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I haven't wanted to bring divine retribution on a character this bad since Suri Polomare. Even then, I only despised her actions. Everything about this character's design, voice, attitude and actions seemed almost specifically set up to enrage me on multiple levels. At least I wasn't the only one though.

Furthermore, why does pop music in general think it's cool to take good musicians and turn them into utter dreck the way they do? First Lady Gaga. Now Coloratura? What's next!? Market them as good singers and musicians and let them do their thing! They don't need these over-sexualized gimmicks! Do you have any idea what you're doing to the culture as a whole? ... Actually, yes. You do. And you're profiting off it.

...I think I went off on a tad of a tangent there. Gosh darn do I ever hate pop music. The only thing worse as a whole is rap music.


A Buck to the Face - The Mane Attraction

Check out my Patreon page to see how you can support me and what you can get in return: http://www.patreon.com/Brawny_Buck I haven't wanted to bring divine retribution on a character this bad since Suri Polomare. Even then, I only despised her actions.


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