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Sadie gasped as Alice finished drawing the tight strap's clasp closed.

"W-why am I wearing this again?" Sadie asked, her voice tinged with worry.

Alice stood back to admire her handiwork as Sadie sat on the side of her bed, and grinned. Sadie fidgeted almost constantly, visibly uncomfortable with the leather harness Alice had just forced her into, "What's with the complaints? This sort of attire actually suits your position, I'd say," she replied, leering at the chocolate-haired girl, "If anything, I should ask the board to make this a permanent part of your wardrobe, in some way!"

Sadie bit her lip and shot Alice a dirty look. The leather harness' straps tightly wound around her body, and her fidgeting only exacerbated how it fit against her skin. She felt its tightness most intensely around her inflated breasts, which bulged against the straps as if attempting to free themselves from its rigid confines.

"But, I'll answer your question without any more teasing," Alice suddenly continued, "Pressure helps coax the Nereidyl into your tissues. So this sexy little outfit should actually help with what comes next."

Sadie sighed, already well aware of the coming treatments, rising slowly, "Yes, Miss Alice, I'll follow you to the medical faci—"

She suddenly felt Alice's hand clamp down on her shoulder, stopping her from getting up all the way, "Actually, we won't be needing to go anywhere this time, sweety."

Sadie looked up into the woman's eyes as a chill ran down her spine, "But, you said..."

"...That you'd be sedated, I know," Alice completed the sentence for her, her smile looking more akin to a slash across her face than any sort of warm expression, "I changed my mind."

Sadie's heart started pounding anxiously almost immediately. The only few moments of respite she had known in the past two months were generally pharmaceutically induced as she recovered from one procedure to the next. She barely slept, and when she did, her dreams were lewd and obscene enough to provide little comfort, let alone rest, as she'd wake usually wake up in a pool of her own sweat and juices, and the tingling...

The tingling in her breasts, in her buttocks. Ever present and unending, the sensation of an infinity of ants crawling upon her flesh would just never leave her be. And every day, she could feel it spreading along her body. Sometimes in one hand or the other, or along her legs, worst of all when it slid down her belly and between her thighs, setting her vagina aflame with banal cravings for satisfaction. Such cravings were rarely satisfied, however, as even when desire overtook her need for modesty — cameras trained upon her at all times as they were — masturbating rarely did much more than pique her growing sexual appetite, much to her own dismay.

Her breasts would scream for attention, even if just a squeeze and a flick of her swollen nipples. Things which Sadie avoided at all costs, terrified of what any unplanned interaction would cause upon her already expanding titflesh. A thought that rang loudly once more as she sat there, facing Alice, her tits squashed and strapped while she helplessly watched her turqoise haired caretaker produce at least ten small syringes, laying them out neatly next to where Sadie was sitting.

Alice shot her a side glance as she prepared, "Poor, poor Sadie," she purred, "I know you've dreaded this moment for a long time, probably way back before I was around, right? I know Nicholas teased you a lot about transforming you when you were his PA..." she stopped, cocking her head as she watched Sadie intently, "I guess every cat has its day, after all huh?"


Alice raised an eyebrow, "Huh?"

"Duck... every duck has its day. That's the expression, Miss Alice..." Sadie murmured, desperately trying to distract her, if only to delay the treatment for a few more seconds.

"Really? A duck?" Alice lets out a loud laugh, "I  guess I need to brush up on more of these little sayings when I have some free time!"

Her laughter cuts off, "But, back to the treatment," she says, holding up a single syringe, "You know, you're lucky the board decided to spread these doses all around your breast tissue," she continued with a theatrically saddened tone, "I was so looking forward to seeing you grow nipple pussies from a concentrated dose. I'm sure your hyper sensitivity would have kickstarted that development with the proper applications..." she mock-sniffled.

Sadie's eyes grew wide, any sort of relief from knowing what wasn't going to happen just a dull reminder of what could happen instead, "W-what's going to happen to me with this treatment, then?"

Alice shrugged, "Something boring, probably," she said matter of factly, suddenly stabbing the small syringe into Sadie's left nipple, swiftly injecting her, "But I'm sure you'll be growing a lot, at least," she said. As if on cue, Sadie could feel her nipple and areola tingle even harder as the fading pain of the needle prick swiftly left her. She could feel her flesh tightening, almost instantly beginning to swell up slightly.

She didn't have much time to recover or think before Alice inserted another needle into her left breast, this time into her areola, "If we're lucky, maybe your over reaction to Nereidyl will at least cement one of the side effects you're already experiencing into your genetic makeup..." she mused to herself as she injected Sadie again, her flesh experiencing a similar reaction, this time making her areola puff up slightly.

"At the very least, this should get you well on your way to becoming a nice little cow," she teased as she slid yet another needle into the side of Sadie's breast, "I've studied your insides through and through, sweety. I'm going to make sure I hit each and every milk gland with a small dose of this fun little serum, don't you worry!" she said.

Sadie's breathing started to become more and more shallow. Every injection hurt less and less, but the sensation of her breast's flesh swelling near each injection point was slowly affecting her mind, her head becoming fuzzy, "Please, Miss Alice, stop..." she murred meekly, "I'm... I don't feel..."

Her left breast started to throb heavily. For a scant few moments, Sadie could see the flesh of her tit itself pulsate visibly as Alice continued strategically injecting her with what felt like an endless supply of syringes. The throbbing was so strong she almost forgot about the tingling, that last thought lingering in her mind as she suddenly surrendered to unconsciousness.

Alice snorted, "Sheesh, so dramatic," she muttered in annoyance, swiftly sliding behind Sadie on the bed to prevent her from falling, deftly laying her on her back, "I'm not even halfway done..." she remarked with a pout, glancing at her remaining syringes. She sighed once, looking at Sadie's prone figure, "I suppose I'll have to finish while you're passed out," she laughed softly, picking up another syringe, "At least you'll have a very surprised awakening later, hmm?"

Just exactly how much will the serum affect Sadie?

Find out in the next episode of... wait, wrong show. Just stay tuned for next month's transformation progress update, coming in the next few days!



What’s Happening to Me

"I was so looking forward to seeing you grow nipple pussies from a concentrated dose." You and me both, Alice. You and me both.


We could do a pressure test later as she will be producing lots of milk 😈