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Emails have been sent to the new artists. Four of the five new comics have artists attached to them. However, until I see pages start to come in, I won't announce which artist is doing which comic. Don't want to get anyone's hopes up, especially mine.

However, that meant that a fifth artist won't have any comics assigned to them, and a fifth comic, one which was not chosen by any of the artists, will be paused for now.

So what has artists attached to them?

Bela Novak and the Battling Recruit [F->Dragon, F->Anthro Snake]
An American Skullwolf in London [F-Feral Skullwolf]
Beach Party Inflatable [F->Living Inflatable Dragon]
Kelley Quinn's First Change (SubscribeStar only) [F->Anthro Lizard + F/M Sex]

NFTF: Nikko's final page is ready to go and scheduled to post at noon on September 25, 2023, central time. This means that the comic will be archived soon afterwards. Like all previous comics, the pages are also included as a ZIP file to download easily with the final page. Make sure to save these to a safe place so you don't lose them.

LuNoir Dinner and Anita Schlossinger are still running, just far behind right now. So these two comics will be staggered with the new pages as I can release them.

If subscriptions tick back up, I'll work on a new unrelated comic to also intertwine, to give the fifth artist a shot at doing something for the project and increase the chances that we're back to a page per week uploads on all three tiers here.

Which of the four comics are you most looking forward to?


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