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Written by Lizardman / Artwork by Carlos Eduardo Cunha

NOTE: Due to real life issues plaguing the artist of the Bela Novak comic, we have indefinitely postponed that comic to give the artist a chance to get more pages done before returning to it. In the meantime, Carlos Eduardo Cunha has stepped up to do the fifth official LycanthropeLand shared universe comic, which would have been hinted at in Mary Stewart and the Day After and in Bela Novak and the Eternal Evil comics. So this surprise is moved up to now. Please visit Carlos's art gallery and let him know how much you enjoy his art, since he got this entire page, from layout to finished colors, done in less than 24 hours to make it on time for this Friday's post.

A blonde, sexy woman with an aluminum baseball bat wanders down a gritty, dark alleyway to threaten someone inside. But who is she and what does she want with the man?

Artist gallery: https://www.facebook.com/carloseduardocunhaart



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