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As new parts of main quest still being developed (lots of text and plot, I'm not very proud of writing) here's some latest fixes and features. Hopefully I fixed an old issue with data.zip compilations so now you technically should be able to change view and change code if you wish so (easy modding). 


1.Remove or rename data.pck from your game's folder

2.Unpack data.zip from downloaded archive

3.Put data.zip into your game's folder where data.pck was

4.Start the game

0.3.40a Hotfix:




  • Added new slave tab with bunch of technical info
  • Threesomes can only be done once a day now
  • Prisoners can be accessed from slave list now (click on the Prison label)
  • Cleaning mansion job now provides exp
  • Devoted trait now acquired on 90 affection points instead of 75 loyalty
  • Undeserved beating will also cause loyalty to drop
  • Added refresh button to the portrait section and disabled automatic refresh on every opening
  • Fixed hotkeys triggering when entering nicknames and searches and some other input errors
  • Fixed events about two different slaves using same slave for both places
  • Fixed praising and gifting resetting affection points


Full older version:










I can't figure out how to implement the update. Please help.


Rename/relocated data.pck from game folder. Put data.zip there instead.


Thank you. I was doing it wrong. I tried to rename the wrong file. Thanks again.


do i put the whole folder in? do i leave it zipped? do i get rid of the old data.pck and call the folder data or data.pck? Iv'e tried all that and cant figure out what i did wrong.


You should be just fine with replacing data.pck with data.zip. What's your OS?


Windows instructions: <a href="https://imgur.com/a/DSU5M" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/DSU5M</a> (Sorry if this is posted twice, but I think my VPN is causing my comments to be dropped)


well then i thought you weren't supposed to keep data.pck ("replace" in the original post confused me). thank you kind sir.


Since I'm a Unity guy and haven't ever touched Godot, I figured I'd jot down my findings on adding/modifying Strive. For starters, extract the contents of the data.zip archive into a folder - I named mine "data", but feel free to name it whatever. Since the base scripts will be overwritten anytime Maverick releases a new version, anyone serious about adding a significant amount of content to Strive will want to create as much of their custom code as possible in custom scripts (put another way, change the default scripts as little as possible, since you have to go re-inject your code with every new release). To get started, lets try getting any kind of custom code injected into the game. I created a new script called mods.gd in the directory "data/files/scripts". This script is just going to add some custom text onto a slave's Talk action. It looks like this: # Begin mods.gd Script extends Node var append_text = " Also, did you know you can insert extra scripts, Master?" func extra_dialog(text): return text + append_text # End mods.gd Script (Note that anything on a line beginning with a hash symbol is just a comment and can be left out). I'm not going to go too deep into code explanation here, but essentially I have defined a new string variable and a new function which will add that string to the end of whatever text is passed to the function and then return it. To get Godot to recognize this script, we have to instantiate it in the globals.gd script, located in the root of the data folder. At the top of globals.gd, you'll see a number of load calls to the games other scripts, we'll add our custom script by adding the following line: var mods = load("res://files/scripts/mods.gd").new() Now that Godot knows our script exists, all we have to do is call our custom function from somewhere. In this case, I'm, going to add a call to the new extra_dialog() function to the end of the _on_talk_pressed() function in "actions.gd": # The next line is the new code addition, the function is accessed as a method of the # 'mods' class we created in globals.gd text = globals.mods.extra_dialog(text); # And now back to the rest of the script get_tree().get_current_scene().popup(slave.dictionary(text)) From here we should be ready to test. Use whatever program you have to add the contents of the data folder to an archive named "data.zip" (Make sure you don't add the 'data' folder itself! If you open the archive, you should NOT see a single folder named 'data' as the top-level contents, but rather the 21 files and 1 directory contained inside 'data'). Add this to your Strive folder, making sure that any existing data.zip or data.pck files are renamed, moved, or deleted. Run the game, and you should get the following: <a href="https://imgur.com/a/wyMyh" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/wyMyh</a>


Great post! You should've probably made a separate topic for it though. Also I believe you might be able to extract everything from zip file and still have it work without data pack.


I was wondering if you could unlock/increase the frame rate as the current frame rate makes the mouse really laggy.


I'll check this out, but if you mean custom mouse cursor, you can disable it in the options.


Version 3.40 using save from 3.39a Opened the save and clicked on various icons for several slaves in the slave list. No error messages in the log window. Then I went to town, purchased a slave for a repeatable quest and sent her for Survival training. Next, I saved the game. I clicked on one of the slave list icons. The following message appeared in the log window. The message appeared for every combination of icon and slave. SCRIPT ERROR: buildmetrics: Invalid get index ‘jail’ (on base ‘Dictionary). At: res://files/scripts/slave_tab.gd:117 On pressing the End Day button, Day number, money, food, mansion cleanliness, and slave experience were incremented, but the day end summary wasn’t generated. SCRIPT ERROR: _on_end_pressed: Invalid get index ‘randompartners’ (on base ‘Dictionary). At: res://files/scripts/Mansion.gd:498 At some point which I can’t replicate the game became unresponsive, perhaps stuck in an infinite loop as error lines were being written to the log window too fast to read.


Will upload a fix in a bit. Alternatively you can go to globals.gd, find line var gameversion = 0338 and change it to var gameversion = 0340.

Mathieu Duval

I can confirm that the game cant start if we only have the unzipped version of data,zip . Also, to edit the new games option, i need to edit slavegen.gd right ? Cause from what i saw it dont really work a all.


No, it should start with both data.zip and unzipped (you probably shouldn't unzip if you are not sure what you are doing). You shouldn't need to edit anything either with 40a version.


Is there a place to download the 40a version? I tried downloading and replacing, it doesn't work.


It should work if it loads. I forgot to add 'a' to the version number on main screen.


This may seem like a stupid question. But how exactly do you start Tisha's quest? Do you brand Emily or not in order to do so? I feel like I'm missing something.


Additionally, you can't actually exit to the main menu via the options menu. Also every now and then for some reason my Residents number will go to zero and my residents tab will be empty of.. well... residents. (They are all still there as far as I can tell. Restarting the game fixes this issue.) As for feature requests, is there some way to add a toggle in the options to turn off the fade in/out between tab transitions?


You need to let emily go and then wait for her return. Then after some time the quest will trigger.


Have you updated to 40a? Is there anything in the bug console? You should be able to leave to the main menu from options.

Just a Genius

could you possibly give a brief explanation on what the Atypical background actually does. I don't know if its just me but the description is a little vague. oh and love the new updates. :)


Atypical basically means 'can be almost anything' in terms of stats, skills etc. Poor or slave origins will generally be low on stats but high on obedience, rich/royal will be high on stats but low on obedience. Atypical can be anything on stats and (generally) neutral on obedience.

Just a Genius

aside from the little snippet when you hover the mouse over it.


Using the OS platform. Renaming data.pck and putting data.zip into the contents folder makes it so that the game doesn't start. Do you know what I'm doing wrong?


Version 40a Slave list blank. I hadn’t been watching the log window so I missed the action that triggered this series of errors: ERROR: ZipArchive::get_file_handle: Condition ’ !f ‘ is true. Returned: 0 At: core\io\file_access_zip.cpp:134 ERROR: FileAccessZip::open: Condition ‘ !zfile ‘is true. Returned: FAILED At: core\io\file_access_zip.cpp:273 ERROR: FileAccessZip::get_len: Condition ‘ !zfile ‘is true. Returned: 0 At: core\io\file_access_zip.cpp:317 ERROR: FileAccessZip::get_buffer: Condition ‘ !zfile ‘is true. Returned: -1 At: core\io\file_access_zip.cpp:337 ERROR: GDScript:: load_source_code: Condition ‘ r!=len ‘ is true. Returned: ERR_CANT_OPEN At: modules\gdscript\gd_script.cpp:759 ERROR: ResourceFormatLoaderGDScript::load Condition ‘ err!=OK ‘ is true. Returned: RES() At: modules\gdscript\gd_script.cpp:1867 ERROR: Failed loading resource: res://files/scripts/residentslinescript.gd At: core\io\resource_loader.cpp:218 ERROR: Can’t load dependancy: res://files/scripts/residentslinescript.gd At: core\io\resource_format_binary.cpp:681 ERROR: ResourceFormatLoader::load Condition ‘ err!=OK ‘ is true. Returned: RES() At: core\io\resource_loader.cpp:142 ERROR: Failed loading resource: res://files/scripts/listline.tscn At: core\io\resource_loader.cpp:218 SCRIPT ERROR: rebuild_slave_list: Attempt to call function ‘instance’ in base ‘null instance’ on a null instance. At: res://files/script/Mansion.gd:206


The three times I've had this occur happened when trying to load the slave list. Two occurred when loading a save, the other when clicking Next Day. It happens infrequently, but I haven't tried to count the proportion of failed attempts to load. I did unpack the zip file and am running a game using the unpacked files. Haven't tested it enough to say that unpacking solves the issue, though I suspect it does.