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Lots of fixes and addressed issues, also new additional log and more info. I decided not to make it separate version though since next one should be it and add more content. 

Installation for pre-0.3.40 versions:

1.Remove or rename data.pck from your game's folder

2.Unpack data.zip from downloaded archive

3.Put data.zip into your game's folder where data.pck was

4.Start the game



  • Fixed removing fade to black option for slave tab
  • Hopefully fixed disappearing slave list


  • Added option to disable screen fading animation
  • Added side log panel for better info
  • Library assignment gives bonus exp dependant on Wit
  • Updated traits descriptions
  • Rape actions will cause stress in most cases
  • Prude trait will cause stress on uncommon sex
  • Same-sex actions will cause stress if slave has no bisexual trait
  • Undeserved sex punishments will also affect loyalty
  • Greatly increased effectiveness of punishments towards obedience
  • Frequency of daily events reduced
  • Fixed low obedience having no impact on consesual sex (no more forced sex unlocks with no consequences)
  • Fixed wearing no underwear to cause loyalty growth instead of lust
  • Fixed some issues related to main menu, music and hotkeys
  • Fixed hollowed nipples upgrade causing errors

 pck version:


Full older version:










Thanks for the added transition option Maverik. However, I tried starting a new game and immediately I couldn't click on any of the slave tabs. They would simply return me to the Mansion tab. Edit: This issue seems directly related to the transition animation option. I don't have the same issue with the animations enabled.


residentslinescript.gd is missing a check for the new "fadinganimation" variable on line 15. If you want to hotfix it, open up data.zip and navigate to files/scripts/, open residentslinescript.gd, and change line 15 from if OS.get_name() != "HTML5": to if OS.get_name() != "HTML5" && globals.rules.fadinganimation == true:


there is some issues with the slave tab, sometimes hey vanish and in the console it states:


ERROR: ZipArchive::get_file_handle: Condition ' !f ' is true. returned: 0 At: core\io\file_access_zip.cpp:134 ERROR: FileAccessZip::_open: Condition ' !zfile ' is true. returned: FAILED At: core\io\file_access_zip.cpp:273 ERROR: FileAccessZip::get_buffer: Condition ' !zfile ' is true. returned: -1 At: core\io\file_access_zip.cpp:337 ERROR: Unrecognized binary resource file: res://files/listline.tscn.converted.scn At: core\io\resource_format_binary.cpp:911 ERROR: ResourceFormatLoader::load: Condition ' err!=OK ' is true. returned: RES() At: core\io\resource_loader.cpp:142 ERROR: Failed loading resource: res://files/listline.tscn At: core\io\resource_loader.cpp:218 SCRIPT ERROR: rebuild_slave_list: Attempt to call function 'instance' in base 'null instance' on a null instance. At: res://files/scripts/Mansion.gd:207

Kaerea Shine

It seems the mediafire link is sending me to a permission denied page


(Repost because it looks like the comment system ate my post again) For the ZIP archive bug that's been reported a few times now, I still haven't had it happen to me but I've been looking into it. The documentation for Godot claims that once a resource has been loaded from disk, subsequent calls for that resource will be given the same copy, so it shouldn't be accessing the ZIP archive unless (a) it's the first time loading the scene or (b) the scene has been garbage-collected and is no longer in memory. Since rebuild_slave_list() is freeing all the references to listline.tscn before calling load on it again to repopulate the list, it's likely causing the ZIP-archive to be accessed everytime the function is called. It would probably be better to add a permanent weak reference to listline at the beginning of Mansion.gd: var listline_ref = load("res://files/listline.tscn") Then instance that reference in rebuild_slave_list(): node = listline_ref.instance() That way, the scene should stay in memory and only one disk-read should happen. I ran Process Monitor to check the number of disk-reads that are happening with each method, and as it is now, listline.tscn is loaded 18 times in a row when a save is loaded, then once per slave whenever the list is rebuilt; this is probably causing the intermittent error. By adding the weak reference, it's reduced to once only. Here's the monitor results: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/eM2BcvF.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/eM2BcvF.png</a>


Here is the log window messages when I noticed the Energy amount didn't update. Looks like it might be similar to the blank slave list. ERROR: ZIPArchive::get_file_handle: Condition ‘ if ‘ is true. returned: 0 At: core\io\file_access_zip.cpp:134 ERROR: FileAccessZip::_open: Condition ‘ !zfile ‘ is true. returned: FAILED At: core\io\file_access_zip.cpp:273 ERROR: FileAccessZip::get_buffer: Condition ‘ !zfile ‘ is true. returned: -1 At: core\io\file_access_zip.cpp:337 ERROR: Unrecognized binary resource file: res://files/Mansion.scn At: core\io\resource_format_binary.cpp:911 ERROR: ResourceFormatLoader::load: Condition ‘ err !=OK ‘ is true. returned: RES() At: core\io\resource_loader.cpp:142 ERROR: Failed loading resource file: res://files/Mansion.scn At: core\io\resource_loader.cpp:218 SCRIPT ERROR: resource.mana_set: Invalid call. Nonexistent function ‘get_node’ in base ‘String’. At: res://globals.gd:179 SCRIPT ERROR: resource.energy_set: Invalid call. Nonexistent function ‘get_node’ in base ‘String’. At: res://globals.gd:175