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Wm. Van Ness

I'm still suspicious of this "activist" who all so conveniently showed up at the scene of the crime!


yeah not to be cynical but I'm defientally getting a bad vibe from her. Though I'm not against it, if its actually a legit hate crime and we have to talk about it, just try not to be too anvilicious if you can help it LOL

Seth T

Hmmmmm I dunno!!

Ceera Brandt

I think the activist means well. Pretty sure she was right on the spot because she also happened to be a neighbor. But I am also certain that Lydia is very uncomfortable with being outed as a lesbian because of this incident. Lydia is still coming to grips with her own bisexual feelings, and how her current relationship with colleen formed. She might not even think of herself and Colleen as a lesbian couple. More like what she has with Colleen is ‘friends with benefits, in a mutually supporting friendship’. Colleen, on the other hand, is more self confident, and I think a lesbian relationship is exactly how she sees herself and Lydia.

Wm. Van Ness

"A portmanteau of anvil and delicious, anvilicious describes a writer's and/or director's use of an artistic element, be it line of dialogue, visual motif or plot point, to so unsubtly convey a particular message that they may as well etch it onto an anvil and drop it on your head." - URBAN DISTIONARY

Gray Muzzle

Lydia has one other element to consider; she has two teen age sons and an ex husband.

Wm. Van Ness

Just an observation that may or may not have any significance, the epithet "faggot" isn't normally used in relation to females; especially when being used by a male.

Gray Muzzle

Street vandals commiting hate crimes sometimes get lost in the finer points of the LBTQ+ thing......