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Today, let's examine the morals presented in "Flutter Brutter." One of which is how to not fall victim to parasitic people, the other is why you shouldn't be a parasite. Both courses carry heavy implications for yourself and those around you. While getting rid of a leech or putting forth effort into something you're uncertain of seems like more effort, you will actually save yourself a ton of trouble in the long-term.

Additionally, there were two sub morals that I feel like expanding on would have made the video too long. Also I've touched on them in other videos before.

First was fact that it might take a little trial and error to figure out exactly what we enjoy doing and how we want to go about doing it. It plays into the points I made about putting forth effort to better yourself and taking mistake you make along the way in stride. It's possible that you might pursue something that you're not meant to do. Such as what we saw in "Appleoosa's Most Wanted." But this isn't an excuse to give up right away. It just means that you need to give it more chances before you give up.

The second was taking criticism - which is something we've seen a lot of in this show, especially in Rainbow Dash centered episodes ("Newbie Dash" most recently). When you're learning and practicing a craft, you have to expect that you won't perform to the standards of those who teach you. You have to understand this along with the fact that those standards exist for a reason and that you are LEARNING about them. You don't know everything. You probably don't know as much as you think you do. And the more you think you know, the more likely you are to be wrong. So be sure to empty your cup, be respectful and heed the advice of those who are teaching you.

Be sure to let me know what you think.


Moral of the Story - Flutter Brutter

Check out my Patreon page to see how you can support me and what you can get in return: http://www.patreon.com/Brawny_Buck http://grandbronygala.com Greetings, Today, let's examine the morals presented in "Flutter Brutter." One of which is how to not fall victim to parasitic people, the other is why you shouldn't be a parasite.


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