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Greetings, Today, I'd like you to consider the implications of rejecting a gift that was generously made for you by a friend. I also examine what it's like to change yourself to try to please others and the consequence of not standing by what you believe in or giving into peer pressure for the wrong reasons. Be sure to let me know what you think. I almost gave up on this video because I was having trouble finding the words to all of this. Partially because of Digibrony and Bronycurious. If the episode really is that deep and meta as they say (I have no way of knowing if it actually is or isn't), the knowledge of that possibility made it difficult for me because I kept looking at the episode through the lens of a creative professional. Then I’ve been on the wrong end of this moral almost every time that I've directed something. So I couldn’t find the words for that either. Even then, I'd risk being a hypocrite. Then I looked past everything that others had said previously. I removed the meta jokes and saw the scenario for the implications it could have had on their friendship. Then it clicked. Make Suggestions: Ponies News Brony Topics General News/Current Events Episode Reviews Fanfiction Reviews Product Reviews Contact: http://brawny-buck.tumblr.com


Moral of the Story - Suited For Success

Check out my Patreon page to see how you can support me and what you can get in return: http://www.patreon.com/Brawny_Buck Greetings, Today, I'd like you to consider the implications of rejecting a gift that was generously made for you by a friend.


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