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Greetings, Since 2012, there have been a lot of different instances where one of the show's characters has been accused of having an "out of character moment." While it can be easy to see where they're coming from, it's certainly not always the case. I'd like to address just a few of the bigger ones today. I believe that by asking the right questions and using the proper analytical tools, then we can get to the bottom of what's truly going on in the characterization. Let's start with the pretense of trying to figure out what the writers' intentions were and the understanding that humans are complex beings with flexible personalities. Maybe we can continue to enjoy the show better as a result. This is a topic with a lot of greatly differing opinions. I was originally going to briefly touch on all of them, but that script was barreling towards thirty minutes with no sign of slowing down or stopping. So in the interest of everyone's time (including myself), I decided to focus on the three biggest complaints; inconsistent characterization, lack of growth or repeating lessons as well as altogether lack of characterization. Since Spike, Fluttershy and King Sombra are given these critiques the most; it seemed fitting to use them as the lens of which I focus the topic through. My intention is that the points made in this video can be applied across the board to most of the other accusations of this nature from across the series. I look forward to seeing your thoughts on it.


Brony Debates - Understanding Characterization

Check out my Patreon page to see how you can support me and what you can get in return: http://www.patreon.com/Brawny_Buck Greetings, Since 2012, there have been a lot of different instances where one of the show's characters has been accused of having an "out of character moment."


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