counts, since displacement maps can only hold so much information


yeah the limited maps resolution is always an issue