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Alice's cheery face flickers to life on your handheld comm device.

"Hello again, board members!" she exclaims happily.

"I wanted to give you all the opportunity of deciding specifically how we're going to apply this final Nereidyl dose of the month!" she purrs, laughing softly, "Considering this time things could go a little haywire, I figured it'd only be fair to give this oh-so-illustrious board of businessmen and stakeholders the final say on how we proceed!" she smiles, half muttering under her breath, "Even though I have absolutely no idea what's going to happen with any of these outcomes..."

The live feed suddenly switches from Alice to Sadie, who is standing uncomfortably naked in her quarters, softly scowling at Alice who appears to be with her, just out of the camera's frame.

"Now, considering this dose of Nereidyl is specifically designed to enhance Sadie's milk glands, I'd suggest the most direct approach of injecting the entire dosage straight into her nipples," she pauses for a moment in thought, "Although considering the pressure her overfilled implants are creating inside her breasts, maybe that won't provide proper irrigation of the substance to her entire breast tissue..."

Sadie looks uncomfortable, but doesn't say anything. Her expression shows she clearly isn't very excited at all about that option.

"Well, I suppose we could also split the dosage instead all along her nipples as well as the surrounding area around her areolas, to make sure we hit as many milk ducts as possible along the way..." she continues, musing.

Sadie clenches her jaw, looking slightly more dismayed.

Alice giggles softly, "Finally, I suppose we could really get technical and apply a few dozens of injections all around her breasts' mass, to really ensure the highest probability of the serum reaching most if not all of her lobules (milk glands)..." Sadie winces, "Yes, yes, a little heavy on the needles, I know sweetie. I'll spare you all actually seeing the procedure, just results!"

Sadie looks pleadingly off the camera at Alice, "Hmm? Oh, fine Sadie, I'll provide a sedative for you too, I guess..."

The image in your device's screen switches back to Alice, who cocks her head inquisitively at the camera, "So, what'll it be?"

Poll ends August 24th!



Hey BD, will you be revealing what the different options do, after the poll ends?


I'd like to point out the difference in wordage too on the options. I would assume it's safe to say there is a difference between 'ducts' and 'glands', as there is biologically. Choose accordingly there as well.