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Surprisingly the previous poll has split somewhat even, which means we might see two different systems in strive 2. But for this time I'll go through major changes on the current sex system before we will be considering further changes. 

Lots of the stuff I'll be explaining is related to the background of the system, so you might no get what's this about, unless you have been looking into code. 

Firstly, my personal issue with current sex system, is that it's not very intuitive and lots of the stuff happening without player knowing, so we cut down those and replace them with something more obvious. 

Slave reaction. Currently slaves can 'react' in 3 different ways to every action. Like it, be okay with it and dislike it. It's based on slave's stats, such as lewdness and lust, and sometimes traits and decide how much stats slave receive from action. Except there was not much of indication of actual reaction, and past certain point you will only generally get positive reaction from anything. What made it worse, is it also bloated event code significantly. 

Lube mechanic: you could've observe it during earlier iterations of sex system, and even though icon has been hidden in later, it still exists. Basically the idea behind lubrication mechanic was to present a foreplay opportunity which in turn would make slaves react better to harsher actions. And it had same issues as the previous entry: non-indicative, can be quickly ignored later on. 

So, with this in mind, I've decided that the system should be built around specific goal: achieve as many orgasms as possible (be it specific slave or more). The secondary goal, is to provide more depth and make foreplay also useful in it (since it gives less stats it may be ignored easily). Now onto direct corrections:

  • Slaves orgasm as they acquire enough lust points
  • Instead of lube mechanic, I've added "Arousal" state. While not aroused, slave only receive half of the lust points.
  • Different actions give different amount of both lust and arousal points, so foreplay actions will arouse partner faster
  • Continuous actions will only produce half of the points starting the second turn (so setting everything on repeat and passing turns is a poor decision now)
  • Already performed actions on the slave during this interaction will be slightly less effective with every repeat  (so spaming single action will also be a poor decision)
  • Orgasms are generally much slower to achieve (partly due to removal or reaction system which doubles stat gain on positive reactions)
  • Sex traits being reworked: now they are often tied to specific action group making slave get more arousal/lust from specific actions
  • Some items will be making it into sex system as well, giving a buff to stat gains or making slaves instantly aroused. 

In a previous post I've mentioned how the system will not be used in same manner as strive 1 to generate mana for days. So what is it for now? Basically it will be improving slave's behavior (obedience, loyalty) and might provide some working buffs. It will also build up a lewdness stat which will be utilized by certain skills including mana gain. 

Let me know what you think about it and thanks for the attention. 


Just a Genius

This all sounds fantastic. glad to see your streamlining the system so much. small question though, is it possible you could integrate a adaptive slave image system of sorts? similar to what you already did for the "story characters" how with certain actions or situations their image changes accordingly. for example, switching from standard to nude image during sex. maybe giving the player the option of choosing multiple pictures for each slave.


Sounds amazing can't wait to see the sequel.


What will you do with the more extreme options you had in strive 1? removal or will you also implement them?


Yeah, the major problem I've seen in most text-based games like these is that every orgasm description is the same, alongside with them sometimes being too long. Having more writers would hopefully solve that.


We will see about that. It wouldn't be that hard to add, but I'm not sure if there's going to be the same definitions I've used in strive 1. If you mean just the nude option, then no problem.


The system is entirely copied from strive 1, so it will feature same actions, unless I decide that action has no place in it.


Did not know where to ask this so I will ask here to. I am using the latest version 0.5.24c and letting the girl do footjob's, oral and giving rimjob but dom/role pref. does not go up, I can get it to go down but not up. What action do I need to do to make the girl role preference go up.


I suggest you to go to discord channel for game related questions :)


I like the new direction you are talking about for the sex system. Specifically an emphasis on foreplay will increase the immersion of the player into the experience - in the current Strive after unlocking sex with the slave, I am almost encouraged to just spam the button - though the slave's desires do make an attempt to encourage you to pay attention. Also, I like the sound of a buff that sticks around for a while, rather than the unquenched lust thing. Maybe a variety of buffs depending on the nature of the slave or the sex... Keep up the good work, Maverick :)