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I'm glad that you supported me, but I feel like some people didn't quite understood the meaning of previous post so I want to clarify things directly before more misunderstanding spreads.

Q. Strive failed as a game in your perception?

A. No, I'm fairly satisfied with what has been done. Admittedly, we could have done slightly more, or completely reassembled the engine to make more space for everything new, but I'm against it. Once main story quest has been finished, I knew there's not much left to do (even though we added a bunch of new quests and scenes after that) and I'm strictly against working on single project ad nauseam just for the sake of milking it. I'm starting new project not because Strive goes to the trash can, but because I believe its mostly finished and it's time for new experiments.

Q. Strive is abandoned?

A.  I'm a bit annoyed at myself that the news about new project and new goals were interpreted this way.  No, I never said that. Previous post specifically was explaining it being slowed down, which means it still being worked on, but with lower regularity. We might refrain from big narrative additions at this point for reasons I named in previous post, but its quite manageable to introduce a heavy update on the gameplay side. 

That being said, I hope you understand our situation better. 



Like you a lot, like the way you handle those thin 😉 Don't worry too much and do what you want to do with smile 😊


Personally I'd also very appreciate if there's post with a rough outline on what can we expect of the new project that will become the main focus of this patreon. Currently the information on the new project is rather... bare.


Honestly, I've been considering dropping anyways due to the focus shift to combat over the last half year or so (aside from the interaction system that was lacking in written content, it's been mostly combat). Hearing that strive is more or less abandoned ('lesser focus' projects generally don't get more than 1-2 updates after becoming 'lesser focus', although this may prove to be one of the rare exceptions), and that you're moving on to a combat focused thing kinda seals it. I wish you the best, but it doesn't sound like your new project will interest me. I'd probably have stuck around to glance at the new thing if you'd froze your patreon until you had a demo, but you aren't talking about that at all.


Yes, Maverik, because right now this patreon lifes from a single project Strive, that you just "slowed down" (I know it's like with all games after release but you simply worded that wrong, sorry). Please release more info on your future projects, because i think many people here wont invest in a project they dont know much about.


What raska42 said goes at least a little bit in the direction i feel. I mostly enjoy the management part of Strive and all the customization systems. I will stick around with my support and hope to find your new project appealing. For me the 5$ is a reasonable price to see Strive finished. Just let me say that Strive is one of very few games i start a new game every few months. It doesn't get old as you get a new "team" each time and the updates in the meantime are the reason it never feels completely the same. I think I will miss this. But if you say it will be complete soon and there will not be much content in the future because of that then that's okay, too, i guess. At least it feels like a complete game. There are not too many projects I am interested in on patreon to say this about. :)


I've really enjoyed your game so far, and I look forward to whatever you create next. Please keep up the great work.