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Right now I'm working on transfering of sex interaction system to sequel, but it does not appear to be exactly fitting with whole game tone. I have an idea to revamp it significantly which will involve redisign of all actions which might take time. What holds me back is that the old design has its own merits so I decided to put it on the vote. 

Default system: Basically the system current strive has with some corrections: the idea is that you have access to many slaves and many actions since very first days so you can engage in any combinations you like or want to try out. This is more of a sandbox approach with pretty low rewards.

Arcade system: The new system which will be greatly reliant on progress, rewards and some forms of training and choices. The downsides are: will take some additional time to design and implement; will be far more restrictive with allowed actions and options especially at the start, so inner roleplay value is pretty low. 

Please keep in mind that neither will be impacting gameplay outside of it greatly and mana generation will be handled differently in sequel for that matter. In case votes would split somewhat evenly, I will probably keep both systems and make them optional. 


Kevin Love

Make them (and me) work for it! More work for you, but it should be better in the long run.


I love the old sandbox system it has so many choices of interactions you can do and I feel of you if you do the arcade version it will only limit the fun of those decisions


I don't mind more work, but freedom is key.


I feel like there are mechanisms of progression in place even in the old sandbox system depending on how the master cultivates their slaves and this corresponded well to role-playing. For example building a relationship of high obedience/loyalty before initiating intimacy (by consent) to avoid penalties to obedience and loyalty that might create penalties for how those slaves behave. Inversely one could build and maintain high fear to minimize those penalties. There's also the system of unlocking fetishes which enable unusual bilateral (M<->S) actions or reduces or reverses penalties for unilateral (M->S) actions . It could be tuned to enhance the consequences of upsetting slaves with disliked actions such that loyalty/obedience is lost and work efficiency/escape chance changes. All that said, maybe I'm just describing the changes you envision to create the arcade system or a rewrite could result in something better - hard to say without more detail or direct testing.


There is technically some progression, but as I said, the main goal of old system is freedom and imagination. Arcade system would be much more clear, restricted and directed.

Andrea Digney

I like the idea of progression because I like feeling like I've earned things.


As long as the main goal of the sex interaction part is to generate mana, all of the choices never meant much to me, as I would default to the most effective ones all the time and skipping through the "chore" later on. Now unlocking actions could shake it up, but mostly it would be nice if the choices had an influence on the characters outside of the sex interaction. Like SM choices increasing the damage characters can take in combat. I ddon't know, and it's up to you, but I would vote for changes to the old system, regardless of what they are, because the old system just made me skip it.


I like the combinations and options you can get with the old system. But it would be great to try something new.


I wouldn't mind some changes and upgrades but I really don't want to see restrictions or feel like I'm limited at the beginning. Like Ross Ramsay said freedom is key and I personally feel drawn to this style of gaming because it's feels much more imaginative and not like your following a linear path.


Is both an option? I kind of like the idea of an arcade style system for unlocking quirks and such. Actually "breaking" in a slave. But think the Sandbox should also be an option for fun sexy times. Sort of like, "Arcade is for advancement" and "Sandbox is for playing around". Probably some sort of rewards for sandbox as well, but maybe different rewards?


From my understanding it seems like sandbox mode is more for the experienced master who has already had many women, verses arcade mode which is more for the inexperienced master who is starting to experiment with new ideas and positions


The idea of implementing both and choose one in option menu certainly sounds most appealing even if it'll take more time to make.


I think a mix could make for an interesting approach. What I would like is a way to also to train more traits into servants such as dominant or submissive and "likes-it-rough", just traits that could also be learned behaviors. on that same thought, what about a trait called "switch", acquired when a servant has both the traits dominant and submissive (loosing both dominant and submissive traits while retaining the effects of both). idk, just a thought XD