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Recap time!

Current Active Side effects:


Seems something didn't go completely as planned with Sadie's first exposure to Nereidyl... looking at you Alice!

Be it a simple, temporary reaction to Nereidyl exposure combined with the internal pressure being exerted by her overfilled breast implants, or something else related to the mischievous nature of our all-too-friendly lab assistant, it appears Sadie is experiencing rather pronounced areola and nipple hypertrophy along with a sudden expansion in her breast size beyond what her 1300cc implants should entail.

Since this effect seems unstable, there's a 50/50 chance of it going away on its own or becoming permanent. Unless something is done to further exacerbate Sadie's current circumstances...


Something tells me having Alice running these procedures can create a bit of chaos...

With Sadie currently experiencing an unplanned overreaction to Nereidyl, any further application of Nereidyl doses to Sadie's breasts has a high chance of triggering an unknown genetic mutation.

(This mutation can be any of the known Nereidyl effects [likely], to a combination of said effects [unlikely], to something completely different [very unlikely], and can either be permanent or temporary. Any mutation Sadie undergoes during Nereidyl Hyper Sensitivity will may make any, none, or all active side effects Sadie is experiencing to become permanent.)


Due to Sadie's Nereidyl timed release breast implants now overfilled with an additional dose of Nereidyl Standard, for the next two months, Sadie will experience a more significant, yet still limited, breast expansion.


Due to Sadie's Nereidyl timed release butt implants, for the next two months, Sadie will experience a gradual, limited ass expansion.


For the next two months, Sadie's constitution has been boosted, increasing her exertion points to 3 instead of 2.

These effects are applied in addition to any other transformations Sadie might be subjected to, and don't consume additional exertion points or Nereidyl doses, until the effect goes away (removing the timed release implants will, of course, stop the effect of "Growing Girl" prematurely on the targeted body part).

Pick one option below for Sadie's first transformation this month!


- Sadie currently has 2/3 exertion points available.

- 1 Nereidyl Standard Dose (1000ccs/ea) is available for application

If you need a refresher on what exactly each option offers, please check the July transformation briefing here

Another thing of note is if you don't see an option listed that you wanted but saw it on the transformation briefing linked above, just pick the "Nereidyl other options" option, and I'll create a new poll for the remaining ones if it's clear one of them could be popular enough to be picked.

Good luck, and have fun! (This poll ends Saturday August 20th!)



I'm voting for bone development so the poor girl doesn't collapse under the endowments we're giving her!


Still a bit far from that happening, but hey perhaps it's never early to prepare right?


I think you're thinking in possible side effects 😂


Constitution Boost! More Constitution = more procedures per month!


Very interesting choice this week. Sadie has enough exertion points for two more procedures. However we only have one Nereidyl left. If that gets used up then there won't be another poll. However if Constitution lvl 2 wins the poll that will unlock medical procedures again. So we would be able to take advantage of a third poll. A poll with only Medical procedures: - Weight Gain - Weight Loss - Muscle Tone - Waist Reduction - Breast graft from buttocks There hasn't been a poll that a non-implant Medical procedure won. Also the fact that Nereidyl options are so popular means its unlikely those options get picked I think. This could be the ideal opportunity to force a vote on these less picked Medical options. Plus upgrading constitution to lvl 2 will definitely unlock some other bonus. On the other hand, the 'Nereidyl Hyper Sensitivity' means that another Nereidyl application to her breasts might have an extra genetic mutation. If we are lucky and a mutation does occur, then not only do we get a random breast mutation, but the current side effect (larger nipples, areolas and breasts) will become permanent. That's assuming I'm reading that correctly? There is also a 50/50 chance that those side effects will become permanent anyway, regardless of whether a mutation occurs, or if some other option wins the poll. It sounds like that both of these scenarios are unlikely to happen again. Its a really tough one actually. Kudos, BD on this month's poll!


I mean, just because there's a limited of supply of certain elements doesn't mean there won't be a third poll... ;)


I actually had an idea a while back, but I held back on it because it sounded like too much work. I'll put it out there now anyway. What about a Challenge poll? That is, Sadie has to complete a sexual/submissive challenge. Two poll options: - Succeed: get some reward (e.g. increase monthly Nereidyl dosage) - Fail: get an additional short pictureset of the challenger punishing Sadie for losing You would pose the challenge in the poll description and then we vote on it.


It's something to consider. On a counterpoint though, extending Sadie's project further will slow down / cut into production for some of the other sets. I personally don't mind since Sadie is a lot of fun to develop and this project is pretty cool overall, but it's certainly something to consider, since I'm sure a lot of patrons are looking forward to other things as well outside the Sadie project.


A fair point & its part of the reason I didn't suggest it before. It definitely sounds like a lot of work to do on top of everything else. I think you may have convinced me to switch my vote BD! Whatever you have planned for a potential 3rd poll, I definitely want to find out :D


I don’t know how popular this will be, but here’s a thought: why not create an image set dedicated to alternate universe Sadies (an airhead bimbo with an overstuffed hourglass shape and a tiny waist; a pear-shaped sexbeast with a huge, dripping vagina and penis-like clit; a dairy hucow with an oversized wineglass shape; an inflatable rubber girl; and others) – not only would that provide a visual catalogue of what could happen if certain choices were picked enough times (and give some people a better idea of what some choices would look like, not just a written description), but sometimes it’s just plain fun to ask ‘What If?’


Perhaps after the project is finished. For now, there's no plans for this since it would defeat the entire idea of progressive, exploratory experimentation and character development.


Fingers crossed for a good roll of the dice. What are you guys hoping for? Me, I'm crossing my fingers for some self-lubricating nipples ala Dolly.